14 research outputs found

    Quantum state manipulation and science of ultracold molecules

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    An increasingly large variety of molecular species are being cooled down to low energies in recent years, and innovative ideas and powerful techniques continue to emerge to gain ever more precise control of molecular motion. In this brief review we focus our discussions on two widely employed cooling techniques that have brought molecular gases into the quantum regime: association of ultracold atomic gases into quantum gases of molecules and direct laser cooling of molecules. These advances have brought into reality our capability to prepare and manipulate both internal and external states of molecules quantum mechanically, opening the field of cold molecules to a wide range of scientific explorations.Comment: 5 figure

    A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules

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    Experimental realization of a quantum degenerate gas of molecules would provide access to a wide range of phenomena in molecular and quantum sciences. However, the very complexity that makes ultracold molecules so enticing has made reaching degeneracy an outstanding experimental challenge over the past decade. We now report the production of a degenerate Fermi gas of ultracold polar molecules of potassium–rubidium (KRb). Through coherent adiabatic association in a deeply degenerate mixture of a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate and a potassium Fermi gas, we produce molecules at temperatures below 0.3 times the Fermi temperature. We explore the properties of this reactive gas and demonstrate how degeneracy suppresses chemical reactions, making a long-lived degenerate gas of polar molecules a reality

    Resonant collisional shielding of reactive molecules using electric fields

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    Full control of molecular interactions, including reactive losses, would open new frontiers in quantum science. Here, we demonstrate extreme tunability of chemical reaction rates by using an external electric field to shift excited collision channels of ultracold molecules into degeneracy with the initial collision channel. In this situation, resonant dipolar interactions mix the channels at long range, dramatically altering the intermolecular potential. We prepare fermionic potassium-rubidium (KRb) molecules in their first excited rotational state and observe a three orders-of-magnitude modulation of the chemical reaction rate as we tune the electric field strength by a few percent across resonance. In a quasi-two-dimensional geometry, we accurately determine the contributions from the three lowest angular momentum projections of the collisions. Using the resonant features, we shield the molecules from loss and suppress the reaction rate by up to an order of magnitude below the background value, realizing a long-lived sample of polar molecules in large electric fields.Comment: 17+4 pages, 4+1 figure

    Dynamical generation of spin squeezing in ultra-cold dipolar molecules

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    We study a bulk fermionic dipolar molecular gas in the quantum degenerate regime confined in a two-dimensional geometry. We consider two rotational states that encode a spin 1/2 degree of freedom. We derive a long-range interacting XXZ model describing the many-body spin dynamics of the molecules valid in the regime where motional degrees of freedom are frozen. Due to the spatially extended nature of the harmonic oscillator modes, the interactions in the spin model are very long-ranged and the system behaves close to the collective limit, resulting in robust dynamics and generation of entanglement in the form of spin squeezing even at finite temperature and in presence of dephasing and chemical reactions. We demonstrate how the internal state structure can be exploited to realise time-reversal and enhanced metrological sensing protocols.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures + supplementary (12 pages, 6 figures

    A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules

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    Experimental realization of a quantum degenerate gas of molecules would provide access to a wide range of phenomena in molecular and quantum sciences. However, the very complexity that makes ultracold molecules so enticing has made reaching degeneracy an outstanding experimental challenge over the past decade. We now report the production of a degenerate Fermi gas of ultracold polar molecules of potassium–rubidium (KRb). Through coherent adiabatic association in a deeply degenerate mixture of a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate and a potassium Fermi gas, we produce molecules at temperatures below 0.3 times the Fermi temperature. We explore the properties of this reactive gas and demonstrate how degeneracy suppresses chemical reactions, making a long-lived degenerate gas of polar molecules a reality

    Generation of human memory stem T cells after haploidentical T-replete hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Memory stem T cells (TSCM) have been proposed as key determinants of immunologic memory. However, their exact contribution to a mounting immune response, as well as the mechanisms and timing of their in vivo generation, are poorly understood. We longitudinally tracked TSCM dynamics in patients undergoing haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), thereby providing novel hints on the contribution of this subset to posttransplant immune reconstitution in humans. We found that donor-derived TSCM are highly enriched early after HSCT. We showed at the antigen-specific and clonal level that TSCM lymphocytes can differentiate directly from naive precursors infused within the graft and that the extent of TSCM generation might correlate with interleukin 7 serum levels. In vivo fate mapping through T-cell receptor sequencing allowed defining the in vivo differentiation landscapes of human naive T cells, supporting the notion that progenies of single naive cells embrace disparate fates in vivo and highlighting TSCM as relevant novel players in the diversification of immunological memory after allogeneic HSCT