4 research outputs found

    Modulo-Variable Expansion Sensitive Scheduling

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    Modulo scheduling is an aggressive scheduling technique for loops that exploit instruction-level parallelism by overlapping successive iterations of the loop. Due to the nature of modulo scheduling, the lifetime of a variable can overlap with a subsequent definition of itself. To handle such overlapping lifetimes, modulo-variable expansion (MVE) is used, wherein the constructed schedule is unrolled a number of times. We propose a technique to improve the constructed schedule while performing MVE. In our approach, we unroll the data dependence graph of the original loop and re-schedule it with a MVE-sensitive scheduler. Such an approach is expected to result in better initiation rates as compared to the traditional approach. We have implemented our approach and evaluated its performance on a large number of scientific benchmark kernels

    Thesis Abstract M.Sc. (Engng) IISc THESES ABSTRACTS Evaluation of register allocation and instruction scheduling methods in multiple issue

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    Exploiting greater instruction-level parallelism (ILP) through multiple instruction issue and execution has gained significant importance in modern processors for achieving higher performance. Compilation techniques can analyze the program to expose parallelism, transform the program to enhance the parallelism, and schedule the program to exploit parallelism. Thi