61 research outputs found

    Cut-off points for isometric handgrip and low limb explosive strength in relation to indicators of overweight/obesity in people with intellectual disabilities: analysis by age groups

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    Background The prevalence of overweight/obesity has been increasing globally and in people with Intellectual Disabilities (IDs), this problem is exacerbated even more, which added to a low physical condition that contributes to the deterioration of functionality and increases the risk of developing chronic diseases in the course of life. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish cut-off points for levels of isometric handgrip and low limb explosive strength in children, adolescents and adults, which identify overweight/obesity in people with IDs and their respective associations. Methods The sample was made up of 131 individuals with IDs, belonging to four special and community educational centres in the city of Santiago, Chile. Body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WHR) were used as indicators of overweight/obesity. Handgrip strength was used as a measure of isometric strength, and countermovement jump was used as a measure of low limb explosive strength. For the comparison of variables by age group, the analysis of Ancova, Kruskal–Wallis and chi-square tests were used. The total area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of isometric handgrip and low limb explosive strength was identified as an indicator of overweight/obesity according to age groups. A logistic regression model was used to quantify the effect that strength categories below the cut-off point have on the risk of overweight and obesity. Results Significant differences were observed between the age groups for body weight, height, BMI and WHR, as well as in the levels of absolute handgrip strength and vertical jump with countermovement (P ≤ 0.05). Children showed the lowest cut-off points for absolute and relative strength. The adolescent group showed the highest cut-off points for relative strength and countermovement jump and adults showed the highest value for absolute strength as indicators of overweight/obesity. Different associations between cut-off points with BMI and WHR were found. Conclusions Adolescents showed the highest cut-off point for relative strength and countermovement jump, and adults showed the highest value for absolute strength, according to overweight/obesity indicators (BMI and WHR). It is suggested to adjust resistance training programmes according to age categories for the prevention of overweight/obesity in people with IDs.Universidad de Granada/CBU

    [Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among teenage offenders].

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    BACKGROUND: There has been a significant number of adolescents admitted to National Youth Service of Chile (SENAME) detention centers in recent years, specifically since the promulgation of a law reform on juveniles' penal responsibility for people aged 14 to 18 years (2006). AIM: To determine the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in adolescent male offenders aged between 14 and 17 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Kids and Adolescents (MINI-KID) was applied to 489 adolescents admitted to detention centers, to determine the presence of psychiatric disorders. (Hypo) maniac episodes, eating disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, tic disorders, and psychotic disorders were excluded. Furthermore, for purposes of analysis, 23 cases that used a substance of abuse or had signs of consumption the day of the interview were excluded. RESULTS: Eighty six percent of respondents had at least one psychiatric disorder. The most common were substance use disorders (76%). Among these, marijuana dependence disorder had the higher frequency (51%). Disruptive behavior disorders had also a high prevalence (38%), followed by anxiety disorders (27%), attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (26%), and affective disorders (21%). CONCLUSIONS: There is a high prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among teenage offenders which could undermine rehabilitation

    Sector y antigüedad como factores pertinentes en la perspectiva del empresario colombiano con relación a la capacidad de absorción

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    El entorno competitivo actual con el que se enfrentan las empresas cada vez es más complejo por lo que el constante cambio en las organizaciones se convierte en una necesidad. La capacidad dinámica de absorción del conocimiento juega un papel determinante para la competitividad en las empresas y para la generación de valor de las mismas, dicha capacidad consta de las fases de adquisición, asimilación, transformación y explotación del conocimiento con la finalidad de generar nuevo conocimiento y así incentivar el ecosistema de innovación organizacional. Por medio del método de análisis de varianza ANOVA de un factor se determinó con un nivel de confianza del 95% que el sector y la antigüedad de la empresa presentan variaciones estadísticamente significativas en la perspectiva de los empresarios con relación a las dimensiones de la capacidad dinámica de absorción del conocimiento

    Study of induced skin reactions by vitamin K

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    La patología iatrogénica constituye en el momento actual una de las facetas más importantes de la dermatología. La vitamina K es un principio activo que se ha asociado a múltiples cuadros cutáneos adversos, que aunque son excepcionales, se han registrado repetidamente en la literatura. Adoptan un aspecto clínico, una morfología patológica y un curso pronóstico característico. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión informatizada y manual desde los primeros casos documentados en el año 1972 hasta el 2011. Se han descrito cuadros típicamente anafilactoides y reacciones cutáneas retardadas, del tipo eczema y placas de esclerosis cutánea. La patogenia es controvertida, parece que el mecanismo más implicado es de tipo inmunológico, aunque presenta alguna peculiaridad. Recientemente el uso de vitamina K por vía tópica en productos cosméticos ha favorecido la aparición de nuevas reacciones cutáneas adversas y probablemente en un futuro aumentaran por la mayor exposición a este producto.Iatrogenic pathology is one of the most important aspects of dermatology in these days. Vitamin K has been associated with adverse skin in multiple forms. These reactions are rare, but they occur repeatedly in the literature. They show a clinical aspect, a pathological morphology and characteristic prognosis course. In this article a computerized and manual revision is made since the first cases documented in 1972 until 2011. Anaphylactoid reactions, eczematous dermatitis and sclerosis plaques have been described. The pathogenesis is controversial. The mechanism involved seems to be immunological, although it has some peculiarities. Recently, the use of topical vitamin K in cosmetic products has encouraged the appearance of new adverse skin reactions which probably increase in the future by greater exposure to this product

    Fall risk detection mechanism in the elderly, based on electromyographic signals, through the use of artificial intelligence

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    Introduction: The tests used to classify older adults at risk of falls are questioned in literature. Tools from the field of artificial intelligence are an alternative to classify older adults more precisely. Objective: To identify the risk of falls in the elderly through electromyographic signals of the lower limb, using tools from the field of artificial intelligence. Methods: A descriptive study design was used. The unit of analysis was made up of 32 older adults (16 with and 16 without risk of falls). The electrical activity of the lower limb muscles was recorded during the functional walking gesture. The cycles obtained were divided into training and validation sets, and then from the amplitude variable, select attributes using the Weka software. Finally, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier was implemented. Results: A classifier of two classes (elderly adults with and without risk of falls) based on SVM was built, whose performance was: Kappa index 0.97 (almost perfect agreement strength), sensitivity 97%, specificity 100%. Conclusions: The SVM artificial intelligence technique applied to the analysis of lower limb electromyographic signals during walking can be considered a precision tool of diagnostic, monitoring and follow-up for older adults with and without risk of falls

    Optical properties from extinction cross-section of single pollen particles under laboratory-controlled relative humidity

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through projects ELPIS (PID2020-12001-5RB-I00), by the Junta de Andalucía Excellence project ADAPNE (P20-00136), AEROPRE (P-18-RT-3820), FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa, EQC2019-006423-P, INTEGRATYON (PID2020-117825 GB-C21 and PID2020-117825 GB-C22), the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through project ACTRIS. IMP (grant agreement No 871115), and ATMO-ACCESS (grant agreement No 101008004), and ACTRIS-España (RED2022-134824-E), FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades project DEM3TRIOS (A-RNM-430-UGR20) and by University of Granada Plan Propio through Excellence Research Unit Earth Science and Singular Laboratory AGORA (LS2022-1) programs and project Pre-GREENMITIGATION (PP2022.PP.34).A growing body of research suggests that pollen suspended in the atmosphere have a major environmental and climatic impact. However, our current knowledge of pollen is rather limited with respect to its extinction capacity, its optical properties and how these vary with atmospheric water content. Understanding their water absorption capacity can improve our understanding of their radiative effects and, thus, improve climate models. In this work, an electrodynamic Paul trap was coupled to a cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) to directly measure the ring down time () of four individual types of pollen particles: Olea, Fraxinus, Populus and Salix exposed to changing relative humidity (RH). Resonant structures in values between ∼90 and 45 % RH indicated that pollen was wettable at high RHs. was used to calculate light extinction cross-section at 532 nm as a function of RH. Optical growth factor () was evaluated as the ratio between and From , the semi-empirical single hygroscopicity parameter () was found to be 0.038–0.058 for the four pollen types. Under controllable treatment of the water content and an adequate selection of complex refractive index , CRDS- data was fitted to theoretical from Mie theory. The reasonable agreement achieved allowed for gaining knowledge about the and how particle size shrugged during dehydration. As a result, a climate-lowering effect of Olea pollen particles, which contain a fraction of scattered aerosol, should be considered in the models.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-12001-5RB-I00)Junta de Andalucía Excellence: ADAPNE (P20-00136), AEROPRE (P-18-RT-3820), FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa, EQC2019-006423-P, INTEGRATYON (PID2020-117825GB-C21, PID2020-117825GB-C22)European Union's Horizon 2020 CTRIS.IMP 871115ATMO-ACCESS 101008004ACTRIS-España (RED2022-134824-E)FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades DEM3TRIOS (A-NM-430-UGR20)University of Granada LS2022-1, PP2022.PP.3

    Mental health and associated factors among young offenders in Chile: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies in Latin America have explored mental disorder among young offenders, or variables associated with it. AIMS: Our aim was to test for associations between childhood adversity or substance misuse and psychiatric disorders among young offenders. METHODS: Sentenced adolescent offenders were recruited from young offenders' institutions or community centres provided by the Chilean National Service for Minors. Psychiatric disorders were assessed using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, conducted by trained psychologists. A trained sociologist used an ad hoc interview to collect information about childhood experiences, including parenting, trauma, education and substance misuse. Multivariable logistic regressions were used to analyse data. RESULTS: The most prevalent psychiatric disorders among the 935 participants were marijuana dependence disorder, major depressive disorder, and anxiety disorders. Substance use disorders were less frequent among young offenders who were serving their sentence in young offenders' institutions than among those serving in community centres and more frequent among those who started to use marijuana at an earlier age. Among other variables, childhood maltreatment was related to major depressive disorder, and maternal death to anxiety disorders. Higher educational status was related to a lower frequency of depressive and anxiety disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that greater efforts must be made to identify vulnerable young people much earlier. Few of these young offenders with mental health problems had been well adjusted in health, education or socially before this period of detention. © 2017 The Authors. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Modelos de comunicación más aplicables a la práctica y didáctica del diseño gráfico

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    This text is a scientific and technological research article, generated with the objective of analyzing the structure of communication models for the recognition of affinity and application in graphic design projects. For this purpose, an extensive review of the communication models was carried out and those that have historically been most significant were compiled, either due to the theoretical framework or the contextual framework in which they were developed. Once the delimitation of the study models was carried out, their basic characteristics were analyzed, such as: a) elements that constitute them, b) dynamics and operation of the models, c) entry and direction of information, d) discipline of origin, e) areas and forms of application in graphic design, f) complexity of visual reading and navigation of the scheme; with which an evaluation rubric by categories was developed. The models were classified using an instrument that had three applicability assessments for each category, resulting in a hierarchy that allowed us to define the ten models that have, in various measures, greater proximity to the practice of graphic design. The results are of interest to the graphic design profession, as well as teaching within the discipline.El presente texto es un artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica, generado con el objetivo de analizar la estructura de los modelos de comunicación para el reconocimiento de la afinidad y aplicación en los proyectos de diseño gráfico. Para lo cual, se realizó una extensa revisión de los modelos comunicativos y se compilaron los que históricamente han sido más significativos, ya sea por el marco teórico o por el marco contextual en el que se desarrollaron. Una vez efectuada la delimitación de los modelos de estudio, se analizaron sus características básicas, como: a) elementos que los constituyen, b) dinámica y funcionamiento de los modelos, c) ingreso y dirección de la información, d) disciplina de procedencia, e) áreas y formas de aplicación en el diseño gráfico, f) complejidad de la lectura visual y navegación del esquema; con lo cual se desarrolló una rúbrica de evaluación por categorías. Los modelos fueron clasificados mediante un instrumento que contó con tres valoraciones de aplicabilidad por cada categoría, derivando en una jerarquización que permitió definir los diez modelos que poseen en diversas medidas, mayor proximidad a la práctica del diseño gráfico. Los resultados son de interés para la profesión del diseño gráfico, así como de la enseñanza dentro de la disciplina

    Benefits of exercise and/or physical activity in the five types of cancer with the highest incidence and mortality worldwide: A narrative review

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    Esta revisión tiene como objetivo declarar los beneficios del ejercicio físico y/o la actividad física en los cinco tipos de cáncer con mayor tasa mortalidad en el mundo. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos: Pubmed, Cochrane, Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo (Latinoamérica) y Medline. Los términos usados para la búsqueda fueron: “cáncer de pulmón”, “cáncer de hígado”, “cáncer de mama”, “cáncer de estómago”, “cáncer de colon”, “ejercicio físico”, “actividad física”, “ejercicio de resistencia” y “ejercicio aeróbico”. El ejercicio físico y la actividad física han demostrado beneficios tanto en variables morfológicas, metabólicas y psicológicas, teniendo un impacto positivo en el aumento de la funcionalidad, esperanza de vida y calidad de vida en pacientes con cáncer. El ejercicio aeróbico demostró mayores beneficios en el consumo de oxígeno, además de una alta adherencia, mientras que el entrenamiento de fuerza en una mayor capacidad específicamente en los miembros inferiores.This review aims todeclarethe benefits of physical exercise and/or physical activity in thefive types of cancer with the highest mortality rate in the world. A search was carried out in the databases: Pubmed, Cochrane, Scopus, Web of science, Scielo (Latin America) and Medline. The terms used for the search were: “lung cancer,” “liver cancer,” “breast cancer,” “stomach cancer,” “colon cancer,” “physical exercise,” “physical activity,” “exercise.” resistance” and “aerobic exercise”. Physical exercise and physical activity have shown benefits in morphological, metabolic and psychological variables, having a positive impact on increasing functionality, life expectancy and quality of life in cancer patients. Aerobic exercise demonstrated greater benefits in oxygen consumption, in addition to high adherence, while strength training in greater capacity specifically in the lower limbs

    Beneficios del ejercicio y/o actividad física en los cinco tipos de cáncer con mayor incidencia y mortalidad a nivel mundial: Una revisión narrativa

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    Esta revisión tiene como objetivo declarar los beneficios del ejercicio físico y/o la actividad física en los cinco tipos de cáncer con mayor tasa mortalidad en el mundo.  Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos: Pubmed, Cochrane, Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo (Latinoamérica) y Medline. Los términos usados para la búsqueda fueron: “cáncer de pulmón”, “cáncer de hígado”, “cáncer de mama”, “cáncer de estómago”, “cáncer de colon”, “ejercicio físico”, “actividad física”, “ejercicio de resistencia” y “ejercicio aeróbico”. El ejercicio físico y la actividad física han demostrado beneficios tanto en variables morfológicas, metabólicas y psicológicas, teniendo un impacto positivo en el aumento de la funcionalidad, esperanza de vida y calidad de vida en pacientes con cáncer. El ejercicio aeróbico demostró mayores beneficios en el consumo de oxígeno, además de una alta adherencia, mientras que el entrenamiento de fuerza en una mayor capacidad específicamente en los miembros inferiores