11 research outputs found

    Estilos gerenciais e eficácia administrativa na produção de café

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    The objective of this article was to analyze the managerial styles in coffee farmers of two regions in Minas Gerais State, Brazil (Sul and Zona da Mata), and the difficulties which can be compromising the administrative effectiveness. Primary data were collected from forms applied to 56 coffee farmers, in the harvest period 2003/2004. To analyze the relation between the dominant managerial styles and the reached economic and technical performances in the activity, the analysis of simple correlation was used (coefficient of Pearson). Regressions were estimated to indicate as the situational variables had intervened in the styles. Among the main results it is important to point out that the producers, in general, presented as dominant managerial style 9,9, which represents the versatile and intent manager to the changes of the environment. The situational variables intervened, significantly, in the managerial styles in both regions, of differentiated form. Also positive correlations between the dominant managerial styles were observed and the physical production and total gross income in the production of coffee in the Zone of Mata region. This can be an indication that the versatile style is related to a good economic and technical performance in the activity. The results of this research can be considered reference to reach managerial effectiveness in the production of coffee in the studied regions.Managerial styles, Managerial effectiveness, Managerial grid, Coffee production, Crop Production/Industries,

    Percepção e respostas gerenciais ao risco: um estudo sobre os produtores de leite do Programa de Desenvolvimento da Pecuária Leiteira da Região de Viçosa - MG

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    The agriculture sector has particular characteristics, general and unfavorable, which make its participants exposed to risks, and increase the complexity of making decisions. However, little is known about how farmers perceive risk in their activity. Based on a research done in the Zona da Mata region in the State of Minas Gerais, this work shows the view of a group of milk producers about the risks which they are exposed to, and also, describes the tools used by them as managing responses to these risks. Firstly, the farmers answered about the importance of the different kinds of risks in their business, and next, pointed out the methods they use to manage them. The results show the lack of a formal risk managing strategy, which has been substituted up to the moment, by the farmers’ experience and, consequently, their familiarity with the marketing.Agricultural risk management, Information, Risk and Uncertainty,


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    This work identified the management aspects of the decision making process of farmers in the Northern Region of Espirito Santo, Brazil, in 2006. Using a psychological approach, this study showed its importance in understanding farm management. The management styles and personal characteristics of the farmers and their farms were identified. The main areas of interest in management capacity improvement were also defined. This study found that family welfare is the main concern of decision makers in the Northern region of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Regarding management styles, four main styles were identified. Most of the farmers were interested in improving their management capacity through managerial training, especially the younger ones, preferably in courses given by specialists which include technical issues as well as managerial aspects such as planning. In this study it was concluded that management capacity components may provide an important support in investigating issues related to decision making

    Human Resource Management in Beef Cattle Farms at Triangulo Mineiro Region

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    The marketing pressures for economically viable, socially fair and ecologically correct production systems have required the farmers to adopt new management practices, aiming to increase the production scale, improve the quality of the products, and reduce costs. The historical utilization of abundant, cheap and disqualified labor in the rural sector has been a barrier to the adoption of technology. This study is an attempt to describe the human resources management that have been used by beef cattle farmers, as well as to analyze the management performance in labor and technical areas during the 2000/2001 year. Three-hundred and twenty questionnaires were sent by mail to farmers in the Triangulo Mineiro region. All of them were registered in the Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders (ABCZ) reference file, and a gross response rate of 14.4% was obtained. The data were processed by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and evaluated by using frequency and average tables. According to the results, the subsystems composing the human resource management system have been only partially adopted, besides presenting no interconnection with each other. In spite of that, it was noticed that top companies (in technical terms) presented the best human resources indicators, showing some level of functional relationship among the areas. Thus, beef cattle farmers should use such management models that benefit both knowledge and people, as these people are the promoters of the development in the farms. In this context, the managerial and operational training constitute a requirement, whereas the employees' motivation and engagement become a challenge to be overcome

    Gestão de recursos humanos em empresas de bovinos de corte no Triângulo Mineiro

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    The marketing pressures for economically viable, socially fair and ecologically correct production systems have required that farmers adopt new management pratices, aiming to increase the production scale, improve the quality of the products, and reduce costs. The historical utilization of abundant, cheap and disqualified labor in the rural sector has been a barrier to the adoption of technology. This study is an attempt to describe the human resources management that have been used by beef cattle farmers, as well as to analyze the management performance in labour and technical areas during the 2000/2001 agriyear. Three-hundred and twenty questionnaires were sent by mail to farmers in the Triângulo Mineiro region. All of them were registered in the Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders (ABCZ) reference file, and a gross response rate of 14.4% was obtained. The data were processed by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and evaluated by using frequency and average tables. According to the results obtained, the subsystems composing the human resource management system have been only partially adopted, besides presenting no interconnection with each other. In spite of that, it was noticed that top companies (in technical terms) presented the best human resources indicators, showing some level of functional relationship among the areas. Thus, beef cattle farmers should use such management models that benefit both knowledge and people, as these people are the promoters of the development in the farms. In this context, the managerial and operational training constitute a requirement, whereas the employees' motivation and engagement become a challenge to be overcome

    Estilos gerenciais e eficácia administrativa na produção de café

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    The objective of this article was to analyze the managerial styles in coffee farmers of two regions in Minas Gerais State, Brazil (Sul and Zona da Mata), and the difficulties which can be compromising the administrative effectiveness. Primary data were collected from forms applied to 56 coffee farmers, in the harvest period 2003/2004. To analyze the relation between the dominant managerial styles and the reached economic and technical performances in the activity, the analysis of simple correlation was used (coefficient of Pearson). Regressions were estimated to indicate as the situational variables had intervened in the styles. Among the main results it is important to point out that the producers, in general, presented as dominant managerial style 9,9, which represents the versatile and intent manager to the changes of the environment. The situational variables intervened, significantly, in the managerial styles in both regions, of differentiated form. Also positive correlations between the dominant managerial styles were observed and the physical production and total gross income in the production of coffee in the Zone of Mata region. This can be an indication that the versatile style is related to a good economic and technical performance in the activity. The results of this research can be considered reference to reach managerial effectiveness in the production of coffee in the studied regions

    lntegracao e Transmissao de Precos no Mercado lnternacional de Cafe Arabica

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    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the existence of price integration in the main arabica coffee producing countries and in the international price. The analytical framework was a multivariate model of co-integration, a VEC model and persistence profiles. The results show that Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru and Honduras are integrated among them and their prices reacted to fluctuation on international prices. The relationship pattern was not characterized by extreme interdependence and issues related to market liberalization still have influence on the equilibrium in the long-term. Brazil was the most integrated to the international market, demonstrating that as higher is the country's share in production and export, higher is the integration

    lntegracao e Transmissao de Precos no Mercado lnternacional de Cafe Arabica

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    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the existence of price integration in the main arabica coffee producing countries and in the international price. The analytical framework was a multivariate model of co-integration, a VEC model and persistence profiles. The results show that Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru and Honduras are integrated among them and their prices reacted to fluctuation on international prices. The relationship pattern was not characterized by extreme interdependence and issues related to market liberalization still have influence on the equilibrium in the long-term. Brazil was the most integrated to the international market, demonstrating that as higher is the country's share in production and export, higher is the integration

    Percepção e respostas gerenciais ao risco: um estudo sobre os produtores de leite do Programa de Desenvolvimento da Pecuária Leiteira da Região de Viçosa - MG

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    The agriculture sector has particular characteristics, general and unfavorable, which make its participants exposed to risks, and increase the complexity of making decisions. However, little is known about how farmers perceive risk in their activity. Based on a research done in the Zona da Mata region in the State of Minas Gerais, this work shows the view of a group of milk producers about the risks which they are exposed to, and also, describes the tools used by them as managing responses to these risks. Firstly, the farmers answered about the importance of the different kinds of risks in their business, and next, pointed out the methods they use to manage them. The results show the lack of a formal risk managing strategy, which has been substituted up to the moment, by the farmers’ experience and, consequently, their familiarity with the marketing


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    O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a viabilidade da utilização de modelos de séries temporais univariadas como instrumentos de apoio à tomada de decisão. A análise empírica consistiu em realizar um estudo de caso sobre a previsão do preço recebido pelo suíno brasileiro. Foi considerada a série de preços coletada junto ao banco de dados do IPEA no período 01/1994 a 12/2003, verificando-se a potencialidade de previsão dos modelos no período 01/2004 a 12/2004, sendo as previsões realizadas um passo a frente. Estimaram-se modelos de séries temporais ARIMA, SARIMA e GARCH e avaliaram-se a potencialidade de previsão e utilização desses modelos como instrumentos de apoio à tomada de decisão. Os resultados indicaram que os três modelos são viáveis por apresentarem baixo Erro Percentual de Previsão, sendo os mais eficazes o GARCH e SARIMA. Assim, ao utilizar tais métodos, os agentes integrados na comercialização de suínos podem alocar melhor seus recursos, no curto prazo, visando diminuir seus riscos e elevar suas margens de retorno