4 research outputs found


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    The use of similarity theorems for simulation of the technological process of mineral extraction is considered. The list of parameters that significantly influence the process of underground leaching of minerals is defined. Using these parameters and fundamental laws of physics and chemistry, mathematical functions are determined to describe the processes’ behaviour under these conditions. The obtained mathematical functions make it possible to develop a computer model of polymetallic ores leaching. This allows for the prediction of the volume of extracted concentrate with minerals from the ore mass with the associated compounds. The obtained results of calculations showed a change in the volume of minerals extracted from the rock mass depending on the mass of the working agent, the volume of leached ore and the solvent percolation rate. The results of the research can be used at mining enterprises to extract polymetallic ores by underground leaching. Also, they allow for the estimation of the economic issues from mining the ore reserves.Razmatrana je uporaba teorema sličnosti za simulaciju tehnološkoga procesa ekstrakcije minerala. Definiran je popis parametara koji znatno utječu na proces podzemnoga pranja minerala. Koristeći se tim parametrima i temeljnim zakonima fizike i kemije, određuju se matematičke funkcije koje opisuju ponašanje procesa u tim uvjetima. Dobivene matematičke funkcije omogućuju razvoj računalnoga modela pranja polimetalnih ruda te je moguće procijeniti volumen ekstrahiranoga mineralnog koncentrata iz rudne mase s pripadajućim spojevima. Dobiveni rezultati proračuna pokazali su promjenu volumena ekstrahiranih minerala iz stijenske mase ovisno o količini radnoga agensa, volumenu oprane rude i brzini cijeđenja otapala. Rezultati istraživanja mogu se koristiti u rudarskim pogonima za ekstrakciju polimetalnih ruda podzemnim pranjem. Također omogućuju preliminarnu procjenu ekonomskih izazova kod eksploatacije rudnih rezervi


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    Ponekad je u rudarstvu nužno uporabiti različite tehnologije pridobivanja i ekstrakcije u istome rudniku. Zbog toga su analizirani različiti znanstveni i tehnički vidovi rudarskih operacija te tehnologija rudarenja, poglavito s obzirom na dva različita tehnološka pristupa. Dodatne tehnologije omogućile su uvođenje dodatnih rezervi u proizvodnju, a rezultat su predloženoga algoritma za određivanje tehnoloških parametara. On uključuje kriterije kojima se opisuju sličnosti radnih zadataka i tehnologija, s ciljem održavanja isplativoga pridobivanja rude. Svi su postupci pri tomu grupirani prema stupnju istraženosti te izvodljivosti i ekonomskoj isplativosti. Za svaku su od njih, eksperimentalno u dva slučaja (pridobivanje urana i ugljena) kada su tehnologije kombinirane, određeni odgovarajući koeficijenti. Oni su omogućili procjenu izvodljivosti tih rudarskih operacija. Iz njih je deriviran opći koeficijent kompatibilnosti (sličnosti) koji upućuje na izvodljivost operacija u slučajevima kada se uvode dodatne tehnologije rudarenja. Dodatno se takva metodologija može uporabiti za procjenu koncentracije rude na odlagalištima jalovine, a posebice kod izračuna koncentracije željeza, i to bez dodatnoga uzorkovanja.Sometimes in mining it is necessary to combine different extracting technologies within one enterprise. So, in the paper the analysis of scientific and technical mining operations with combined technologies is carried out, the search for structure and their operation in the mining enterprise is performed. The processes and technological parameters of mineral extraction by two fundamentally different technologies are investigated in detail. Due of the introduction of additional technologies, it is possible to involve sub-standard reserves in the production process, an algorithm for determining the technological parameters is developed. This algorithm consists of criteria that make it possible to find compatibility of the work of one or more development technologies while maintaining an effective level of extraction. To do this, all processes at the enterprise are grouped: by degree of exploration, feasibility and economic efficiency. For each of them, certain coefficients were determined on the example of the operation of two specific combined technologies: the extraction of uranium ores and coal. For each group of criteria, certain coefficients are identified that allow assessing the feasibility of applying technology in their area. Their product is a general coefficient of compatibility, which shows the feasibility of introducing additional technology at the enterprise with the feasibility study. It defines the amount of funds invested in the development of an enterprise to achieve efficient mineral extraction with combined technologies within one enterprise. This point can be used to predict the grade variability of stockpiles from the origin source and the methodology allows characterizing the iron grades within stockpiles without any extra sampling


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    Sometimes in mining it is necessary to combine different extracting technologies within one enterprise. So, in the paper the analysis of scientific and technical mining operations with combined technologies is carried out, the search for structure and their operation in the mining enterprise is performed. The processes and technological parameters of mineral extraction by two fundamentally different technologies are investigated in detail. Due of the introduction of additional technologies, it is possible to involve sub-standard reserves in the production process, an algorithm for determining the technological parameters is developed. This algorithm consists of criteria that make it possible to find compatibility of the work of one or more development technologies while maintaining an effective level of extraction. To do this, all processes at the enterprise are grouped: by degree of exploration, feasibility and economic efficiency. For each of them, certain coefficients were determined on the example of the operation of two specific combined technologies: the extraction of uranium ores and coal. For each group of criteria, certain coefficients are identified that allow assessing the feasibility of applying technology in their area. Their product is a general coefficient of compatibility, which shows the feasibility of introducing additional technology at the enterprise with the feasibility study. It defines the amount of funds invested in the development of an enterprise to achieve efficient mineral extraction with combined technologies within one enterprise. This point can be used to predict the grade variability of stockpiles from the origin source and the methodology allows characterizing the iron grades within stockpiles without any extra sampling