49 research outputs found

    Heavy metals in the leaves of tree species paulownia elongata syhu in the region of the city of Belgrade

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    Based on the analysis of the heavy metal content (Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr Mn, Cd, As, Hg) in leaves of the trees growing in the urban part of the city of Belgrade, wider city area and rural area it may be noted that the content of Fe, Pb, Ni, Cr and Cd increases going from rural to urban area. The obtained results may be related to the increased air pollution in urban and suburban areas where some of these heavy metals appear as a direct consequence of fuel combustion. The level of tolerance of the species Paulownia elongata S.Y.HU towards air pollution represents the basis for its development and survival in urban conditions as well as setting up of tree alleys and forming wind protection zones along main traffic lines

    The potential of different lime tree (tilia spp) genotypes for phytoextraction of heavy metals

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    The research of heavy metals contents (Pb, Mn, Zn, Ni, Fe) in soil in the area of the National Park, Fruska gora", along the highway M21 shows lower values for manganese, zinc and iron than the maximum allowed quantity prescribed by law. For nickel and lead it shows higher values than maximum allowed quantity. The heavy metals contents in leaves of lime tree in 12 analyzed genotypes are far below average values in accordance with ECCE with all genotypes except genotype 7 for lead and genotypes 7 and 8 for iron. The results of analysis of variance components show that out of four components (locality, genotype, locality x genotype and error) only the interaction between locality and genotype does not contribute to variance. The contents of Pb, Mn, Fe and Zn in leaves is primarily influenced by genotype while Ni contents may be considered a consequence of locality. The selection of genotypes which is able to uptake greater quantities of heavy metals than other genotypes may serve as a solid basis for phytoextraction of heavy metals as a technology by which heavy metals, metalloids and radionuclides are extracted from environment through usage of suitable species and plant genotypes able to uptake and accumulate the given pollutants in parts of plant tissue

    Phytocenological research into the meadow associations on forest hunting grounds of Serbia

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    The floristic composition of meadow associations within the fenced areas of forest hunting grounds was investigated in the spring of 2008 at three sites: KarakuÅ”a (Srem), MiloÅ”eva voda (Mt. Sokolovica) and Lomnička reka (Mt. Veliki Jastrebac), Serbia. At the first location three associations were determined (Agrostio-Juncetum effusi Cinc.1959., Trifolio-Agrostietum stoloniferae L. Mark.1973., and Agrostietum vulgaris. Z. Pavl. 1955 sensu lato.); at the second location Festuco-Agrostietum Horv. (1952) 1982. em Trinajest. 1972., and at the third location Agrostio-Festucetum valesiacae Gajić 1961. Hemicryptophytes were the dominant life form in all the sites (ranging from 61.1 to 72.9%). Also, the presence of 24 floral elements was recorded. The largest number of floral elements was determined at the site of Mt. Sokolovica (17), and the lowest at the third site, Mt. Veliki Jastrebac (9)

    Inter and intra-population variation of leaf stomatal traits of Quercus robur L. in Northern Serbia

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    The research involved the examination of inter- and intra-population variation of stomatal traits: stomatal density, stomatal length and width, stomatal pore surface, potential conductance index and stomatal shape coefficient, in Quercus robur L. leaves. The research was conducted in northern Serbia and included five populations ('Ada Ciganlija', 'Bojčinska Ŕuma', 'Subotica', 'Sombor' and 'VrŔac'). The stomatal characteristics were examined in fully expanded leaves, from two leaf positions - the sun-exposed and shaded side of the tree. The leaf position in the tree crown, forming a part of the phenotypic variance, was relevant for the stomatal dimension traits. Within populations, the differences between the genotypes (i.e. trees), were relevant for all analyzed traits. On the basis of the analysis of the inter-populational differences, the 'Bojčinska Ŕuma' population had a statistically significantly lower stomatal density in comparison to the other populations.Projekat ministarstva br. 33012 and 17302

    Potential of new planting container in Quercus robur seedlings production ā€“ first report

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    Container production of forest seedlings needs constant improvement, so in the aim to test the new container type this research was conducted. Quercus robur seedlings were produced in the container made of natron paper and compared  with seedlings produced in commonly used container types in Serbia. Q. robur seeds were sown in the first week of November 2020 in a total of 30 containers (10 of each type). After the first growing season in the nursery, on November 2021, seedlingsā€™ morphological parameters (root collar diameter - RCD, height - H, dry weight of shoot (SDW) and root (RDW), seedling dry weight (SLDW), shoot to root ratio (S:R), sturdiness coefficient (SQ), dry weight of lateral roots (LRDW), percent of lateral roots (%LR), Dicksonā€™s quality index (QI), root-bound index (RBI) as RBI-diameter and RBI-volume, and rooting intensity (ROIN)) were compared using one-way ANOVA. Seedlings produced in the new container showed better morphological parameters such as H, SQ, SDW, RDW, SLDW, LRDW, QI and ROIN. Differences of seedlings from different containers were not detected for H, RCD, SQ, SDW, %LR, RBI-diameter, so we can conclude that seedlings produced in the new container type are similar with other container seedlings. Larger volume of these cells indicate use for Quercus species which have strong roots. Results obtained from the nursery promote use of the new container in forest seedlings production and testing at the field


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    These studies are aimed at the determination of load of the plant ecosystems with the heavy metal (Zn) and the accumulation of it in this area, so that based on the results, if necessary, the appropriate protection measures of this higly-valued area can be appplied. The woody species lime tree and Austrian pine at the plots 1 and 2 in these studies show deficiency or are on the verge of the deficiency. Based on the results, heavy metal zinc is not the adverse factor in the natural protected area "Avala".Cilj ovih istraživanja usmeren je na to da se ustanovi opterećenost ekosistema biljaka teÅ”kim metalom (Zn) i njihova akumulacija na ovom području, kako bi se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, ako je potrebno, mogle blagovremeno preduzeti odgovarajuće mere zaÅ”tite ovog visokovrednog područja. Drvenaste vrste lipa i crni bor na lokalitetu 1. i na lokalitetu 2. u ovim istraživanjima pokazuju deficit ili su na samoj granici deficita. Na osnovu svih dobijenih rezultata teÅ”ki metal Cink ne predstavlja ugrožavajući činilac na području zaÅ”tićenog prirodnog dobra ā€žAvalaā€œ

    Monitoring reintroduciranog jelena običnog na području Tare (Zapadna Srbija): opseg guljenja kore u prihvatiliŔtu i kretanje poslije ispuŔtanja

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    The modern approach in the development of programs for the reintroduction of red deer was applied for the first time in Serbia. We compared the most important planned and implemented activities in the period 2018-2021, and assessed the results achieved in the Mt. Tara area. The plan was to hold the red deer (5♂ + 15♀) in the acclimatisation enclosure for several months and release them into the selected favourable area (150 km2) during three consecutive years. Bark stripping occurred mainly on thinner common hazel stems of coppice origin (≤ 9.9 cm). Total mortality among the 72 red deer that were transported to the acclimatisation enclosure was 8.3%. The longest movement of a 4-year-old female (held for 15 weeks) was 24 km. During the study period, no bark stripping was observed outside the acclimatization enclosure, nor were any deaths of the released red deer registered. In the period 2019-2021, 74 red deer were released from the acclimatization enclosure into the Mt. Tara area, which is about 60% of the estimated capacity of the selected favourable area.Suvremeni pristup u izradi programa za reintrodukciju jelena običnog bio je primijenjen po prvi put u Srbiji. U radu je dan prikaz planiranih i primijenjenih aktivnosti obnove populacije jelena običnog na lokalitetu Tara tijekom razdoblja 2018.-2021., kao i procjena ostvarena na području Tara. Plan je bio da se jelen obični (5♂ + 15♀) drži u prihvatiliÅ”tu nekoliko mjeseci, a nakon toga ispusti u odabrano povoljno područje (150 km2) tijekom tri uzastopne godine. Jelen obični je uglavnom gulio koru tanjih stabala obične lijeske (≤ 9.9 cm). Tijekom razdoblja transporta i boravka u prihvatiliÅ”tu, od 72 jedinke jelena običnog uginulo ih je 6 (8.3%). Nakon ispuÅ”tanja iz prihvatiliÅ”ta, četiri godine stara koÅ”uta (držana 15 sedmica u prihvatiliÅ”tu) imala je najdulje pravocrtno kretanje od 24 km. Tijekom proučavanog razdoblja, izvan prihvatiliÅ”ta nije evidentirano guljenje kore, niti su evidentirana uginuća ispuÅ”tenih jedinki jelena običnog. U razoblju 2019.-2021., 74 jedinke su ispuÅ”tene iz prihvatiliÅ”ta u područje planine Tara, Å”to iznosi oko 60% od procijenjenog kapaciteta odabranog povoljnog područja

    Variability of Physiological Parameters of European Beech Provenances in International Provenance Trials in Serbia

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    In this study, the variability of physiological parameters of five provenances of Europeanbeech (Fagus sylvatica), which were planted at two locations with different ecological conditions atFruŔka Gora and Debeli Lug, was estimated. Provenance trials were established in the framework ofCOST Action E52: "Evaluation of Beech Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forestry". 2-3 years oldseedlings originating from Croatia, Germany, Bosnia, Austria and Serbia were planted in blocks offifty plants with a spacing of 2 x 1 m. Physiological parameters such as net photosynthesis, rate oftranspiration and stomatal conductance were measured with a portable gas analysis system. Generally,provenances from FruŔka Gora Mountain showed higher intensity of all physiological parameters thanprovenances located at site Debeli Lug. High correlations among rates of net photosynthesis andtranspiration, on one side, and stomatal conductance, on the other side, were found. ANOVA testindicates that variability of net photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance of investigatedprovenances, at the two locations, was influenced both by environmental conditions of sites andgenetic constitution of provenances

    Comparative analysis of the anatomical structure of heartwood and sapwood selected Gymnocladus canadensis Lam. trees in Srpska Crnja

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    This paper shows the results obtained from the study of the macroscopic-microscopic structure (capillary system) in the growth stem of Gymnocladus canadensis Lam. originating from North America, which grows in 'Muzljanski rit' in the area of Srpska Crnja. Gymnocladus canadensis Lam. falls under the ring-porous species according to its porosity, with large tracheas in its early zone. The early zone trachea lumens, contained in the sapwood, reach dimensions of up to 160 Ī¼m, while early zone trachea lumens in the growth stem rings of the sapwood reach dimensions of up to 120 Ī¼m. Examination of the microscopic structure of this tree show good properties of the tree.Projekat ministarstva br. 3104

    Leaf stomatal traits variation within and among black poplar native populations in Serbia

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    Populus nigra as a keystone riparian pioneer tree species is one of the rarest and most endangered species in Europe due to the loss of its natural habitats. Genetic diversity existence is a key factor in survival of one species, and stomata as genetically controlled trait could be used for differentiation studies. With the aim of proving stomatal phenotypic variation of the four native populations of Populus nigra located on the banks of three biggest river valleys (Dunabe, Tisa and Sava) in the region of Vojvodina in northern Serbia, we examined various leaf stomatal traits (stomatal length and width, pore length and width, stomatal density, shape coefficient and stomatal and pore area). We tested the differences of stomatal traits among populations, interindividual variability - differences among trees, the intraindividual variability, the differences between sun-exposed and shaded leaves, among leaves nested in exposition and the differences in adaxial and abaxial leaf surface. Based on mixed model ANOVA results, interpopulation variability, as statistically significant differences, observed only for stomatal pore length and shape, while all examined traits showed interindividual variability. On the intraindividual level the results showed differences for stomatal traits, except for stomatal width, stomatal shape coefficient and stomatal density regarding leaf exposure. For better understanding of how morphological and stomatal characteristics vary in black poplar populations, further studies should be necessary involving controlled environmental conditions with the aim of examining phenotypic plasticity to changing climate conditions.Bosque (Valdivia) (2017), 38(2): 337-34