360 research outputs found

    Processamento de batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) : fritura

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    Processamento do purê e néctar de pêssego.

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    Statistical properties of contact vectors

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    We study the statistical properties of contact vectors, a construct to characterize a protein's structure. The contact vector of an N-residue protein is a list of N integers n_i, representing the number of residues in contact with residue i. We study analytically (at mean-field level) and numerically the amount of structural information contained in a contact vector. Analytical calculations reveal that a large variance in the contact numbers reduces the degeneracy of the mapping between contact vectors and structures. Exact enumeration for lengths up to N=16 on the three dimensional cubic lattice indicates that the growth rate of number of contact vectors as a function of N is only 3% less than that for contact maps. In particular, for compact structures we present numerical evidence that, practically, each contact vector corresponds to only a handful of structures. We discuss how this information can be used for better structure prediction.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Comportamento de cultivares chilenas de batata na zona Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Protein folding using contact maps

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    We present the development of the idea to use dynamics in the space of contact maps as a computational approach to the protein folding problem. We first introduce two important technical ingredients, the reconstruction of a three dimensional conformation from a contact map and the Monte Carlo dynamics in contact map space. We then discuss two approximations to the free energy of the contact maps and a method to derive energy parameters based on perceptron learning. Finally we present results, first for predictions based on threading and then for energy minimization of crambin and of a set of 6 immunoglobulins. The main result is that we proved that the two simple approximations we studied for the free energy are not suitable for protein folding. Perspectives are discussed in the last section.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Information Loss in Coarse Graining of Polymer Configurations via Contact Matrices

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    Contact matrices provide a coarse grained description of the configuration omega of a linear chain (polymer or random walk) on Z^n: C_{ij}(omega)=1 when the distance between the position of the i-th and j-th step are less than or equal to some distance "a" and C_{ij}(omega)=0 otherwise. We consider models in which polymers of length N have weights corresponding to simple and self-avoiding random walks, SRW and SAW, with "a" the minimal permissible distance. We prove that to leading order in N, the number of matrices equals the number of walks for SRW, but not for SAW. The coarse grained Shannon entropies for SRW agree with the fine grained ones for n <= 2, but differs for n >= 3.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, latex2e Main change: the introduction is rewritten in a less formal way with the main results explained in simple term

    Statistical Properties of Contact Maps

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    A contact map is a simple representation of the structure of proteins and other chain-like macromolecules. This representation is quite amenable to numerical studies of folding. We show that the number of contact maps corresponding to the possible configurations of a polypeptide chain of N amino acids, represented by (N-1)-step self avoiding walks on a lattice, grows exponentially with N for all dimensions D>1. We carry out exact enumerations in D=2 on the square and triangular lattices for walks of up to 20 steps and investigate various statistical properties of contact maps corresponding to such walks. We also study the exact statistics of contact maps generated by walks on a ladder.Comment: Latex file, 15 pages, 12 eps figures. To appear on Phys. Rev.

    Conservação de suco de pêssego para uso como atraente de insetos.

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    Suco de pêssego para uso como atraente de insetos foi submetido a diferentes tratamentos utilizando-se doses de três aditivos químicos alimentares (sorbato de potássio, benzoato de sódio e metabissulfito de sódio), com a finalidade de avaliar a sua eficácia na preservação por períodos prolongados (oito meses). A adição de sorbato de potássio na concentração de 1000 ppm (1 g/ kg) demonstrou ser a mais eficiente, o que foi confirmado pelos resultados das análises físicas, químicas e microbiológicas

    Sobrevivência de mudas clonais de erva-mate submetidas a adubação mineral.

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    Até o momento, poucos foram os avanços na área de nutrição na cultura da erva-mate, o que justifica que o atual sistema de produção seja baseado no extrativismo. O trabalho objetivou avaliar a sobrevivência de clones de erva-mate submetidos a doses de N, P, K, S e micronutrientes (B, Cu e Zn). Nos cinco experimentos, instalados em setembro de 2013 em Três Barras-SC, avaliaram-se quatro clones (F1, F2, F3 e M1) e doses de: 0, 125, 250, 375 e 500 mg dm-3 de N; 0, 75, 150, 225 e 300 mg dm-3 de P2O5; 0, 40, 80, 120 e 160 mg dm-3 de K2O; 0, 20, 40, e 60 mg dm-3 de S; e um Mix de micronutrientes de 0, 0,5 e 1,0 mg dm-3 de B e Cu, e 0, 1,0 e 2,0 mg dm-3 de Zn. Utilizou-se o delineamento blocos casualizados com quatro repetições em esquema fatorial com parcelas subdivididas. As mudas foram propagadas por miniestaquia de matrizes selecionadas, plantadas a campo com altura média de 12 cm. A sobrevivência foi avaliada mensalmente até aos 120 dias. Após os dados submetidos à análise estatística, verificou-se que a época influenciou negativamente a sobrevivência de mudas de erva-mate. A ausência da significância do fator dose na sobrevivência das mudas, possivelmente esteja relacionada a boa fertilidade do solo local. Conclui-se que a adubação não atua na sobrevivência de mudas de erva-mate. Mudas de erva-mate dos clones F1 e F2 são as mais indicadas para plantio na região de Três Barras