8 research outputs found

    Strain mapping at nanometer resolution using advanced nano-beam electron diffraction

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    We report on the development of a nanometer scale strain mapping technique by means of scanning nano-beam electron diffraction. Only recently possible due to fast acquisition with a direct electron detector, this technique allows for strain mapping with a high precision of 0.1% at a lateral resolution of 1 nm for a large field of view reaching up to 1 Ī¼m. We demonstrate its application to a technologically relevant strain-engineered GaAs/GaAsP hetero-structure and show that the method can even be applied to highly defected regions with substantial changes in local crystal orientation. Strain maps derived from atomically resolved scanning transmission electron microscopy images were used to validate the accuracy, precision and resolution of this versatile technique

    Multiscale analysis of nanoindentation-induced defect structures in gum metal

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    Using ex-situ transmission electron microscopy and the recently developed nanoprobe diffraction (NPD) technique, we characterize a nanoindented solution treated gum metal. Lattice rotations are resolved at a 1.2 nm length-scale and shown to be continuous within the nanoindentation pit; further, it is shown that these can be accommodated by a reasonable number of geometrically necessary dislocations at a density of āˆ¼1015/m2. We additionally provide direct evidence that dislocations within the nanoindent, rather than secondary phase nanoparticles, can serve as potent barriers to dislocation motion. We also demonstrate that plasticity in these alloys under nanoindentation can be accommodated solely by dislocation nucleation and propagation, with no competing deformation mechanisms present. Conventional transmission electron microscopy and ā€œgā€¢bā€ analysis reveal the presence of dislocations on 怈1ĀÆ11怉{110} slip systems and highly localized plastic deformation in the form of shear bands on <111>{1ĀÆ1ĀÆ2} slip systems, similar to previously observed ā€œgiant faultsā€

    Large polarization gradients and temperature-stable responses in compositionally-graded ferroelectrics

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    A range of modern applications require large and tunable dielectric, piezoelectric or pyroelectric response of ferroelectrics. Such effects are intimately connected to the nature of polarization and how it responds to externally applied stimuli. Ferroelectric susceptibilities are, in general, strongly temperature dependent, diminishing rapidly as one transitions away from the ferroelectric phase transition (TC). In turn, researchers seek new routes to manipulate polarization to simultaneously enhance susceptibilities and broaden operational temperature ranges. Here, we demonstrate such a capability by creating composition and strain gradients in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 films which result in spatial polarization gradients as large as 35ā€‰Ī¼Cā€‰cm-2 across a 150ā€‰nm thick film. These polarization gradients allow for large dielectric permittivity with low loss (ɛrā‰ˆ775, tanā€‰Ī“<0.05), negligible temperature-dependence (13% deviation over 500ā€‰Ā°C) and high-dielectric tunability (greater than 70% across a 300ā€‰Ā°C range). The role of space charges in stabilizing polarization gradients is also discussed