170 research outputs found

    Pure Anderson Motives and Abelian \tau-Sheaves

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    Pure t-motives were introduced by G. Anderson as higher dimensional generalizations of Drinfeld modules, and as the appropriate analogs of abelian varieties in the arithmetic of function fields. In order to construct moduli spaces for pure t-motives the second author has previously introduced the concept of abelian \tau-sheaf. In this article we clarify the relation between pure t-motives and abelian \tau-sheaves. We obtain an equivalence of the respective quasi-isogeny categories. Furthermore, we develop the elementary theory of both structures regarding morphisms, isogenies, Tate modules, and local shtukas. The later are the analogs of p-divisible groups.Comment: final version as it appears in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Nilpotent action on the KdV variables and 2-dimensional Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction

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    We note that a version ``with spectral parameter'' of the Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction gives a natural mapping from the KdV phase space to the group of loops with values in N^+/A,N^+\widehat N_{+}/A, \widehat N_{+}~: affine nilpotent and AA principal commutative (or anisotropic Cartan) subgroup~; this mapping is connected to the conserved densities of the hierarchy. We compute the Feigin-Frenkel action of n^+\widehat n_{+} (defined in terms of screening operators) on the conserved densities, in the sl2sl_2 case

    Translation Invariance, Commutation Relations and Ultraviolet/Infrared Mixing

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    We show that the Ultraviolet/Infrared mixing of noncommutative field theories with the Gronewold-Moyal product, whereby some (but not all) ultraviolet divergences become infrared, is a generic feature of translationally invariant associative products. We find, with an explicit calculation that the phase appearing in the nonplanar diagrams is the one given by the commutator of the coordinates, the semiclassical Poisson structure of the non commutative spacetime. We do this with an explicit calculation for represented generic products.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur

    Link Invariants and Combinatorial Quantization of Hamiltonian Chern-Simons Theory

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    We define and study the properties of observables associated to any link in Σ×R\Sigma\times {\bf R} (where Σ\Sigma is a compact surface) using the combinatorial quantization of hamiltonian Chern-Simons theory. These observables are traces of holonomies in a non commutative Yang-Mills theory where the gauge symmetry is ensured by a quantum group. We show that these observables are link invariants taking values in a non commutative algebra, the so called Moduli Algebra. When Σ=S2\Sigma=S^2 these link invariants are pure numbers and are equal to Reshetikhin-Turaev link invariants.Comment: 39, latex, 7 figure

    Quantum W-algebras and Elliptic Algebras

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    We define quantum W-algebras generalizing the results of Reshetikhin and the second author, and Shiraishi-Kubo-Awata-Odake. The quantum W-algebra associated to sl_N is an associative algebra depending on two parameters. For special values of parameters it becomes the ordinary W-algebra of sl_N, or the q-deformed classical W-algebra of sl_N. We construct free field realizations of the quantum W-algebras and the screening currents. We also point out some interesting elliptic structures arising in these algebras. In particular, we show that the screening currents satisfy elliptic analogues of the Drinfeld relations in U_q(n^).Comment: 26 pages, AMSLATE

    Quantum principal commutative subalgebra in the nilpotent part of Uqs^2U_q\widehat{s\ell}_2 and lattice KdV variables

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    We propose a quantum lattice version of Feigin and E. Frenkel's constructions, identifying the KdV differential polynomials with functions on a homogeneous space under the nilpotent part of s^2\widehat{s\ell}_2. We construct an action of the nilpotent part Uqn^+U_q\widehat n_+ of Uqs^2U_q\widehat{s\ell}_2 on their lattice counterparts, and embed the lattice variables in a Uqn^+U_q\widehat n_+-module, coinduced from a quantum version of the principal commutative subalgebra, which is defined using the identification of Uqn^+U_q\widehat n_+ with its coordinate algebra

    Fusion and singular vectors in A1{(1)} highest weight cyclic modules

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    We show how the interplay between the fusion formalism of conformal field theory and the Knizhnik--Zamolodchikov equation leads to explicit formulae for the singular vectors in the highest weight representations of A1{(1)}.Comment: 42 page

    Quantum function algebras as quantum enveloping algebras

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    Inspired by a result in [Ga], we locate two k[q,q1] k[q,q^{-1}] -integer forms of Fq[SL(n+1)] F_q[SL(n+1)] , along with a presentation by generators and relations, and prove that for q=1 q=1 they specialize to U(h) U({\mathfrak{h}}) , where h {\mathfrak{h}} is the Lie bialgebra of the Poisson Lie group H H dual of SL(n+1) SL(n+1) ; moreover, we explain the relation with [loc. cit.]. In sight of this, we prove two PBW-like theorems for Fq[SL(n+1)] F_q[SL(n+1)] , both related to the classical PBW theorem for U(h) U({\mathfrak{h}}) .Comment: 27 pages, AMS-TeX C, Version 3.0 - Author's file of the final version, as it appears in the journal printed version, BUT for a formula in Subsec. 3.5 and one in Subsec. 5.2 - six lines after (5.1) - that in this very pre(post)print have been correcte

    Combinatorial expression for universal Vassiliev link invariant

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    The most general R-matrix type state sum model for link invariants is constructed. It contains in itself all R-matrix invariants and is a generating function for "universal" Vassiliev link invariants. This expression is more simple than Kontsevich's expression for the same quantity, because it is defined combinatorially and does not contain any integrals, except for an expression for "the universal Drinfeld's associator".Comment: 20 page

    Braid Group Action and Quantum Affine Algebras

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    We lift the lattice of translations in the extended affine Weyl group to a braid group action on the quantum affine algebra. This action fixes the Heisenberg subalgebra pointwise. Loop like generators are found for the algebra which satisfy the relations of Drinfel'd's new realization. Coproduct formulas are given and a PBW type basis is constructed.Comment: 15 page