249 research outputs found

    Методологічні підходи до організації викладання курсу «Перший на місці події» в Національному фармацевтичному університеті

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    It is of particular relevance in Ukraine to train the police to provide the first aid before an ambulance crew arrives. The police are the first to arrive at the scene of the incident, and according to statistics, the first premedical aid provided within the first 4 minutes increases the chances of survivors by 30 %.Aim. To share the experience of organizing the course “The First Responder” for officers of the National Police at the premises of the National University of Pharmacy (NUPh) and discuss the prospects for teaching this course to other categories of people who are obliged to provide the first premedical aid.Materials and methods. To execute the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 346 dated 03.29.2017, training of 40 officers of the National Police of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv Region according to the program of the course “The First Responder” was organized in the NUPh. Five groups of 8 people each were formed. The course is designed for 48 hours for 1 week.Results. 92.5 % of police officers successfully completed the course with an average test control result of 90.3 % and 78-91 % when passing practical skills.Conclusions. The high-quality organization of training on the course “The First Responder” and material and technical support allow the personnel of the National Police of Ukraine to master one of the professional competencies – the skill of providing the first premedical aid in extreme situations. It is extremely important and relevant for reducing the pre-hospital mortality rate before the ambulance crew arrives.В Украине особую актуальность приобретает обучение полицейских навыкам оказания довра­чебной помощи до приезда скорой медицинской помощи тому, что именно они первыми прибыва­ют на место происшествия, а по статистике, помощь, оказанная в течение первых 4 минут, увеличи­вает шансы пострадавших на спасение на 30%.Цель: обобщение опыта организации преподавания курса «Первый на месте происшествия» для сотрудников Национальной полиции на базе НФаУ и обсуждение перспектив преподавания курса для других категорий лиц, которые обязаны оказывать доврачебную помощь.Материалы и методы. Для выполнения приказа МЗ Украины от 29.03.2017 г. № 346 в НФаУ было организовано обучение 40 сотрудников Национальной полиции г. Харькова и Харьковской области по программе курса доврачебной помощи «Первый на месте происшествия». Было сфор­мировано 5 групп по 8 человек в каждой. Курс рассчитан на 48 часов в течение 1 недели.Результаты. 92,5 % полицейских успешно закончили курс со средним результатом тестового контроля 90,3 % и 78-91% при сдаче практических навыков.Выводы. Высококачественная организация обучения на курсе и материально-техническое обе­спечение позволяют личному составу Национальной полиции Украины овладеть одной из профес­сиональных компетенций – умением оказывать домедицинскую помощь в экстремальных ситуа­циях, что является чрезвычайно важным и актуальным для уменьшения смертности пострадавших на догоспитальном этапе до приезда бригады скорой (экстренной) медицинской помощи.В України особливої актуальності набуває навчання поліцейських навичкам надання домедичної допомоги до приїзду швидкої (екстреної) медичної допомоги, оскільки саме вони першими прибувають на місце події, а за статистикою, допомога, надана протягом перших 4 хвилин, збільшує шанси потерпілих на порятунок на 30 %.Мета: узагальнення досвіду організації викладання курсу «Перший на місці події» для співробітників Національної поліції на базі НФаУ та обговорення перспектив викладання курсу для інших категорій осіб, які зобов’язані надавати домедичну допомогу.Матеріали та методи. На виконання наказу МОЗ України від 29.03.2017 р. № 346 в НФаУ було організовано навчання за програмою курсу домедичної допомоги «Перший на місці події» для працівників Національної поліції. Для проходження курсу було направлено 40 співробітників Національної поліції м. Харкова та Харківської області, з яких сформовано 5 груп по 8 осіб у кожній. Курс розрахований на 48 годин протягом 1 тижня.Результати. 92,5 % поліцейських успішно закінчили курс із середнім результатом 90,3 % під час тестового контролю та 78-91 % під час складання практичних навичок.Висновки. Високоякісна організація навчання на курсі та матеріально-технічне забезпечення дозволяють особовому складу Національної поліції України оволодіти однією з фахових компетенцій – здатністю надавати домедичну допомогу в екстремальних ситуаціях, що надзвичайно важливо й актуально для зменшення смертності постраждалих на догоспітальному етапі до приїзду бригади швидкої (екстреної) медичної допомоги

    Category of Situationality in Narrative Model of Artistic and Legal Discourse

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    The subject of research in this article is the specificity of the category of discursive situationality, which determined the problematics of the novel “Bleak House” by Ch. Dickens (1853). The purpose of the article is to build a typology of situationality (the situationality is prototypical, intertextual, intentional, coherent) and to identify the means of linguistic representation of the category of situationality in a text that functions in the conditions of interaction of two discourses — legal and artistic. Language techniques representing various types of situationality are divided into textual ones (“detention” technique, interruption of narrative angles, prolonged syntax, etc.), lexical-semantic ones, including a class of stylistic figures of speech (metaphor, precedent name, onomastic allusion, comparison, oxymoron, irony, sarcasm, emotive syntax, etc.) and style, reflecting the inclusion of elements of official business style in artistic speech (verbal nouns, verb-nominal combinations, etc.). Elements of the official business style of speech are expressed in the speeches of the characters during the interrogation, in court speeches, in the business correspondence of the heroes of the novel, and they are also fragmentarily woven into the author’s narrative (they are highlighted with quotation marks). The study emphasizes that the category of discursive situationality is manifested at all levels of the implementation of the narrative model of artistic and legal discourse

    Визуальные источники в редкой научной книге: значение их цифровизации

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    The significance of digitalization of visual sources in rare science books for potential research and studies is emphasized. The consistent information growth in the modern world evokes the problem of selecting sources. Often, the significant fraction of these sources is outside the purview of researchers, which results in information entropy. This is particularly true for the rare scientific books and their visual components. Until recently, the visual sources, i. e. films, photos, posters, postcards, etc., remained outside the scope of scientific research. The author argues that visual information as presented in rare science books can be an important source of information for science owing to its accuracy, image clarity, reliability, and information value. Involvement of the RAS Library for Natural Sciences in the library collection digitalization programs is discussed. The examples are provided to demonstrate the scientific and information value of visual sources in rare science books. The conclusions are made on the importance of digitalization of visual sources in the DL of rare books. This approach enables to expand library information foundation for specialized scientific research in various fields of science as well as for educational programs, which would be of practical significance in perspective.В статье определено значение цифровизации визуальных источников в редкой научной книге, как потенциальной составляющей научных исследований. Рост информации в современном мире поставил проблему отбора источников. Часто их важная часть оказывается вне поля зрения исследователя, что приводит к энтропии информации. Особенно это относится к редкой научной книге и её визуальной составляющей. До последнего времени визуальным источникам не уделялось должного внимания; ими считались, в основном, кинофотоматериалы, плакаты, открытки и т. д., которые оставались за пределами научного исследования. Автор статьи доказывает, что визуальная информация в редкой научной книге – важный информационный источник для науки, поскольку она обладает точностью, чёткостью изображения, достоверностью, информативностью. Отражено участие БЕН РАН в программах цифровизации библиотечных фондов. На примерах раскрыто научно-информационное богатство визуальных источников в редкой научной книге. Сделаны выводы о важности цифровизации визуальных источников в электронной библиотеке редких книг. Это способ расширить информационную базу библиотеки для профильных научных исследований в разных областях науки и учебных программах, что в перспективе имеет практическую значимость

    Modern Paradigms of Legal Understanding and the Development of Legal Consciousness in Supply Chain (Case Study of Russia)

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    This paper deals with the problem of the development of legal consciousness in supply chain of modern Russia amid the conceptual crisis of legal understanding in Russian law. The objective of the presented paper is to analyze modern paradigms of legal understanding and vectors of their development, as well as the influence of legal understanding on the development of legal consciousness in supply chain of Russia. The authors consider the current state of legal awareness in Russia. The choice of the topic is due to the existing theoretical discussion on the relationship between law, society and the state in supply chain of Russia

    Analysis of the steel industry in Russia

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    This article presents an analysis of the steel industry in Russia. The external factors of the steel market have been studied. The results of the activities of  steel enterprises for 2019 with the subsequent calculation of the market share of each participant, – have been investigated. The calculation of the main indicators of the market structure in the form of the Herfindahl-Hirschman formulas and the concentration coefficient for the three largest sellers has been carried out. The dynamics of revenue and steel production in Russia by the main producers in the industry market have been estimated, as well as changes in the  level of use of average annual production capacity for a number of products  have been evaluated. The structure of the country’s exports and the influence of the products of the steel industry in it, as well as the factors of its internal and external demand, – have been analysed. Factors and trends of the industry  development have been considered

    Concurrent thermochemoradiotherapy for brain high-grade glioma

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    Despite the achievements in the current strategies for treatment, the prognosis in malignant glioma patients remains unsatisfactory. Hyperthermia is currently considered to be the most effective and universal modifier of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Preliminary treatment outcomes for 28 patients with newly diagnosed (23) and recurrent (5) high-grade gliomas were presented. All the patients received multimodality treatment including surgery, thermoche-moradiotherapy followed by 4 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy. All the patients endured thermochemoradiotherapy well. A complication, limited skin burn (II stage), was diagnosed in two cases and treated conservatively without treatment interruption. A month after thermochemoradiotherapy the results were as follows: complete regression was achieved in 4 cases, partial regression in 4 cases, stable disease in 14 cases and disease progression in 6 cases (one of them is pseudo-progression). After completing the adjuvant chemotherapy 2 more patients demonstrated complete response and 1 patient had disease progression. Introduction of local hyperthermia in multimodal therapy of malignant glioma does not impair the combined modality treatment tolerability of patients with malignant gliomas. A small number of studied patients and short follow-up time do not allow making reliable conclusions about the impact of local hyperthermia on the treatment outcomes; however, there is a tendency towards the increase in disease-free survival in the patients with newly diagnosed malignant gliomas

    Clinical and biochemical changes and their correction in patients with metabolic phenotype of osteoarthritis and insomnia

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, OA is considered a polyetiological disease, where several phenotypes are distinguished based on the leading role of a specific risk factor. It is assumed that each clinical phenotype corresponds to its own fundamental changes in various organs and systems. Modern experimental evidence of chondro-osteogenic activity allows us to consider melatonin as a potential drug for various types of osteoarticular pathology.AIM: To study clinical and biochemical changes and effects of melatonin in the metabolic phenotype of OA and insomnia.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved patients with a metabolic phenotype of OA and healthy volunteers. The subjects were collected complaints and anamnesis, as well as general clinical and orthopedic examination. In the blood serum, markers of bone and cartilage metabolism were determined. Patients were asked to answer the questions of clinical scales to assess the quality of sleep, the functional state of the joints and quality of life.RESULTS: The study involved 36 patients. Participants were divided into 3 groups: group health patients — patients without articular pathology, sleep quality disorders and normal body mass index; control group- patients with metabolic phenotype of OA, insomnia and basic treatment for 30 days; experimental group — patients with a metabolic phenotype of OA and insomnia, whose basic treatment included melatonin (Melaxen®) at a dosage of 3 mg for 30 days. Statistically significant differences were observed between the initial levels of acid phosphatase (AP), bone isoenzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and calcium (Ca) in the control and experimental groups. According to the results of screening for the detection of insomnia among patients with the metabolic phenotype of, there were statistically significant insomnological disorders compared to the group health patients, as well as significant differences in terms of pain, symptoms, activity and quality of life in general according to the KOOS and SF-36 scales. Correlation analysis showed moderate correlations with biochemical parameters in patients with OA metabolic phenotype groups. After the treatment there was a certain increase in the level of Ca and a decrease in the activity of ALP and АP in patients of experimental group in comparison with patients of control groups. There was a positive trend in the range of criteria of the KOOS and SF-36 scale in experimental groups, pronounced decrease in pain syndrome (P), symptoms (S) and an increase in the levels of daily activity (A) and the total indicator (Sum) in comparison with patients of control groups. Also as improved sleep quality on all scales in comparison with the control group. In control group, problems with the quality and quantity of sleep remained at the same level.CONCLUSION: In patients with the most pronounced indicators of clinical manifestations of OA, more active processes of bone remodeling. The higher the level of bone resorption markers, the greater the severity of the clinical course in patients with osteoarthritis, and the worse the quality of sleep in general. The addition of melatonin to the treatment regimen was associated with a decrease in serum activity of the bone isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, an increase in calcium levels, as well as with an improvement in sleep and clinical symptoms ОА