5,870 research outputs found

    Update rules and interevent time distributions: Slow ordering vs. no ordering in the Voter Model

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    We introduce a general methodology of update rules accounting for arbitrary interevent time distributions in simulations of interacting agents. In particular we consider update rules that depend on the state of the agent, so that the update becomes part of the dynamical model. As an illustration we consider the voter model in fully-connected, random and scale free networks with an update probability inversely proportional to the persistence, that is, the time since the last event. We find that in the thermodynamic limit, at variance with standard updates, the system orders slowly. The approach to the absorbing state is characterized by a power law decay of the density of interfaces, observing that the mean time to reach the absorbing state might be not well defined.Comment: 5pages, 4 figure

    Dynamics of link states in complex networks: The case of a majority rule

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    Motivated by the idea that some characteristics are specific to the relations between individuals and not of the individuals themselves, we study a prototype model for the dynamics of the states of the links in a fixed network of interacting units. Each link in the network can be in one of two equivalent states. A majority link-dynamics rule is implemented, so that in each dynamical step the state of a randomly chosen link is updated to the state of the majority of neighboring links. Nodes can be characterized by a link heterogeneity index, giving a measure of the likelihood of a node to have a link in one of the two states. We consider this link-dynamics model on fully connected networks, square lattices and Erd \"os-Renyi random networks. In each case we find and characterize a number of nontrivial asymptotic configurations, as well as some of the mechanisms leading to them and the time evolution of the link heterogeneity index distribution. For a fully connected network and random networks there is a broad distribution of possible asymptotic configurations. Most asymptotic configurations that result from link-dynamics have no counterpart under traditional node dynamics in the same topologies.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Sheffer sequences of polynomials and their applications

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    In this paper, we investigate some properties of several Sheffer sequences of several polynomials arising from umbral calculus. From our investigation, we can derive many interesting identities of several polynomialsComment: 10 page

    Some identities of higher-order Bernoulli, Euler and Hermite polynomials arising from umbral calculus

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    In this paper, we study umbral calculus to have alternative ways of obtaining our results. That is, we derive some interesting identities of the higher-order Bernoulli, Euler and Hermite polynomials arising from umbral calculus to have alternative ways.Comment: 10 page

    Dynamics of the Formation of Bright Solitary Waves of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices

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    We present a detailed description of the formation of bright solitary waves in optical lattices. To this end, we have considered a ring lattice geometry with large radius. In this case, the ring shape does not have a relevant effect in the local dynamics of the condensate, while offering a realistic set up to implement experiments with conditions usually not available with linear lattices (in particular, to study collisions). Our numerical results suggest that the condensate radiation is the relevant dissipative process in the relaxation towards a self-trapped solution. We show that the source of dissipation can be attributed to the presence of higher order dispersion terms in the effective mass approach. In addition, we demonstrate that the stability of the solitary solutions is linked with particular values of the width of the wavepacket in the reciprocal space. Our study suggests that these critical widths for stability depend on the geometry of the energy band, but are independent of the condensate parameters (momentum, atom number, etc.). Finally, the non-solitonic nature of the solitary waves is evidenced showing their instability under collisions.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, to appear in PR

    Divergent Time Scale in Axelrod Model Dynamics

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    We study the evolution of the Axelrod model for cultural diversity. We consider a simple version of the model in which each individual is characterized by two features, each of which can assume q possibilities. Within a mean-field description, we find a transition at a critical value q_c between an active state of diversity and a frozen state. For q just below q_c, the density of active links between interaction partners is non-monotonic in time and the asymptotic approach to the steady state is controlled by a time scale that diverges as (q-q_c)^{-1/2}.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 2-column revtex4 forma