16 research outputs found

    Radiation exposure to the population of Europe following the Chernobyl accident

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    On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of the Chernobyl accident on the global burden of human cancer in Europe. This required the estimation of radiation doses in each of the 40 European countries. Dose estimation was based on the analysis and compilation of data either published in the scientific literature or provided by local experts. Considerable variability has been observed in exposure levels among the European populations. The average individual doses to the thyroid from the intake of 131I for children aged 1 y were found to vary from ∌0.01 mGy in Portugal up to 750 mGy in Gomel Oblast (Belarus). Thyroid doses to adults were consistently lower than the doses received by young children. The average individual effective doses from external exposure and ingestion of long-lived radiocaesium accrued in the period 1986-2005 varied from ∌0 in Portugal to ∌10 mSv in Gomel Oblast (Belarus) and Bryansk Oblast (Russia). The uncertainties in the dose estimates were subjectively estimated on the basis of the availability and reliability of the radiation data that were used for dose reconstruction in each countr

    Rejets radioactifs et environnement du CERN en 2003

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    La radioactivitĂ© de l’environnement autour de l’Organisation EuropĂ©enne pour la Recherche NuclĂ©aire (CERN) et les doses de rayonnements qui en rĂ©sultent pour la population avoisinante sont contrĂŽlĂ©es par la Commission de SĂ»retĂ© du CERN et de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante par les autoritĂ©s compĂ©tentes des deux Etats HĂŽtes, l’Institut de Radioprotection et de SĂ»retĂ© NuclĂ©aire (IRSN) cĂŽtĂ© France et l’Office FĂ©dĂ©ral de la SantĂ© Publique (OFSP) cĂŽtĂ© Suisse. Dans ce rapport, les rĂ©sultats de mesures concernent en particulier le territoire suisse. L’ensemble des mesures effectuĂ©es en 2003 prouve que le fonctionnement des installations du CERN Ă©tait sans consĂ©quence radiologique sur l’environnement et la population. Le contrĂŽle des Ă©missions montre que les rejets effectifs se situent Ă©galement en 2003 nettement en dessous des limites rĂ©glementaires. Ce constat est confirmĂ© par le contrĂŽle des immissions dans l’environnement. Le CERN a bien respectĂ© en 2003 comme dans les annĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes la valeur directrice de dose liĂ©e Ă  la source fixĂ©e Ă  0.3 mSv/an. L’impact rĂ©el reprĂ©sente en fait moins de 10% de cette valeur, comme l’indique l’estimation pour le groupe critique, qui est de l’ordre de 0.03 mSv/an

    UmweltradioaktivitÀt und Strahlendosen in der Schweiz

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    An inter-laboratory comparison of low-level measurements in ground-level aerosol monitoring

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    After the nuclear reactor accident of Chernobyl, the “Integrated Measurement and Information System (IMIS) for Monitoring the Environmental Radioactivity and Detecting Emissions from Nuclear Plants was implemented in Germany. IMIS is a nationwide comprehensive measuring system which permanently monitors the radioactivity in all important environment media in the whole federal territory. At approximately 40 sites, the activity concentration of radioactive substances is measured in air and precipitations. At least 14 of them are responsible for trace monitoring of radionuclides in the air. The legal bases of IMIS prescribe regular inter-laboratory comparison analyses in cooperation with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), with the use of reference materials prepared by the Federal Coordinating Laboratories. In order to fulfil this requirement in the field of trace survey measurements in ground-level air, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (“Bundesamt fĂŒr Strahlenschutz”, BfS) and the PTB have conducted a comparison with real, dust-loaded reference filters in 2005. The comparison was organized within the framework of a cooperation of trace survey stations from Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The paper describes the preparation of the real, dust-loaded reference filters, the procedure for spiking the filters with the activity standard solution containing ÂČÂČNa, ⁞⁞Y, ⁞âčSr, âč⁰Sr, ÂčÂČ⁔Sb, Âč³³Ba, Âč³⁎Cs, and ÂČ⁎ÂčAm. Some results are discussed and conclusions are given