3 research outputs found

    VerbittömĂ€t tapahtumanilmaukset:suunnannĂ€yttĂ€jinĂ€ LÄHDE- ja KOHDE-konstruktio

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    Abstract My thesis discusses the semantic and syntactic properties of Finnish verbless expressions of events in the light of two examples, the SOURCE construction (e.g. OikeusasiamieheltĂ€ huomautus lit. ‘From the ombudsman a complaint’) and the GOAL construction (e.g. Pakistanille rangaistus lit. ‘For Pakistan a punishment’). I show that they express dynamic events in a way comparable to finite constructions. However, they are not elliptic structures but genuinely verbless constructions. The study is founded on Cognitive Construction Grammar and frame semantics, and the analysis is based on two types of data and two methods. First, I collected three sets of 500 newspaper headlines mostly from the Finnish Language Bank (the SOURCE construction, the GOAL construction, and several different verbless constructions), and analyzed them intuitively. Second, I collected paraphrases of 15 instances of the SOURCE construction and 20 instances of the GOAL construction in order to obtain information on how other native speakers of Finnish construe the data which I analyzed intuitively by myself. As a result of this experimental semantic test, I had 169–215 paraphrases per instance of the SOURCE construction and 133–165 paraphrases per instance of the GOAL construction. I then analyzed these paraphrases both semantically and syntactically. The thesis comprises four articles. In the article A case in search of an independent life: The semantics of the initial allative in a Finnish verbless construction, I show that the GOAL construction is polysemous and define eight senses for it. With the help of the established senses, I also justify analyzing the construction as an independent argument structure construction and not as an elliptic structure. The article ElĂ€vĂ€ LÄHDE: Alkuasemaisen ablatiivin merkitystyypit verbittömĂ€ssĂ€ konstruktiossa is a similar treatment of the SOURCE construction for which I define four senses. In the article Mihin verbittömien konstruktioiden merkitystyypit perustuvat? Skemaattiset ja polyseemiset tapahtumanilmaukset, I connect the previous results explicitly with my theoretical framework. I provide an explanation for these constructions’ polysemy and mechanisms of expressing events. Usually, both of these properties of argument structure constructions are associated with verbs. In the joint article Semantic roles and verbless constructions: A Finnish challenge for verb-centered approaches written with Seppo KittilĂ€, the discussion is extended to cover also other Finnish verbless constructions. The article provides a more theoretical perspective on the topic: we link the dynamic meanings of the constructions to the concept of semantic roles and argue for the view that the concept should be divided into the concepts of argument roles and participant roles.TiivistelmĂ€ KĂ€sittelen tutkimuksessani suomen kielen verbittömien tapahtumanilmausten semanttisia ja syntaktisia ominaisuuksia kahden esimerkkitapauksen avulla: LÄHDE-konstruktion (esim. OikeusasiamieheltĂ€ huomautus) ja KOHDE-konstruktion (esim. Pakistanille rangaistus). Osoitan, ettĂ€ ne ilmaisevat dynaamisia tapahtumia siinĂ€ missĂ€ verbilliset konstruktiotkin mutta eivĂ€t kuitenkaan ole elliptisiĂ€ rakenteita vaan aidosti verbittömiĂ€. Tutkimukseni rakentuu kognitiivisen konstruktiokieliopin ja kehyssemantiikan sekĂ€ kahdenlaisen aineiston ja menetelmĂ€n varaan. EnsinnĂ€kin koostin pÀÀasiassa Kielipankin osakokoelmista mutta osin myös muista lĂ€hteistĂ€ kolme 500 otsikon kokoista toteutuma-aineistoa (LÄHDE-konstruktio, KOHDE-konstruktio ja useat erilaiset verbittömĂ€t konstruktiot). Niiden analyysi perustuu intuitiiviseen semanttiseen luokitteluun. LÄHDE- ja KOHDE-konstruktiosta kĂ€ytössĂ€ni olivat lisĂ€ksi kokeellisen semantiikan tuottamat parafraasiaineistot: selvitin, miten koehenkilöt tulkitsevat 15 LÄHDE-konstruktion ja 20 KOHDE-konstruktion intuitiivisesti analysoimaani toteutumaa. LÄHDE-konstruktion testi tuotti 169–215 parafraasia otsikkoa kohden, KOHDE-konstruktion 133–165. Analysoin ne sekĂ€ semanttisesti ettĂ€ syntaktisesti. Tutkimukseni koostuu neljĂ€stĂ€ artikkelista. Artikkelissa A case in search of an independent life. The semantics of the initial allative in a Finnish verbless construction esitĂ€n, ettĂ€ KOHDE-konstruktio on polyseeminen. MÀÀrittelen sille kahdeksan merkitystyyppiĂ€, joiden avulla myös perustelen, miksi kyseessĂ€ on itsenĂ€inen argumenttirakennekonstruktio eikĂ€ elliptinen rakenne. Artikkelissa ElĂ€vĂ€ LÄHDE. Alkuasemaisen ablatiivin merkitystyypit verbittömĂ€ssĂ€ konstruktiossa kĂ€sittelen vastaavasti LÄHDE-konstruktiota, jolle mÀÀrittelen neljĂ€ merkitystyyppiĂ€. Artikkelissa Mihin verbittömien konstruktioiden merkitystyypit perustuvat? Skemaattiset ja polyseemiset tapahtumanilmaukset kytken tulokset selvemmin teoreettiseen viitekehykseeni. SelitĂ€n, miksi tarkastelemani konstruktiot ilmaisevat tapahtumia ja ovat polyseemisia, vaikka niissĂ€ ei ole verbiĂ€, johon sekĂ€ tapahtuman ilmaiseminen ettĂ€ argumenttirakennekonstruktion polyseemisyys yleensĂ€ yhdistetÀÀn. Seppo KittilĂ€n kanssa kirjoittamassani yhteisartikkelissa Semantic roles and verbless constructions. A Finnish challenge for verb-centered approaches laajennamme suomen verbittömien konstruktioiden tarkastelun LÄHDE- ja KOHDE-konstruktion ulkopuolelle ja yhĂ€ teoreettisemmalle tasolle. LiitĂ€mme verbittömien konstruktioiden tapahtumamerkitykset semanttisen roolin kĂ€sitteeseen sekĂ€ perustelemme, miksi se pitĂ€isi jakaa argumentti- ja osallistujaroolin kĂ€sitteiksi

    Kokeellisia nÀkökulmia innovatiivisiin vokaalivartalomuotoihin

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    TiivistelmÀ Tarkastelemme tÀssÀ artikkelissa nykykielessÀ ilmenevÀÀ morfologista muutosta, vokaalivartaloiden yleistymistÀ sellaisissa morfologisissa konteksteissa, joissa yleiskielessÀ esiintyy konsonanttivartalo (esim. yksikön partitiivimuoto *lapse-a pro las-ta).KÀsittelemme artikkelissamme erityisesti sitÀ, miten innovatiivisten vokaalivartalo-muotojen yleistymistÀ voi tutkia kokeellisin menetelmin, erilaisten kyselytutkimusten avulla. Kyselylomakkeisiimme sisÀltyy useita lekseemejÀ ja taivutusmuotoja, joita vokaalivartalomuotojen yleistyminen koskee. Elisitoinnissa informantit muodostivat innovatiivisia vokaalivartalomuotoja vain osasta tutkimukseemme sisÀltyvistÀ sanoista, joten elisitointi ei nÀytÀ tuottavan selvÀÀ todistusaineistoa tarkastelemastamme ilmiöstÀ. Muotojen hyvÀksyttÀvyyttÀ mittaavat tehtÀvÀt sen sijaan tuottivat tuloksia, jotka vastaavat tÀhÀnastista kÀsitystÀ innovatiivisten vokaalivartalomuotojen leviÀmisestÀ. Muutostaipumus ei nÀy yhtÀ voimakkaana kaikissa kyseeseen tulevissa lekseemeissÀ ja taivutusmuodoissa, vaan tietynlaiset tapaukset nÀyttÀvÀt olevan muutoksen eturintamassa. Tarvitaan kuitenkin lisÀtutkimusta selventÀmÀÀn, miten esimerkiksi lekseemin ja taivutusmuodon ÀÀnnerakenne ja yleisyys vaikuttavat muutostaipumukseen

    Proceedings of the Research data and humanities (RDHUM) 2019 conference:data, methods and tools

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    Preface RDHum 2019, the Research Data and Humanities Conference, takes place August 14–16, 2019 at the University of Oulu, Finland. RDHum 2019 is jointly organised by the University of Oulu and the University of JyvĂ€skylĂ€, in collaboration with FIN-CLARIN and The Language Bank of Finland. The event is the first in the series of conferences taking place biennially in one of the universities within the FIN-CLARIN Consortium. The first RDHum Conference is hosted by the University of Oulu, where the Oulu Corpus, a comprehensive and widely used digital research resource at the time, was collected and compiled in a project led by professor Pauli Saukkonen 50 years ago. Digital resources and technology are used more and more within the humanities and the social sciences. Researchers in digital humanities gather, administer, share and study rapidly accumulating digital resources. They also need various research methods and tools in analysing these resources. The conference Research Data and Humanities gathers researchers around these themes, and the scientific program of the Conference includes numerous topics related to digital data, digital methods and analysis in the Humanities. In this first Conference, the subjects of the presentations, posters and workshops come from several disciplines, such as linguistics, literary studies, computer science and information science. Thus the languages and societal phenomena under study, data and methods vary widely in the conference. The peer reviewed articles published in these proceedings are grouped into three categories according to their main focus: data, methods and tools. New data and corpora are presented in the following papers: Kurki et al. present Digilang, a joint venture to combine six different digital corpora. The corpora represent different kinds of data in various modalities. Ijaz seeks to determine editions analytically from bibliographic metadata. Lahti et al. describe the use of bibliograpghic data science in the study of bibliographic metadata collections. PÀÀkkönen presents challenges the end-user face with digital presentation systems and discusses the issues relating to metadata. Salonen et al. describe the collection and process of establishing the Corpus of Finlands Sign Language. They a lso discuss the storage, metadata and publication of the corpus. Jauhiainen presents Wanca in Korp, a sentence corpus for under-resourced Uralic languages and the process how the corpus was collected. New methods for digital humanities are presented in the following papers: Laippala in her paper discusses how to classify texts collected from the internet by means of automatic identification. RyynĂ€nen and HyyrylĂ€inen analyze the concept of Digital Humanities and propose a concept of “practical digital humanities” for describing research utilising a humanist approach to practical problem solving with digital technology development in the digital humanities context. Mikhailov compares texts by their frequency lists. He uses two different types of frequency word lists, unlemmatized and lemmatized, to conduct an experiment with. He observes the different outcomes of the two lists in the experiment. Ivaska presents an analysis of machine learning to identifying translated and non-translated Finnish texts and how to identify the source language of the translated text. Drobac and Linden discuss the issues relating to optical character recognition (OCR) in historical newspaper and journal text and assert that font families need to be recognized. They present an experiment relating to recognizing text in two different fonts. Cohrs and Petersen propose experimental methods of guessing a persons political party based on his tweets. Ijaz presents possibilities of analytical determination of editions from bibliographic metadata. PÀÀkkönen, Kettunen and Kervinen discuss findings made from user observations in searching digitized serial publications The following papers introduce new tools in digital humanities: Kettunen presents an analysis of semantic annotation of texts in the context of other automated tools for analyzing languages. He introduces a new tool, FiST, that has been developed to annotate semantically texts in Finnish. Huttunen describes digital games in reinforcing linguistic and socioemotional skills of children with communicative disabilities. She describes the properties of two versions of the game Tunne-etsivĂ€t and collection of research data from the users of the game. We gratefully acknowledge the financial and technical support from The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, FIN-CLARIN consortium, The Language Bank of Finland, and the Universities of Oulu and JyvĂ€skylĂ€, and the city of Oulu, which made this event possible. We would also like to thank all the members of the FIN-CLARIN steering group, the members scientific and organising committees and the local students in the University of Oulu who encouraged to organize this event and worked hard to make this conference a reality. Finally we wish to thank all reviewers for their work and the Faculty of Humanities for agreeing to publish proceedings in Studia Humaniora Ouluensia. Jarmo Harri Jantunen (chair), Sisko Brunni, Niina Kunnas, Santeri Palviainen and Katja VĂ€stiTable of contents Preface Table of contents I Data Analytical determination of editions from bibliographic metadata. Ali Zeeshan Ijaz, Mikko Tolonen, Leo Lahti and Iiro Tiihonen Wanca in Korp: Text corpora for underresourced Uralic languages. Heidi Jauhiainen, Tommi Jauhiainen and Krister LindĂ©n Digilang – Turun yliopiston digitaalisia kieliaineistoja kehittĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€. Tommi Kurki, Nobufumi Inaba, Annekatrin Kaivapalu, Maarit Koponen, Veronika Laippala, Christophe Leblay, Jorma Luutonen, Maarit Mutta, Markku Nikulin ja Elisa Reunanen Best Practices in Bibliographic Data Science. Leo Lahti, Ville Vaara, Jani Marjanen and Mikko Tolonen Digital heritage presentation system development + new material types: early findings. Tuula PÀÀkkönen Suomen viittomakielten korpusta rakentamassa. Juhana Salonen, Anna Puupponen, Ritva Takkinen ja Tommi Jantunen II Methods Guessing a tweet author’s political party using weighted n-gram models. Enum Cohrs and Wiebke Petersen Optical font family recognition using a neural network. Senka Drobac and Krister LindĂ©n Distinguishing translations from non-translations and identifying (in)direct translations’ source languages. Laura Ivaska From bits and numbers to explanations – doing research on Internet-based big data. Veronika Laippala The Extent of Similarity: comparing texts by their frequency lists. Mikhail Mikhailov Search options used in digitized serial publications – observational user data and future challenges. Tuula PÀÀkkönen, Kimmo Kettunen and Jukka Kervinen Border crossing and trespassing? Expanding digital humanities research to developing peripheries with the novel digital technologies. Toni RyynĂ€nen and Torsti HyyrylĂ€inen III Tools Tutkimusaineiston kerÀÀminen ja analysointi monipuolisia digitaalisia keinoja hyödyntĂ€en. EsimerkkinĂ€ Tunne-etsivĂ€t-tutkimushankekokonaisuus. Kerttu Huttunen Kirjoitetun nykysuomen automaattisesta semanttisesta merkitsemisestĂ€. Kimmo Kettune