5 research outputs found

    Communication in high technology product development projects:project personnel’s viewpoint for improvement

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    Abstract Product development plays a crucial role in the survival of high technology companies. High technology product development projects typically are multi-technical, multicultural, geographically dispersed, inter-connected and organized in a network of companies. These settings pose extra challenges for communication. In this qualitative multiple-case study, communication challenges and possible solutions for developing communication were studied. The empirical data were collected from five high technology product development projects. Each project represented a different high technology company operating in the Oulu area, in Finland. Multiple data collection methods were used, including interviews studying organizations’ internal documents, web-based surveys among project personnel and case-internal focus groups. After studying each of the five cases separately, a cross-case analysis was conducted by the researcher. The findings of this research show that communication challenges depend on the business role of the company. Efforts to enhance communication should be considered in relation to the business realities of companies. Typical challenges include a lack of communication planning, lack of project personnel’s communication competence and obstacles caused by physical & organizational boundaries. Possible solutions for developing communication include systematic planning of project communication and defining communication development targets based on internal analyses and the business realities of the company. Data management systems should be set up to enhance the work done and information flows in projects. Another solution is continuous trust building through feedback between the companies participating in the same product development project. According to the results of this study, companies can direct their efforts when enhancing communication in product development projects. Companies can also utilize of the process described in this research to identify their communication challenges and to define communication action plans

    Improving high-tech product development through communication audits

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    Abstract Functional communication is a necessity to succeed in high technology product development where projects typically are multi-site, multi-cultural, multi-technical, and products are complex. The aim of this study is to clarify what kind of process is suitable for assessing the effectiveness of communication in high-tech product development. Based on the literature analysis, a communication audit process is constructed and tested in five product development projects of dif-ferent information and communication technology (ICT) companies. Based on test case experiences and analyses, this study proposes a streamlined communication audit process. An outcome of this paper is a streamlined communication audit process that provides benefits for companies, but does not burden the organisation unnecessarily. Managers of high-tech companies can utilise the developed process for enhancing communication in their product development

    Structural change as an opportunity for a post-mining region:the case of Pyhäjärvi, Finland

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    Abstract Many mining towns have faced or are about to face challenges regarding keeping their region economically stable and its image attractive. With mineral resources exhausted and mining activities shutting down, alternative opportunities for jobs are difficult to establish and the regional image may be unappealing and not eco-friendly. Furthermore, the closure of a mine comes with large maintenance costs. This is the case in the small town of Pyhäjärvi, where the underground operation of the Pyhäsalmi mine will shut down in 2021. The depth of the Pyhäsalmi mine, 1,445 m underground, offers a unique environment, with large-scale possibilities to utilise the infrastructure and resources, such as for the purposes of establishing a geothermal energy facility. Renewable, low-carbon energy sources are not only at the centre of the fight against climate change, but they also provide profitable and stable energy solutions. Therefore, using existing operation environments such as the Pyhäsalmi mine presents an opportunity to create and use green technology solutions, and thus transform an extractive industrial locality into a forerunner that offers new business opportunities in the clean energy sector. Structural industrial change would require strong regional resilience. A resilient region is able to adapt its activities, markets and local political structures during the change; however, restructuring processes are challenging due to functional, cognitive and/or political lock-in when regions tend to fall into path dependency (Hasslink 2010a; Martin 2012). Recent developments in economic and social systems (caused by globalisation, decarbonisation and the rise of digital technologies) are influencing all regions that should be able create new paths (Giacometti and Teräs 2019; Hasslink 2010b). This study discusses whether the structural change of the region can be turned into an economical and environmental opportunity and what kind of social, economic and political conditions can either make this a reality or act as a hindrance

    Does sales management matter?:a case of growth-oriented SMEs from Northern Finland

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    Abstract Sales management is one of the basic factors that determine the success and growth of any company. This study applies a systematic approach to sales management in order to explore sales capability. A sales maturity model is developed and used to analyse the sales capabilities of growth-oriented SMEs in Northern Finland. The secondary purpose of this study is to explore proactive versus reactive sales management and its relation to sales capability. This study found that sales capability is higher in strategic process management as well as in issues relating to people and organisations, but lower in issues relating to customer communication and customer data utilisation. Actively seeking new sales opportunities seems to be important for enhanced sales capability. Based on the results, growth-oriented SMEs should invest in systematic and proactive sales management. The developed sales maturity model can be utilised to enhance SMEs’ sales capability

    Vastuullisuudesta kilpailuetua:opas pienyritykselle vastuullisuussuunnitelman laatimiseen

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    Alkusanat Vastuullisuus on usein sisäänrakennettuna suomalaisen pienyrityksen yrityskulttuuriin, vaikka sitä ei olisi tietoisesti pohdittukaan. Suomalaiset yritykset toimivat tyypillisesti rehellisesti, vilpittömästi, kunniallisesti ja avoimesti, jolloin vastuullisuus on jo hyvällä pohjalla. Vastuullinen yritys on myös haluttu työnantajana ja yhteistyökumppanina. Asiakkaan arvostaminen on keskeistä vastuullisen yrityksen toiminnalle. Vastuullisuus ei välttämättä tarkoita isoja vastuullisuusohjelmia vaan käytännön toiminta arjessa riittää. Taloudellisella tasolla vastuullisuutta on mm. kannattava yritystoiminta, sosiaalista vastuullisuutta on mm. henkilöstön hyvinvoinnista huolehtiminen. Sosiaalinen vastuullisuus tarkoittaa myös toimintaa paikallisyhteisön edistämiseksi, työyhteisön ja työolojen kehittämistä sekä ihmisarvon kunnioittamista yrityksen kaikissa toiminnoissa. Tämä opas on suunnattu pien- ja mikroyrityksille. Oppaaseen on koottu mikroyrittäjän vastuullisuusvalmennuksessa käytettyä materiaalia ja valmennuksissa hyödynnettyjä työkaluja. Tarkoituksena on, että saat laadittua yrityksellesi vastuullisuuden kehittämissuunnitelman, ViVa Road Mapin. Opas on tuotettu osana ViVa – Vihreä vastuullisuus mikroyrityksissä -hanketta, jonka vastuullisuusvalmennus on auttanut pieniä ja mikroyrityksiä suunnitelmalliseen vastuullisuuteen ja sitä kautta kilpailuedun lisäämiseen Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla vuosina 2021–2023