68 research outputs found

    Persepsi Siswa SMA Terhadap Materi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Satu Studi Penelitian Di SMA Negeri 3 Semarang Dan SMA Don Bosko Semarang)

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    Pancasila is the Indonesian national identity which becomes orientation of valuesand norm for all the people of Indonesia. Pancasila is a part of Civics Education lessonswhich is compulsory from elementary school to university. By weakening of Pancasilavalues gives a big affect to the behavior of Indonesian. Especially, the young generationof Indonesia looks increasingly becomes anti Pancasila. Based on those conditions, thisstudy aimed to determine the perceptions of senior high school students to the CivicsEducation Material containing principles of Pancasila.This study used descriptive quantitative approach, to describe the phenomenonthat occured and was intended to determine the perceptions of senior high schoolstudents on the Civics Education Material in detail. In collecting the data, the authorused a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires. Sampling method in thisresearch was purposive sampling to determine the number of samples in each school,then random sampling technique in the determination of the individual as a sample orPSU (People Sample Units). So the population selected purposively based on targetsstudents who were more dominant and deemed appropriate in accordance with the themeof the study.The results of this study showed that majority of senior high school students gave apositive perception of the Civics Education Material. Senior high school students couldunderstand what is wrong and what is right. There were not many differences perceptionof the material Civics between girls and boys students. Similarly, it happened betweenSMA 3 Semarang and SMA Don Bosko, both class X and class XI did not show anydifferences in perception. However, students could only receive Citizenship EducationMaterial well in theory. In practice there was less congruence between the students'cognitive and affective.Inexpediency of cognitive and affective among senior high school studentsoccurred because the progress of time factor that was even more out of the Indonesianculture. The inappropriate intercourse and lack of parental supervision of the childcaused the child socially easily get carried away with the wrong intercourse. Therefore,the socialization from teachers and parents to effectively supervise children in school andout of school is needed so that children do not fall into the wrong intercourse and moredamage the morale of the Indonesian nation

    Dinamika Gerakan Etnonasionalisme Kurdi Irak (Studi Kajian Periode 1979-2012)

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    The Kurds are one of the ethnic groups living in several countries in the Middle East,they have goals and ambitions of creating an independent Kurdish state and sovereignity. Butafter the first world war ended, they had to live apart due to the Kurdistan region is divided intoseveral sovereign countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey) by the United Nations. Kurds in Iraqin the Kurdish history is the most aggressive in expressing their aspirations than the Kurds inother countries. They created an ethnic nationalist movement used in order to demand thefreedom of Kurdish aspirations. Started in 1919, Mahmud Barzanji declare the Kurdish strugglein Iraq through the uprising known as Sulaymaniyah revolution. No accommodation of theinterests of the Iraqi Kurds by successive regimes dominate Iraq, making Iraq's Kurdish ethnicrebellion continued until the end of Iraq controlled by the authoritarian regime of SaddamHussein. The period of Saddam Hussein's regime was the toughest period in the history of ethnicKurds. Various Iraqi Kurdish policy of ethnic cleansing began intensified by the authoritarianregime of Saddam Hussein, but when it is also movement in Iraq's Kurdish ethnic nationalismgrew stronger.This study describes how the patterns of strategy ethnonationalism Kurdish movement inIraq during the reign of Saddam Hussein to go into Iraq's democratic process (period 1979-2012), as well as explaining what policies have been issued in order to accommodate theinterests of Kurds in Iraq during that period. This study also describes contemporary conflictsinvolving Iraq's ethnic Kurds as an actor in the conflict. So in this research will be able to seehow it changes shape patterns of Iraqi Kurdish nationalist movement from time to time as well asthe influence behind the change

    Implementasi Kerja Sama Indonesia-amerika Serikat Dalam Counter Terrorism: Hasil Program Diplomatic Security Service Antiterrorism Assistance Terhadap Kasus Terorisme Di Indonesia Tahun 2003-2014

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    Since the events of 9/11 were carried out Al-Qaeda group in the United States,the world back on to remind you that the crime of terrorism can be doneanytime and anywhere. Al-Qaeda group led by Osama bin Laden wanted toattack the United States and its allies to fight the oppression of Muslims bydeveloping a network to Indonesia. Groups in Indonesia who are convicted ofterrorism and has a style of thinking is similar to Al-Qaeda, namely JamaahIslamiyah, Jemaah Ansharut Tauhid, East Indonesian Mujahedeen and WestIndonesian Mujaheddin. In response to the terrorist acts, Indonesia incooperation with the United States to train law enforcement personnel of theRepublic of Indonesia is in the DSS/ATA (Diplomatic Security ServiceAntiterrorism Assistance). Literature and interviewing is a method to knowthe progress of the implementation of the cooperation. The initial results ofthis study showed that less than the maximum implementation of thiscooperation because there is some training that is not in its implementation.Then it can be concluded that the initial results of the study showed a negativecorrelation with the end result of research which states that the cooperationin the program DSS/ATA has been running well since the training has notbeen implemented yet due to terrorism cases should be dealt with using thetraining. After analysis, the authors also provide recommendations forcooperation between Indonesia and the United States in the DSS/AT

    Kerjasama UNODC – Indonesia Dalam Memerangi Perdagangan Manusia Periode 2007-2013

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    The impact of technological advancement does not always has apositive effect. For example, one of the negative impact is the growingforms of transnational crime such as human trafficking. As onecontinent from five continents in the world, Asia is the region with thenumber of victims of human trafficking at most. Indonesia is one ofAsian countries which has become a source, destination, and transit ofhuman trafficking. Surely the Government of Indonesia continues tostrive to combat human trafficking in various ways, one of them ispartnership with UNODC. This thesis aims to determine the form ofthe partnership between the Government of Indonesia with theUNODC in combating human trafficking with period 2007-2013. Inthis thesis, author use the theory of Liberalism Institutionalism,because it is considered the most appropriate theory to explain thecooperation between the Government of Indonesia and UNODC. Inthis thesis, author use descriptive-explanative research type to explainand to describe the phenomenon of human trafficking in Indonesia.The results from this research is that the cooperation between theGovernment of Indonesia and UNODC are effective and inaccordance with the needs of the Government of Indonesia especiallyon the aspect of capacity building of Indonesian law enforcementofficial. However, the result from this cooperation does not give apositive implication for the reduction of the number of victims ofhuman trafficking in Indonesia

    Kerja Sama Bilateral Indonesia Dan Australia Dalam Penanganan Terorisme Di Indonesia Tahun 2002 – 2013

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    The development of terrorism on global scale triggers Indonesia and Australiato increase their capacity by working together to tackle terrorism in Indonesia.In order to determine the actions undertaken by the Government of Indonesiaand Australia to respond and prevent terrorism crime growing in Indonesia,the research use the approach of liberalism, that the relationship betweenIndonesia and Australia based on the same view to protect themselves from thethreat of terrorism through cooperation to increase the capacity of the countryagainst non-state actor, terrorist organizaton. Details about the importance ofcooperation between Indonesia and Australia done within the scope ofcooperation to deal with terrorism in Indonesia focused on government acttoward police institution, Indonesian National Police (Polri) for Governmentof Republic of Indonesia, and Australian Federal Police (AFP) for Governmentof Australia in the area of counter terrorism. Polri and AFP relationship inorder to overcome terrorism crime using curative and preventive action basedon the following bilateral cooperation between states. Counter terrorism actbased on Momerandum of Understanding Between Government of Republic ofIndonesia and Government of Australia signed on 7th February 2002

    Evaluasi Kinerjapelayanan Kesehatan Padapuskesmas Di Kota Semarang Tahun 2012

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    Public services, especially health services still have a lot of obstacles and barriers mostlyon the quality of the service given. Public service organizations that have an interest in accordancewith the basic rules and procedures have been established. The paradigm emerging during the publicservices management tends to be more directive and focusing only on the interests which indicate afield fact that there is deficiency in the performance of health services in health centers (Puskesmas).Based on that fact, the need of evaluation on performance of health service in health centers is amust. Health centers as one of government agencies which play role in delivering health services tosociety must be able to meet people's satisfaction on their needs of health services.The objectives of this research are to evaluate the performance of health centers publicservices in Semarang and to find out the problems encountered also the factors supporting theirperformance there. To strengthen and achieve the objectives of this study, evaluative method isbeing used. The prosedure of data collection is by spreading questionnaire to and interviewing bothproviders and recipients of the heath services in the health centers, or in this case the visitors, healthworkers, and related agencies in Semarang Health Office. In addition, to support the completion ofthe needed information, related data and documents are also being used.The result of the research shows that from overall user satisfaction indicators of healthservices in health centers, 56.93% survey respondents stated that the services is very good, 38.57%stated that services is good, 4.63% stated that is poor and 0.14% stated that the services is not good.The result also shows that the problems encountered on the process of delivering health services inthe health centers are the lack of personnel officer and readiness, lack of facility and infrastructure,slow medical treatment, less understanding and knowledge of the visitors and lack of medicalsupplies

    Dinamika Hubungan Antar Etnis Dan Integrasi Imigran Di Inggris

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    This paper attempts to describe the dynamics of inter-ethnic relationships, theintegration of ethnic groups in Britain, and how the UK government react to it. Researchdesign that used in this paper is qualitative with descriptive method. The data used in thispaper in the form of secondary data obtained from various sources.Britain as a multicultural country is faced with the challenge of managing inter-ethnicrelations in order to maintain peaceful society. Inter-ethnic relations in the UK experiencingtension until now, mainly due to four things the racial riots, incidents involving the killing ofa particular ethnic, racial sentiments, and racism. Race riots broke out in the Britain a fewtimes which resulted in heated inter-ethnic relations. In addition, the murder incidentsinvolving a particular ethnic group often creates a bad atmosphere of inter-ethnic relationsin Britain. Racial sentiment and institutional racism that still exist in some institutions inBritain, helped trigger frictions between ethnic groups as well. In this case, the mass mediaalso plays a major role in triggering inter-ethnic friction that occurs. However, inter-ethnicrelations in the UK also has moments of harmony, especially when the Race Relations Act of1976 was passed and the anti-racism organization was formed.The dynamics of inter-ethnic relationships in Britain are caharacterized by a numberof incidents so that led to debate about the integration of immigrants and minority ethnicgroups with the British society. The integration can be viewed through four dimensions: thedimension of cultural, social, economic, and political. Research by public institutions andofficial statistics owned by UK government show that ethnic minorities in Britain have notbeen fully integrated with British society. This was demonstrated by the fact that someminority ethnic groups in Britain have little opportunity to access resources to meet theirneeds. The causes are varied, ranging from individual factors to environmental factors. Inresponse, the British government has issued a policy that aims to increase opportunities forthe integration of ethnic minorities. Nevertheless, it needs to be supported by efforts to createa broader public space so that each ethnic group get to know one another

    Peran Komite Anti Dumping Indonesia (Kadi) Menangani Praktik Dumping Perdagangan China-Indonesia (Studi Kasus Polyester Staple Fiber Dari China Tahun 2009 – 2010)

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    Polyester Staple Fiber is a material that is produced from synthetic chemical and compound with various uses in industry phrase. There are states that export material of Polyester Staple Fiber to Indonesia like China, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia and India. Among those states, dumping practices was found in Indonesian International trade which is implementing by the exporters. Dumping occur when a foreign company sells a product to the another state at less than fairmarket value. Loss caused to states who imports goods which contain dumping, therefor dumping is prohibited in International trade which have been mentioned by World Trade Organization (WTO).Dumping was done by China in the exporting activity of Polyester Staple Fiber. The lower price that is provided of China's Polyester Staple Fiber is the reason that makes the Indonesian consumer interested of buying it more than the inland production. That thing decrease the market share of the inland producers company and caused loss. To anticipate the increasing of loss, Indonesian Fiber Synthetic Producer Association (APSYFI) made a petition to the Indonesian Antidumping Committee.The petition of Indonesian Fiber Synthetic Producer Association (APSYFI) that was represented by two national Polyester Staple Fiber company which are PT. Teijin Indonesia Fiber Corporation (Tifico) and PT Indonesia Toray Synthetic (Toray) continue to an investigation in proving dumping containing of the China's Polyester Staple Fiber export. The end of the investigation, Indonesian Antidumping Committee recommended the antidumping duties of China's Polyester Staple Fiber export to the Minister of Commerce and Minister of Finance. This duties purposed to protect inland producers from the continue of loss that caused by dumping
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