15 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelayakan Investasi Pembelian Mesin CNC Bubut Mazak 150s untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Produksi dengan Teknik Capital Budgeting (Studi Kasus pada CV. Gaya Indah)

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    CV. Gaya Indah (CV. GI) is a company engaged in the field of machining services. One of the products being produced is bush kora. Bush kora is a spare part of a motor vehicle that functions as a protector/house for bearings. In 2021 the number of requests for bush kora products increased rapidly to increase production capacity the company's want to change the production flow from 1 machine to 2 machines, but the number of machines in the company was not sufficient so the Company plans to invest in Mazak Quick Smart 150s CNC Lathe Machine by considering technical/operational aspects and financial aspects. The results of the analysis obtained in the technical/operational aspect is that the production capacity can meet the eligibility requirements, that is demand < production capacity. In the financial aspect, the feasibility assessment criteria using NPV (Net Present Value) has a positive value of Rp. 50.694.290,-, the percentage of IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is 9,138% and is greater than the discount factor specified, that is 6,678% , and the payback period shows that the time required to return the invested investment is 5 months 16 days faster than the project contract period, which is 1 year, so from the results of the analysis using the capital budgeting technique, it is stated that the investment plan is feasible to implement

    ‘Smart Technical English’ Android Application to Improve Students English Skills

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    Students of Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya (PPNS) get difficulties and are less motivated in learning English, which can be seen from their low score on TOEIC. Therefore, we develop an Android-based 'Smart Smart Technical English' application to improve their English skills. The software used in this research is React Native, and the development method is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) prototyping model. Designed exclusively based on the English curriculum in PPNS, ‘Smart Technical English’ comes with interesting images, videos, quiz, and vocabulary enrichment to trigger students motivation in learning English. By developing and applying ‘Smart Technical English’, students are expected to be more motivated and really into learning English, thus boost their skills

    Analisis Kegagalan Komponen Overhead Crane dengan Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

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    Repair and maintenance activities aim to increase the functional capability of a system or tool used in production. At PT. Lintech Duta Pratama (PT. LDP), overhead crane is used as a means of moving materials and finished goods. This tool operates to transport materials and finished goods continuously for ± 7 hours per day for 5 working days a week. However, maintenance actions have not been carried out optimally due to a lack of manpower/workers. Thus resulting in delays in the implementation of maintenance activities and affect the completion of production. Against this background, failure identification was carried out using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method on the 12.5T overhead crane. With this method the results obtained by filling in the FMEA Worksheet showed that there were 13 components that had the highest risk level value, with 26 failure modes from whole component. The highest RPN value is for the MCB/main power supply component with a value of 209, while the lowest is for the hoisting hook component with a value of 7. So that this component can be considered by the maintenance team and related parties in the company when carrying out maintenance activities on the overhead crane equipment

    Analisis Optimasi Waktu dan Biaya Crashing Project Dengan Metode Critical Path dan Time Cost Trade Off Pada Proyek Pembangunan Galangan Kapal

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    Industri galangan kapal merupakan industri fabrikasi di sektor perkapalan yang melibatkan penggunaan material dan praktek manufaktur. Dalam pembangunan kapal, keterlambatan penyelesaian proyek pembangunan kapal berarti pihak galangan kapal harus membayar denda (penalty) keterlambatan sesuai dengan yang tertera pada perjanjian kontrak. Seperti dalam kasus proyek pembuatan Kapal Pengawas Perikanan Aluminium 17M oleh PT. Batam Expresindo Shipyard ini, pelaksanaannya mengalami keterlambatan sehingga galangan harus membayarkan denda sebesar 1 per mill dari nilai kontrak per harinya. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan crashing project pada pekerjaan yang berada pada lintasan kritis. Penelitian ini menggunakan Critical Path Method (CPM) dan metode Time Cost Trade Off. Hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa waktu dan biaya optimal dengan alternatif penambahan tenaga kerja dan penambahan jam kerja sebesar 5 jam dari jam kerja normal dengan produktivitas 80%. Durasi crashing project yang dihasilkan adalah 30 hari lebih cepat dari durasi aktual, dari total durasi proyek 222 hari menjadi 192 hari dengan penambahan biaya crashing project sebesar Rrp. 76. 719.84

    Implementasi Product Based Learning Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

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    Product based Learning (PBL) is the right learning model to scaffold students to carry out systematic and standard work procedures in making or completing a product. At Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS), PBL can be applied to English language learning where students are equipped with the skills to produce speaking and writing products in English that are of high quality and, if possible, worth selling. This learning method is applied to students in semester 3 and 4 at 4 departments: Ship Machinery Engineering, Ship Building Engineering and Ship Electrical Engineering. Those students are taking the English 2 course. The products of this PBL application is in the form of video tutorials created by the students. The process of making video starts from creating concept designs, materials, storyboards and video scripts. The theme of the video covers Safety/Safety Hazard and Behavioral Safety which has marketable value, and can be applied in every workshop and laboratory at PPNS

    Evaluation of Radar Reflector Design for Traditional Fishermen in Banyuwangi

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    Every fishing boat owned by fishermen in the Muncar Harbor area of Banyuwangi is always decorated. In addition to beautifying the ship, they also provide enthusiasm for work. Various decorations used include the shape of the dome of the mosque and the shape of a butterfly. Although technically all ornaments do not support their safety at sea. Accidents, namely the collision of traditional fishing vessels by large commercial vessels often occur. because the area of operation of traditional fishermen is the trajectory of large commercial ships. Many accidents occur because the presence of fishing boats is not detected by commercial vessels. because most traditional fishing boats are made of materials that do not reflect the radar signals of large vessels. For this reason, it is very necessary to install a reflector radar, which is a passive radar that serves to increase the object’s Radar Cross Section value. This radar can be mounted on fishing vessels so that the reflected energy from this radar reflector can be recognized by large ships. This article describes designs that are in demand by traditional fishermen in the Muncar area of Banyuwangi

    Ekstrasi Data Citra Koordinat Bumi Pada Peta Digital Pesebaran Ikan

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    Dalam teknologi penangkapan ikan yang berkembang saat ini masih menggunakan teknologi fishfinder yang berbasis akustik, selain mahal tidak semua ikan terdeteksi alat ini. Padahal Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) saat ini telah menyediakan peta digital daerah persebaran ikan. Peta tersebut kita kenal dengan Peta Perkiraan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan (PPDPI). Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, sudah mulai dikembangkan teknologi yang lebih baik, yang dinamakan Portable Virtual Assistant untuk nelayan. Penelitian ini menfokuskan pada cara memperoleh data latitude dan longitude area berkumpulnya ikan yang berasal dari peta PPDPI. Terlebih dahulu gambar peta digital tersebut diolah dengan cara menentukan area fokus gambar peta yang akan diolah pada tahap berikutnya dengan menggunakan image processing. Area fokus gambar peta tersebut dirubah dari gambar berwarna menjadi hitam-putih. Dengan hitam-putih, gambar lebih mudah diolah lagi untuk ditemukan titik koordinat piksel gambar. Titik koordinat piksel tersebut dirubah ke latitude dan longitude dengan cara menggunakan rumus perbandingan latitude dan longitude peta dunia. Hasil penelitian ini mampu memberikan keakurasian hingga 1.791838% untuk latitude dan 1.11416% untuk longitude.   Abstract Existing fishing technology still uses the acoustic-based fishfinder, besides expensive, itdoes not detect all types of fish. Whereas, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia has provided digital map of fish distribution. The digital map is known as Peta Perkiraan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan (PPDPI). To tackle the problem, a better technolgy has just been developed , namely Portable Virtual Assistant for sailor. This study focuses on how to get latitude and longitude of fish group sourcing from the PPDPI map. Firstly the digital map is processed to determine the focus area of map image processed on the next steps by image processing. The focus area of map image is changed from color image to black and white image. By black and white image, it is easier to be processed again to be found coordinate-piksel of image. The coordinate-piksel was converted to latitude and longitude by comparing formula latitude and longitude of world map. The result is able to give accuracy up to 1.791838% for latitude and 1.11416% for longitude

    Ekstrasi Data Citra Koordinat Bumi Pada Peta Digital Pesebaran Ikan

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    Dalam teknologi penangkapan ikan yang berkembang saat ini masih menggunakan teknologi fishfinder yang berbasis akustik, selain mahal tidak semua ikan terdeteksi alat ini. Padahal Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) saat ini telah menyediakan peta digital daerah persebaran ikan. Peta tersebut kita kenal dengan Peta Perkiraan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan (PPDPI). Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, sudah mulai dikembangkan teknologi yang lebih baik, yang dinamakan Portable Virtual Assistant untuk nelayan. Penelitian ini menfokuskan pada cara memperoleh data latitude dan longitude area berkumpulnya ikan yang berasal dari peta PPDPI. Terlebih dahulu gambar peta digital tersebut diolah dengan cara menentukan area fokus gambar peta yang akan diolah pada tahap berikutnya dengan menggunakan image processing. Area fokus gambar peta tersebut dirubah dari gambar berwarna menjadi hitam-putih. Dengan hitam-putih, gambar lebih mudah diolah lagi untuk ditemukan titik koordinat piksel gambar. Titik koordinat piksel tersebut dirubah ke latitude dan longitude dengan cara menggunakan rumus perbandingan latitude dan longitude peta dunia. Hasil penelitian ini mampu memberikan keakurasian hingga 1.791838% untuk latitude dan 1.11416% untuk longitude. AbstractExisting fishing technology still uses the acoustic-based fishfinder, besides expensive, itdoes not detect all types of fish. Whereas, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia has provided digital map of fish distribution. The digital map is known as Peta Perkiraan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan (PPDPI). To tackle the problem, a better technolgy has just been developed , namely Portable Virtual Assistant for sailor. This study focuses on how to get latitude and longitude of fish group sourcing from the PPDPI map. Firstly the digital map is processed to determine the focus area of map image processed on the next steps by image processing. The focus area of map image is changed from color image to black and white image. By black and white image, it is easier to be processed again to be found coordinate-piksel of image. The coordinate-piksel was converted to latitude and longitude by comparing formula latitude and longitude of world map. The result is able to give accuracy up to 1.791838% for latitude and 1.11416% for longitude


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    Yayasan Bina Umat As Salam yang terletak di Keputih Tegal Timur, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya merupakan salah satu yayasan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah upaya meningkatkan potensi yang dimiliki masyarakat, sehingga masyarakat dapat mengembangkan diri secara mandiri terutama di bidang ekonomi. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah melakukan pelatihan kepada masyarakat binaan Yayasan Bina Umat As Salam mengenai sistem pengeringan dengan menggunakan alat pengering dari energi matahari dengan bantuan kolektor surya. Penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat binaan Yayasan Bina Umat As Salam sebagai solusi teknologi tepat guna dalam rangka meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat, karena dapat digunakan pada segala kondisi cuaca, menekan biaya produksi, dan tidak memerlukan lahan luas. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi dua hal yaitu, fabrikasi dan sosialisasi penggunaan kolektor surya sebagai alat pengering. Adapun target luaran utama dari pengabdian ini berupa hibah kolektor surya yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat binaan Yayasan Bina Umat As Salam