6 research outputs found

    Report on Distribution and Spawning of Small-scale Sillago, Sillago parvisquamis (family Sillaginidae), Based on Specimens from Yamaguchi Bay in Western Seto Inland Sea, Japan. <Article>

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    瀬戸内海山口湾で2005 ~ 2008 年に,絶滅危惧種アオギスSillago parvisquamis 8 標本(SP-YB1 ~ 8)を採集した。全長226.5 ~ 320.1mm,体長197.7 ~ 281.0mm,いずれも雌で,年齢はSP-YB1 ~ 6 が1才,SP-YB7 が3才,およびSP-YB8 は4才で,全個体が2004年級であった。卵巣の組織学的検討より,SP-YB1 ~ 7 では,最も発達した正常な卵母細胞は第三次卵黄球期か胚胞移動期で,排卵後濾胞細胞を有し,活発な産卵活動が確認された。釣りCPUE(個体数/3時間/ 人)は,2005 ~ 2012年では,5 ~ 7月は0.2(n=24),通年では0.1(n=49)であった。2004年級を主な対象とした2005 ~ 2006年の2年間では,5 ~ 7月は0.3(n=14),通年では0.2(n=23)であった。今回,標本に基づき山口湾を生息地および繁殖地として記載した。Small-scale sillago, Sillago parvisquamis, were collected from Yamaguchi Bay, western Seto Inland Sea, Japan. This species has been evaluated as an endangered species in Japan. Eight specimens (sample no. SPYB1-8) collected in 2005-2008 were 226.5-320.1 mm TL, 197.7-281.0 mm SL and were all adult females. The ages of SPYB1-6, 7, and 8 were 1, 3, and 4 years, respectively, and all individuals were of the 2004 class. Judging from ovarian histological samples, the most developed stage of normal oocytes in SPYB1-7 was the tertiary yolk globule stage or the migratory nucleus stage. All individuals had a lot of post-ovulatory follicles. Therefore, these two evidences indicate spawning. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) (indiv. / 3 hours / person) by fishing in 2005-2012 was 0.2 for the spawning season (n=24) and 0.1 for the whole year (n=49). For the 2004 class, CPUE in 2005-2006 was 0.3 for the spawning season (n=14) and 0.2 for the whole year (n=23). This is the detailed report of the distribution and spawning of Sillago parvisquamis based on specimens from Yamaguchi Bay

    Whole Genome Sequencing of Greater Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) for SNP Identification on Aligned Scaffolds and Genome Structural Variation Analysis Using Parallel Resequencing

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    Greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) is distributed in tropical and temperate waters worldwide and is an important aquaculture fish. We carried out de novo sequencing of the greater amberjack genome to construct a reference genome sequence to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for breeding amberjack by marker-assisted or gene-assisted selection as well as to identify functional genes for biological traits. We obtained 200 times coverage and constructed a high-quality genome assembly using next generation sequencing technology. The assembled sequences were aligned onto a yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) radiation hybrid (RH) physical map by sequence homology. A total of 215 of the longest amberjack sequences, with a total length of 622.8 Mbp (92% of the total length of the genome scaffolds), were lined up on the yellowtail RH map. We resequenced the whole genomes of 20 greater amberjacks and mapped the resulting sequences onto the reference genome sequence. About 186,000 nonredundant SNPs were successfully ordered on the reference genome. Further, we found differences in the genome structural variations between two greater amberjack populations using BreakDancer. We also analyzed the greater amberjack transcriptome and mapped the annotated sequences onto the reference genome sequence