28 research outputs found

    Primary anorectal melanoma: a case of 5 year disease-free survival

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    Anorectal melanoma is a rare cause of anorectal malignancies affecting mainly elderly people without significant gender differences, although there seems to be a white predominance. Diagnosis is often challenging, since symptoms are frequently nonspecific. Radical surgery is the mainstay of treatment, while adjuvant therapies are generally of limited value. Thus, prognosis is still grim, with a 5-year survival rate of less than 20%. We report the case of a 75-year-old white female presenting with mild anal pain and blood in stools. Diagnosed with an ulcerated melanoma of the perianal area, she eventually underwent an abdominoperineal resection and bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy. To date, she is currently alive and disease-free. Given the lack of adequate international guidelines, we recommend defining a tailored treatment by thorough multidisciplinary discussion, as well as taking into account the patient personal preference

    FMECA Application to Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy Procedure As a Quality Method to Prevent and Reduce Patient's Risk in Conservative Surgery for Breast Cancer

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    Failure Mode Effects and Criticalities Analysis (FMECA) represents a prospective method for risk assessment in complex medical practices. Our objective was to describe the application of FMECA approach to intraoperative electron beam radiotherapy (IOERT), delivered using a mobile linear accelerator, for the treatment of early breast cancer as an anticipated boost

    Studio pilota sul ruolo dell\u2019allattamento e dei fattori riproduttivi nel rischio dei carcinomi mammari Luminali nelle donne in premenopausa

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    Il ruolo dei fattori riproduttivi nel rischio di sviluppare un carcinoma alla mammella \ue8 ancora controverso e poco si sa su come questi influiscano sul rischio dei differenti sottotipi molecolari . La maggior parte degli studi pubblicati riguardano coorti di donne in pre e postmenopausa o solo donne in postmenopausa. Scopo del nostro studio \ue8 stato analizzare il ruolo dell\u2019allattamento e dei fattori riproduttivi nei tumori Luminali, il 75% di tutti i carcinomi della mammella, in un campione di donne giovani residenti nella provincia di Trieste, situata in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, una tra le regioni con i pi\uf9 alti tassi d\u2019incidenza di carcinoma mammario

    Gestione delle pazienti con tumore fillode della mammella: esperienza triestina nel periodo 2006-2014

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    La diagnosi e la gestione dei tumori fillodi della mammella \ue8 complessa a causa del basso tasso di incidenza e dell\u2019imprevedibilit\ue0 del comportamento di questo tipo di neoplasie (meno dell\u20191% tra tutti i tumori della mammella [1]). L\u2019obiettivo di questo studio \ue8 analizzare i casi di tumori filloidi diagnosticati a Trieste nel periodo 2006-2014 al fine di contestualizzare il comportamento particolarmente aggressivo di un tumore fillode maligno insorto in una paziente con pregressi fillodi benigni

    Emotion recognition and prosocial behaviours in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    reservedLa letteratura ha evidenziato che i bambini con Disturbo da deficit d’attenzione/iperattività (ADHD) presentano difficoltà nella capacità di gestire e regolare le proprie emozioni. Tale deficit comporta difficoltà nel riconoscere le espressioni facciali altrui e una maggiore presenza di comportamenti aggressivi. Tuttavia non sembrano essere correlate a minori capacità prosociali. Il presente studio ha coinvolto 20 bambini dagli 8 ai 16 anni, 10 con diagnosi di ADHD e 10 a sviluppo tipico, appaiati per genere, età e funzionamento cognitivo. Sono stati somministrati una prova computerizzata, per indagare la capacità del bambino di riconoscere le emozioni, e due questionari, il Reactive and Proactive Questionnaire (RPQ) e la Prosociality Scale, per indagare rispettivamente la presenza di tratti aggressivi e di comportamenti prosociali. Dai risultati è emerso come i bambini con ADHD abbiano maggiori difficoltà nel riconoscimento di emozioni e riportino maggiori comportamenti aggressivi reattivi e proattivi. Solo il riconoscimento di emozioni però discrimina efficacemente i due gruppi. In conclusione si può ipotizzare che il deficit maggiore legato all’ADHD sia nel riconoscimento di emozioni.The literature has shown that children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have difficulties in the ability to manage and regulate their emotions. This deficit leads to difficulties in recognizing facial expressions of others and a greater presence of aggressive behaviors. However, they do not appear to be related to lower prosocial skills. The present study involved 20 children aged 8 to 16, 10 diagnosed with ADHD and 10 typically developing, matched by gender, age and cognitive functioning. A computerized test was administered, to investigate the child's ability to recognize emotions, and two questionnaires, the Reactive and Proactive Questionnaire (RPQ) and the Prosociality Scale, to investigate the presence of aggressive traits and prosocial behaviors, respectively. The results showed that children with ADHD have greater difficulties in recognizing emotions and report more reactive and proactive aggressive behaviors. Only the recognition of emotions, however, effectively discriminates the two groups. In conclusion, it can be hypothesized that the major deficit related to ADHD is the recognition of emotions

    Therapeutic strategy for ductal carcinoma in situ patients according to Van Nuys Prognostic Index

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    Aim: Evaluation of therapeutic strategy for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) patients at our Brest Cancer Centre and analysis of our pattern of treatment with respect to Van Nuys Prognostic Index (VNPI) cathegories. Matherial of Study: our study population is the result of a selction of 85 DCIS patients classified according to VNPI risk of local recurrence (LR). A comparison was made between treatment affectiverly performed and therapy suggested by VNPI protocols. RESULTS: Out of 53 DCIS women (62%) at low local recurrence risk, 5 patients underwent Breast Conserving Surgery (BCS) alone, 7 were treated with mastectomy and 41 underwent BCS followed by radiotherapy (RT). Out of 31 patients (37%) belonging to VNPI intermediate risk group, 25 cases recived BCS+RT and 6 cases received mastectomy. Only one patient (1%) belonged to VNPI high risk group and underwent mastectomy. DISCUSSION: Only 31 patients (36,5%) had their definitive treatment according to recommended VNPI criteria, but none of the other 54 cases (63,5%) was undertreated. Performing mastectomy instead of BCS or adding adjuvant radiotherapy at BCS alone were not considered overtreatment because the therapeutic strategy was the result of a multidisciplinary discussion. CONCLUSION: As DCIS is a heterogeneus desease the one-size-fits-all approach to treatment seems inappropriate. The VNPI was developed in order to help treatment choices, but therapeutic strategies can\u2019t be based only on local recurrence risk and need a multidisciplinary approach