39 research outputs found

    Sliding Mode Measurement Feedback Control for Antilock Braking Systems

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    We describe a nonlinear observer-based design for control of vehicle traction that is important in providing safety and obtaining desired longitudinal vehicle motion. First, a robust sliding mode controller is designed to maintain the wheel slip at any given value. Simulations show that longitudinal traction controller is capable of controlling the vehicle with parameter deviations and disturbances. The direct state feedback is then replaced with nonlinear observers to estimate the vehicle velocity from the output of the system (i.e., wheel velocity). The nonlinear model of the system is shown locally observable. The effects and drawbacks of the extended Kalman filters and sliding observers are shown via simulations. The sliding observer is found promising while the extended Kalman filter is unsatisfactory due to unpredictable changes in the road condition

    On the Complexity of Generalized Discrete Logarithm Problem

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    Generalized Discrete Logarithm Problem (GDLP) is an extension of the Discrete Logarithm Problem where the goal is to find xZsx\in\mathbb{Z}_s such gxmods=yg^x\mod s=y for a given g,yZsg,y\in\mathbb{Z}_s. Generalized discrete logarithm is similar but instead of a single base element, uses a number of base elements which does not necessarily commute with each other. In this paper, we prove that GDLP is NP-hard for symmetric groups. Furthermore, we prove that GDLP remains NP-hard even when the base elements are permutations of at most 3 elements. Lastly, we discuss the implications and possible implications of our proofs in classical and quantum complexity theory

    Quantum Adversarial Learning in Emulation of Monte-Carlo Methods for Max-cut Approximation: QAOA is not optimal

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    One of the leading candidates for near-term quantum advantage is the class of Variational Quantum Algorithms, but these algorithms suffer from classical difficulty in optimizing the variational parameters as the number of parameters increases. Therefore, it is important to understand the expressibility and power of various ans\"atze to produce target states and distributions. To this end, we apply notions of emulation to Variational Quantum Annealing and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) to show that QAOA is outperformed by variational annealing schedules with equivalent numbers of parameters. Our Variational Quantum Annealing schedule is based on a novel polynomial parameterization that can be optimized in a similar gradient-free way as QAOA, using the same physical ingredients. In order to compare the performance of ans\"atze types, we have developed statistical notions of Monte-Carlo methods. Monte-Carlo methods are computer programs that generate random variables that approximate a target number that is computationally hard to calculate exactly. While the most well-known Monte-Carlo method is Monte-Carlo integration (e.g. Diffusion Monte-Carlo or path-integral quantum Monte-Carlo), QAOA is itself a Monte-Carlo method that finds good solutions to NP-complete problems such as Max-cut. We apply these statistical Monte-Carlo notions to further elucidate the theoretical framework around these quantum algorithms

    Multiple Stochastic Learning Automata for Vehicle Path Control in an Automated Highway System

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    This paper suggests an intelligent controller for an automated vehicle planning its own trajectory based on sensor and communication data. The intelligent controller is designed using the learning stochastic automata theory. Using the data received from on-board sensors, two automata (one for lateral actions, one for longitudinal actions) can learn the best possible action to avoid collisions. The system has the advantage of being able to work in unmodeled stochastic environments, unlike adaptive control methods or expert systems. Simulations for simultaneous lateral and longitudinal control of a vehicle provide encouraging result

    Intelligent Control of Vehicles: Preliminary Results on the Application of Learning Automata Techniques to Automated Highway System

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    We suggest an intelligent controller for an automated vehicle to plan its own trajectory based on sensor and communication data received. Our intelligent controller is based on an artificial intelligence technique called learning stochastic automata. The automaton can learn the best possible action to avoid collisions using the data received from on-board sensors. The system has the advantage of being able to work in unmodeled stochastic environments. Simulations for the lateral control of a vehicle using this AI method provides encouraging results

    Simulation Study of Learning Automata Games in Automated Highway Systems

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    One of the most important issues in Automated Highway System (AHS) deployment is intelligent vehicle control. While the technology to safely maneuver vehicles exists, the problem of making intelligent decisions to improve a single vehicle’s travel time and safety while optimizing the overall traffic flow is still a stumbling block. We propose an artificial intelligence technique called stochastic learning automata to design an intelligent vehicle path controller. Using the information obtained by on-board sensors and local communication modules, two automata are capable of learning the best possible (lateral and longitudinal) actions to avoid collisions. This learning method is capable of adapting to the automata environment resulting from an unmodeled physical environment. Although the learning approach taken is capable of providing a safe decision, optimization of the overall traffic flow is required. This is achieved by studying the interaction of the vehicles. The design of the adaptive vehicle path planner based on local information is extended to the interaction of multiple intelligent vehicles. By analyzing the situations consisting of conflicting desired vehicle paths, we extend our design by additional decision structures. The analysis of the situations and the design of the additional structures are made possible by treatment of the interacting reward-penalty mechanisms in individual vehicles as automata games. The definition of the physical environment of a vehicle as a series of discrete state transitions associated with a “stationary automata environment” is the key to this analysis and to the design of the intelligent vehicle path controller

    Circuit Transformations for Quantum Architectures

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    Quantum computer architectures impose restrictions on qubit interactions. We propose efficient circuit transformations that modify a given quantum circuit to fit an architecture, allowing for any initial and final mapping of circuit qubits to architecture qubits. To achieve this, we first consider the qubit movement subproblem and use the ROUTING VIA MATCHINGS framework to prove tighter bounds on parallel routing. In practice, we only need to perform partial permutations, so we generalize ROUTING VIA MATCHINGS to that setting. We give new routing procedures for common architecture graphs and for the generalized hierarchical product of graphs, which produces subgraphs of the Cartesian product. Secondly, for serial routing, we consider the TOKEN SWAPPING framework and extend a 4-approximation algorithm for general graphs to support partial permutations. We apply these routing procedures to give several circuit transformations, using various heuristic qubit placement subroutines. We implement these transformations in software and compare their performance for large quantum circuits on grid and modular architectures, identifying strategies that work well in practice

    Flexible Low-cost Automated Scaled Highway (FLASH) Laboratory for Studies on Automated Highway Systems

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    This paper addresses the development of a flexible low-cost automated scale highway (FLASH) laboratory which is intended to serve as a catalyst for accelerating the development of many intelligent vehicle highway system (IVHS) concepts. It also highlights the significance of the laboratory for the research, evaluation, and testing of automated highway system (AHS) configurations, architectures, designs and technologies. This laboratory, using small scale standardized vehicles will serve as a test bed for the economical development and evaluation of various hardware, software, and management systems before full scale testing and deployment. The laboratory will provide the capability to test day and night, and will be immune to adverse weather conditions. It will be able to evaluate and test situations from various points of view including control, communication, routing, sensing, etc., which otherwise would be very expensive and dangerous-if human operators are involved-to test on test sites like Smart Road, a proposed testbed for ITS (IVHS) technology in Virginia. The development of this laboratory complements the development and utilization of the Smart Road, and is in harmony with the mission of the Center for Transportation Research