136 research outputs found

    Agro tourism, One of the Main Factors in Rural Development

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    The paper describes the steps in projecting agro-tourism activity and it presents the issues and opportunities that show the importance of agro tourism activity as source of improving the income of small agricultural households. This paper examines the effects of agro tourism activity on standard small agricultural household - A and it is presented the empirical evaluation of agro tourism effects on resource distribution within a small agricultural household A as on net income


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    International capital markets, in general, seem to be volatile markets, influenced bymany factors, a phenomenon that affects both developed markets, as well as least developed, withemerging market economies suffering most because of this. It is clear, however, that volatility willremain for as long as it is delayed the adoption of specific measures at national and internationalfinancial architecture level, measures that may be necessary to reduce these risks, to limit theirimpact, and that the question financial market can relapse in a manner as efficiently as possible.investor behaviour, financial crisis, rational investor, irational investor, financial contagion

    ROMANIA'S REAL CONVERGENCE TO THE EUROPEAN UNION Dragos Mihai Ungureanu , Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union Ruxandra Dana Vilag, Romanian-American University Bucharest George Horia Ionescu, Romanian-American University Bucharest Florian Bogdan Stoian, “Lucian Blaga†University of Sibiu

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    In the process of European integration, switching in 1999 to the third stageof Economic and Monetary Union, has intensified the need to coordinate economic andsectoral policies of the Member States. The process of coordination is necessary toharmonize national economic policy objectives in order to minimize the negative impactof economic policy measures taken by some member countries to other member countriesand reduce the temptation for Member States to have behavior riders. Real Convergenceis an essential goal of Romanian integration into the European Union. Attenuation of thedevelopment gaps maintained between Romania and the EU can not be achieved solelythrough the use of market forces. Economic transformations occurring globally andincreased risk aversion contributed to a signifiant reduction of capital flows to Romania,increased pressures upon exchange rate.Real convergence, nominal convergence, integration, European Union


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    The convergence is an essential objective of the integration process of Romania in the European Union. Minimizing gaps in the level of development that arise between Romania and the average European Union can not be achieved solely through the use of marconvergence, European Union, real convergence

    Study regarding the situation of agricultural consultancy in the North-East Region of Romania

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    The undertaken study aimed to diagnose the situation of agricultural consultancy from the North – East Region of Romania, 12 years after its foundation. For the realization of the study the questionnaires method has been utilized which have been completed by a number of 80 agricultural consultancy specialists from 6 counties in the North – East Region. From the responses analysis, the following aspects emerged. All persons that ensure consultancy develop general activities from all fields of agriculture. There is a shortage of specialists, a person providing services to several thousand farmers. The consultants have benefited from training courses in consultancy, a short period of time, 2-8 weeks, fact that reflects on the services rendered. The local consultancy centres have a precarious endowment (office, computer, telephone), lacking transport means, training rooms, endowment with specific auxiliary means. Between consultancy methods, the biggest share is held by individual office consultancy. Group consultancy, which has the highest efficiency, is done sporadically because of reduced financial means. A lack of interest from local authorities is manifested for consultancy activity. Specialists are unhappy with the level of salaries, reduced training possibilities, high work volume, lack of endowment and transport means, and political interference in the recruitment process.Peer reviewe

    Diagnostic analysis of APIA activity from Suceava county

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    Based on the qualitative aspect of human resources, the paper provides a correlation between the quality of human resources for the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) and the quality of public servant. The purpose of research is to perform a diagnostic analysis of the activity APIA Suceava county, and propose strategies for developing human resources as appropriate and effective means for developing business area APIA said. The paper may be theoretical and practical support to those who are interested to know where employees APIA civil servants in government structure and correlations between the two states (for employee and public official). Analysis of the Human Resources Agency has changes that occur as a result of regulations imposed by the EU and how this transition will be made to its rules and laws, given that it is strongly influenced by the quality management practices. We say that a new type of management practice at the new public agency is one of the main lines of action to improve the market economy. Fundamental attributes of such management are: variety, flexibility, dynamism, creativity and efficiency. The paper aims to be a true guide to highlight aspects of Suceava APIA efficiency and improve the quality of human resources through a detailed analysis future prospects and possibilities. Implementing an effective management system of public administration is of major significance because it will lead to the professionalization of public administration authorities activities, changing values and mode of action of civil servants to develop a modern public administration management concepts. In this context the paper has conducted a comprehensive analysis, with integrity, human resources management in public administration from Romania, as a result of problems that were highlighted and made concrete proposals on the implementation and development of reasoned public service
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