40 research outputs found

    The Book of Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference of Aquatic Space Activities

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    Nomura T, Ungerechts B. The Book of Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference of Aquatic Space Activities. Tsukuba JAP: University of Tsukuba; 2008

    Die Vermittlung der vier Schwimmarten durch neuro-funktionale Lehrwege

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    Ungerechts B. Die Vermittlung der vier Schwimmarten durch neuro-funktionale Lehrwege. Der Schwimmtrainer. 2015;(107):9-20

    Aktivitäten im Bewegungsraum Wasser wahrnehmen und Schwimmarten über Neuro-Funktionale Lehrwege vermitteln

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    Ungerechts B. Aktivitäten im Bewegungsraum Wasser wahrnehmen und Schwimmarten über Neuro-Funktionale Lehrwege vermitteln. Der Schwimmtrainer. 20140901;106:10-17


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    Propulsion in water is based on the interaction of motion body and water, respectively (under the condition of limited energy reservoir). The swimming movements are transmitting momentum creating a flow in the aquatic surrounding. Self-propulsion is a mutual result of a transfer of momentum from the propelling parts of the body on the water as well as a transfer of impulse from the water on the body, producing a counter bearing (a term indicating the application of Newton’s 3rd Law) and leaving thereby some traces. In water the traces are useful for discussions about the efficiency of swimming techniques. Here the traces of vortex (a common term for mass of whirling fluid) are emphasised. Vortices occur in different organized patterns, as trailing vortex next to the hands (front driven body) or rolling vortex in the wake of the feet (rear driven body). Trailing vortex create a zone of underpressure: it is hypothised that the hand is resited by this suction from the intended pull through the water and thus the action of the trunk-arm muscles propels the body past the hand. Rolling vortex may transfer a power stroke to the body in case the sense of its rotation is altered


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    The locomotion and the physical characteristics of breaststroke and butterfly swimmers using the most undulating and the flattest variants will be compared. There is much more velocity variation of the centre of mass of the body in the flattest than in the most undulating variants. In the most undulating variants, during the largest part of the arm propulsion, a relatively small increase in velocity occurs. During the last part of the arm propulsion and the first part of the arm recovery, the velocity is relatively well maintained. During the first part of the bottomward leg kick, an early increase in velocity occurs. In butterfly higher flexibility scores correspond with more undulation. The individual undulation in butterfly is indicative for the best undulation in breaststroke. Flexibility and strength determine the best stroke and style variant per individual with a mean error in performance calculation of less than 3%


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    Dive start performance has been considered a major determinant for race swimming over short distances (e.g. Lyttle & Benjanuvatra at www.coachesinfo.com).This performance is based on chronologically interrelated sub components such as take-off performance on the block, flight performance before water contact, dive entry while immersing into the water, and gliding performance before the first swim stroke. In this "work in progress" report, we will focus on the take-off performance from the block. We will introduce a portable 2D-force measurement starting block which can be installed in different training centres and pool locations. Selected data on a research program for the biomechanical evaluation of dive start performance in swimming will be presented in order to show force development profiles from junior level swimmers. In addition, we will introduce data on the angular momentum at take-off. We will discuss some validation procedures in order to estimate the quality of the underlying calculations. To date, angular momentum has hardly been evaluated in biomechanical studies on the dive start in swimming. Nevertheless, angular momentum might play a crucial role for the angle of dive entry

    Real-time Sonification in Swimming: from pressure changes of displaced water to sound

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    Cesarini D, Hermann T, Ungerechts B. Real-time Sonification in Swimming: from pressure changes of displaced water to sound. Presented at the Multisensory Motor Behavior: Impact of Sound, Hannover, Germany

    Swimmers in the Loop: sensing moving water masses for an auditive biofeedback system

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    Cesarini D, Ungerechts B, Hermann T. Swimmers in the Loop: sensing moving water masses for an auditive biofeedback system. In: 2015 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS) Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE; 2015.Auditory biofeedback systems in the field of sports are increasingly adopted to provide an online guidance to the people performing actions. This paper concentrates on swimming and on producing auditory feedback intended to enhance the perception of the interaction between a swimmer’s body and the surrounding water masses while swimming. The information is related to the concept of ‘feel-for-water’, that is a key factor to produce an effective propulsion, through a correct perception of the boundary effects of body and water. The presented system is composed of pressure sensors, plastic tubes ending between the swimmer’s hand fingers on the dorsal and palmar side, a microcontroller reading the sensors and sending data to a PC for further processing producing the auditory feedback through interactive sonification. We focus on the system setup and present a simple parameter-mapping sonification design as an example, along with possible extensions of the system and other sonification designs. Finally, we present video and audio examples of the system

    Wie ein Fisch im Wasser – Strömungseffekte beim Schwimmen hörbar machen

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    Ungerechts B, Cesarini D, Hamann M, Hermann T, eds. Wie ein Fisch im Wasser – Strömungseffekte beim Schwimmen hörbar machen. IM SPEKTRUM - Sonifikation im Leistungssport. 2016;BIO spektrum(06.2016)

    Real-time Sonification in Swimming – from pressure changes of displaced water to sound

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    Ungerechts B, Cesarini D, Hermann T. Real-time Sonification in Swimming – from pressure changes of displaced water to sound. In: Mason B, ed. BMS2014— Proceedings. Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra; 2014: 269-275