304 research outputs found

    Trustworthiness Management in Sharing CDN Infrastructure

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    Sharing Content Delivery Network (CDN) technologies such as CDN interconnection and cloud-based CDN have facilitated access to the huge volume of content in a cost-effective way. However, content distribution through shared CDN nodes is vulnerable to a wide variety of uncertainties, including unexpected node failure, intentional node disruption for maintenance or potential discrimination of content based on ownership. Trustworthiness can be considered as a key property to overcome the perception of uncertainty before delivering content through sharing CDN infrastructure and provide reliable broadcasting and telecommunications services. Establishing trustworthiness in sharing CDN infrastructure is a challenging task in the absence of the referenced framework. Therefore, we propose a trustworthiness management framework for sharing CDN infrastructure

    SDN-based Active Content Networking

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    This paper proposes a Software Defined Networking (SDN)-based active content networking architecture for future media environments. The proposed architecture aims to provide customized delivery of various types of media content in order to satisfy various demands of users and service requirements. To this end, we have developed an active content processing model which provides in-network content processing through service objects that are integral parts of active content. The main benefits provided by the proposed model are high flexibility and creativity to meet the evolving future media environments

    Strengthening the Blockchain-based Internet of Value with Trust

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    In recent years, Blockchain has been expected to create a secure mechanism for exchanging not only for cryptocurrency but also for other types of assets without the need for a powerful and trusted third-party. This could enable a new era of the Internet usage called the Internet of Value (IoV) in which any types of assets such as intellectual and digital properties, equity and wealth can be digitized and transferred in an automated, secure, and convenient manner. In the IoV, Blockchain is used to guarantee the immutability of transactions meaning that it is impractical to retract once a transaction is confirmed. Therefore, to strengthen the IoV, before making any transactions it is crucial to evaluate trust between participants for reducing the risk of dealing with malicious peers. In this article, we clarify the concept of IoV and propose a trust-based IoV model including a system architecture, components and features. Then, we present a trust platform in the IoV considering two concepts, Experience and Reputation, originated from Social Networks for evaluating trust between two any peers in the IoV. The Experience and Reputation are characterized and calculated using mathematical models with analysis and simulation in the IoV environment. We believe this paper consolidates the understandings about IoV technologies and demonstrates how trust is evaluated and used to strengthen the IoV. It also opens important research directions on both IoV and trust in the future

    Data centric trust evaluation and predication framework for IoT

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    Application of trust principals in internet of things (IoT) has allowed to provide more trustworthy services among the corresponding stakeholders. The most common method of assessing trust in IoT applications is to estimate trust level of the end entities (entity-centric) relative to the trustor. In these systems, trust level of the data is assumed to be the same as the trust level of the data source. However, most of the IoT based systems are data centric and operate in dynamic environments, which need immediate actions without waiting for a trust report from end entities. We address this challenge by extending our previous proposals on trust establishment for entities based on their reputation, experience and knowledge, to trust estimation of data items [1-3]. First, we present a hybrid trust framework for evaluating both data trust and entity trust, which will be enhanced as a standardization for future data driven society. The modules including data trust metric extraction, data trust aggregation, evaluation and prediction are elaborated inside the proposed framework. Finally, a possible design model is described to implement the proposed ideas

    From Personal Experience to Global Reputation for Trust Evaluation in the Social Internet of Things

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    Trust has been exploring in the era of Internet of Things (IoT) as an extension of the traditional triad of security, privacy and reliability for offering secure, reliable and seamless communications and services. It plays a crucial role in supporting IoT entities to reduce possible risks before making decisions. However, despite a large amount of trust-related research in IoT, a prevailing trust evaluation model has been still debatable and under development. In this article, we clarify the concept of trust in the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) ecosystems and propose a comprehensive trust model called REK that incorporates third-party opinions, experience and direct observation as the three Trust Indicators. As the convergence of the IoT and social network, the SIoT enables any types of entities (physical devices, smart agents and services) to establish their own social networks based on their owners relationships. We leverage this characteristic for inaugurating Experience and Reputation, which are originally two concepts from social networks, as the two paramount indicators for trust. The Experience and Reputation are characterized and modeled using mathematical analysis along with simulation experiments and analytical results. We believe our contributions offer better understandings of trust models and evaluation mechanisms in the SIoT environment, particularly the two Experience and Reputation models. This paper also opens important trust-related research directions in near future

    Machine Learning based Trust Computational Model for IoT Services

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    The Internet of Things has facilitated access to a large volume of sensitive information on each participating object in an ecosystem. This imposes many threats ranging from the risks of data management to the potential discrimination enabled by data analytics over delicate information such as locations, interests, and activities. To address these issues, the concept of trust is introduced as an important role in supporting both humans and services to overcome the perception of uncertainty and risks before making any decisions. However, establishing trust in a cyber world is a challenging task due to the volume of diversified influential factors from cyber-physical-systems. Hence, it is essential to have an intelligent trust computation model that is capable of generating accurate and intuitive trust values for prospective actors. Therefore, in this paper, a quantifiable trust assessment model is proposed. Built on this model, individual trust attributes are then calculated numerically. Moreover, a novel algorithm based on machine learning principles is devised to classify the extracted trust features and combine them to produce a final trust value to be used for decision making. Finally, our model’s effectiveness is verified through a simulation. The results show that our method has advantages over other aggregation methods

    Blockchain-based Perfect Sharing Project Platform based on the Proof of Atomicity Consensus Algorithm

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    The Korean government funded 12.8 billion USD to 652 research and development (R&D) projects supported by 20 ministries in 2019. Every year, various organizations are supported to conduct R&D projects focusing on selected core technologies by evaluating emerging technologies which industries are planning to develop. To manage the whole cycle of national R&D projects, information sharing on national R&D projects is very essential. The blockchain technology is considered as a core solution to share information reliably and prevent forgery in various fields. For efficient management of national R&D projects, we enhance and analyse the Perfect Sharing Project (PSP)-Platform based on a new blockchain-based platform for information sharing and forgery prevention. It is a shared platform for national ICT R&D projects management with excellent performance in preventing counterfeiting. As a consensus algorithm is very important to prevent forgery in blockchain, we survey not only architectural aspects and examples of the platform but also the consensus algorithms. Considering characteristics of the PSP-Platform, we adopt an atomic proof (POA) consensus algorithm as a new consensus algorithm in this paper. To prove the validity of the POA consensus algorithm, we have conducted experiments. The experiment results show the outstanding performance of the POA consensus algorithm used in the PSP-Platform in terms of block generation delay and block propagation time

    Evaluating TCP Performance of Routing Protocols for Traffic Exchange in Street-parked Vehicles based Fog Computing Infrastructure

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    As most vehicles remain parked 95% of its time, this suggests that leveraging the use of On-board Units (OBUs) in parked vehicles would provide communication and computation services to other mobile and fixed nodes for de- livery of services such as multimedia streaming, data storage and data processing. The nearby vehicles can form an infrastructure using IEEE 802.11p communication interface, facilitating communication, computation and storage services to the end users. We refer to this as a Vehicular Fog Computing (VFC) infrastructure. In this study, using NS-2 simulator, we investigate how six routing protocols consisting of two proactive routing protocols, Destination Sequence Destination Vector (DSDV) and Fisheye State Routing (FSR); two reactive routing protocols, Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR); and two geographic routing protocols, Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility (DREAM) and Location Aided Routing (LAR) perform when forwarding TCP traffic among the parked vehicles that form a VFC infrastructure in an urban street parking scenario. In order to reflect an urban street parking scenario, we consider a traffic mobility traces that are generated using SUMO in our simulation. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first effort to understand how vehicle density, vehicle speed and parking duration can influence TCP in an urban street parking scenario when packet forwarding decision is made using proactive, reactive and geographic routing protocols. In our performance evaluation, positive results are observed on the influence of parking duration in parked vehicles as TCP performance in all routing protocols increases with longer parking duration. However, variable speed in parked vehicles and moving vehicles in an urban street parking scenario may not have significant influence on TCP performance, especially in case of reactive and proactive routing protocols. Further, our findings reveal that vehicle density in a VFC infrastructure can noticeably influence TCP performance. Towards the end of the paper, we delineate some important future research issues in order to improve routing performance in a street-parked vehicle based VFC infrastructure

    Trust Evaluation Mechanism for User Recruitment in Mobile Crowd-Sensing in the Internet of Things

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    Mobile Crowd-Sensing (MCS) has appeared as a prospective solution for large-scale data collection, leveraging built-in sensors and social applications in mobile devices that enables a variety of Internet of Things (IoT) services. However, the human involvement in MCS results in a high possibility for unintentionally contributing corrupted and falsified data or intentionally spreading disinformation for malevolent purposes, consequently undermining IoT services. Therefore, recruiting trustworthy contributors plays a crucial role in collecting high quality data and providing better quality of services while minimizing the vulnerabilities and risks to MCS systems. In this article, a novel trust model called Experience-Reputation (E-R) is proposed for evaluating trust relationships between any two mobile device users in a MCS platform. To enable the E-R model, virtual interactions among the users are manipulated by considering an assessment of the quality of contributed data from such users. Based on these interactions, two indicators of trust called Experience and Reputation are calculated accordingly. By incorporating the Experience and Reputation trust indicators (TIs), trust relationships between the users are established, evaluated and maintained. Based on these trust relationships, a novel trust-based recruitment scheme is carried out for selecting the most trustworthy MCS users to contribute to data sensing tasks. In order to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed trust-based mechanism as well as the E-R trust model, we deploy several recruitment schemes in a MCS testbed which consists of both normal and malicious users. The results highlight the strength of the trust-based scheme as it delivers better quality for MCS services while being able to detect malicious users. We believe that the trust-based user recruitment offers an effective capability for selecting trustworthy users for various MCS systems and, importantly, the proposed mechanism is practical to deploy in the real world

    Trust Management for Artificial Intelligence: A Standardization Perspective

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    With the continuous increase in the development and use of artificial intelligence systems and applications, problems due to unexpected operations and errors of artificial intelligence systems have emerged. In particular, the importance of trust analysis and management technology for artificial intelligence systems is continuously growing so that users who desire to apply and use artificial intelligence systems can predict and safely use services. This study proposes trust management requirements for artificial intelligence and a trust management framework based on it. Furthermore, we present challenges for standardization so that trust management technology can be applied and spread to actual artificial intelligence systems. In this paper, we aim to stimulate related standardization activities to develop globally acceptable methodology in order to support trust management for artificial intelligence while emphasizing challenges to be addressed in the future from a standardization perspective
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