7 research outputs found

    Production of Radish Plants (Raphanus sativus) Due to Giving Bokashi and SP-36

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    Radish plants as a food ingredient, almost all parts of the plant can be eaten raw as fresh vegetables or cooked as vegetables. The community's need for radish continues to increase as indicated by an increase in the amount of production. In 2018 radish production was recorded at 32,381 tons, in 2019 production decreased to 27,279 tons, while in 2020 production increased again to 39,048 tons. The solution in increasing radish production is by fertilizing using organic and inorganic fertilizers. The aim is to determine the interaction between SP-36 and bokasih on radish crop yields. The plan utilized was a randomized block plan (RBD) in a factorial example with two variables. The outcomes acquired: The treatment of bokashi and SP36 composts meaningfully affected plant level, number of leaves, tuber length, tuber distance across and tuber weight of radish plants. The connection between the utilization of Bokashi and SP36 composts gave the best outcomes on the normal plant level, number of leaves, tuber measurement and tuber weight of radish plants

    Effect of Cow Manure and Atonic on Spinach (Amaranthus spp.) Production in Dry Land

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    East Nusa Tenggara is dominated by dry land which has the potential for the development of horticultural crops. Horticultural plants that are widely cultivated by the community are spinach. However, in reality, spinach production in this province is still fluctuating, this is due to the low knowledge of farmers about providing proper nutrition for plant growth and development. For this reason, this study aims to determine the production of spinach in dry land due to cow manure and atonic application. This research was conducted in the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Teachers Association 1945. The design used was a factorial randomized block design (RBD), which consisted of 2 factors: factor I: cow manure and factor II: growth stimulant (atonic). The results obtained were: The application of cow manure and atonic manure to spinach on dry land had a very significant effect on plant height (7,55 -F hitung> 4,77-F Tabel), number of leaves (10.85-F hitung> 4,77-F Tabel), fresh weight (13,98-F hitung) > 4,77-F Tabel) and dry weight (6,44 -F hitung) > 4,77 -F Tabel)

    Response of Use of NPK Fertilizer and Concentration of Young Coconut Water on Growth and Yield of Long Bean (Vigna sinensis L.)

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    Long bean (Vigna sinensis L.) is a vegetable commodity containing 2.70 mg protein, 2.30 mg fat, 44 cal calories, 7.80 mg carbohydrates, 347 mg phosphorus, 47 mg calcium, 335 SI vitamin A, 0.39 mg B vitamins. , 21 mg of vitamin C and 88.50 mg of water. Production of Vigna sinensis L in NTT in 2019-2021 continues to increase but the phenomenon of rising long bean prices indicates that long bean production needs to be increased. One of the efforts made is to increase the availability of soil nutrients through fertilization. The aim of the study was to determine the interaction effect of NPK dosage and young coconut water concentration on the yield of long bean plants. The research was conducted in June-July 2022 using the Randomized Block Design (RBD) experimental method with 2 factors and 3 treatment levels, namely: Factor I = NPK Fertilizer (A) and Factor II = Concentration of young coconut water (K). The results obtained: The treatment of NPK fertilizer and young coconut water had a very significant effect on the growth components of long bean plants as indicated by differences in plant height, number of leaves, number of pods and pod weight. The interaction between the application of NPK fertilizer (NPK 250 kg/ha) and the concentration of young coconut water (90% /1L) gave the best results giving the best results on the average plant height, number of leaves, number of pods and pod weight of long bean plants

    Effect of Giving Lamtoro Leaf Extract and Pruning on Cucumber Plant Production (Cucumis Sativus L.)

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    Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) has a fairly good nutritional content and is in great demand by the public. Cucumber production in NTT continues to increase, but it is still low when compared to national production data. One of the efforts made is to use liquid organic fertilizers that are cheap and easy to get around us because they come from natural ingredients, namely plant residues or animal remains. Lamtoro leaf extract (Leucaena leucocephala, Ssp) is an organic fertilizer made from plants that is environmentally friendly. In addition to the fertilization factor, pruning activities are also needed to increase the weight of cucumber production. Pruning is a common cultivation action to limit excessive vegetative growth in plants so that nutrients or nutrients can be absorbed by the parts of plants that need them optimally. These nutrients can be provided by lamtoro leaf extract, then pruning is also carried out in order to reduce photosynthetic competition in order to increase cucumber production. Based on this description, it is felt that it is necessary to conduct research on the effect of giving concentration of lamptoro leaf extract and pruning on cucumber plant production. The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction of giving lamptoro leaf extract concentration and pruning on cucumber plant yields. This research was conducted from May to June 2022. This study was arranged using a randomized block design (RBD) in a factorial pattern with two factors. The first factor was the application of lamtoro leaf extract fertilizer consisting of four levels, namely: L0: control (without lamtoro leaf extract), L1: 400 cc of lamtoro leaf extract liter of water-1 plot-1, L2: 450 cc of lamtoro leaf extract liter of water-1 plot-1, L3: 500 cc of lamtoro leaf extract liter of water-1 plot-1. The second factor is pruning (P) consisting of three treatment levels, namely: P0: No pruning, P1: Pruning one leaf and one branch on segments 6–12, P2: Pruning two leaves and two branches on segments 6–12. The results obtained: administration of 500 cc of lamtoro leaf extract liter of water-1 plot-1 and pruning of two leaves and two branches on segments 6–12 of cucumber plants had a very significant effect on cucumber plant yields, concentration of 500 cc of lamtor leaf extract lamtoro liter of water-1 plot-1 and pruning two leaves and two branches on 6–12 plant nodes produced the best growth and yield of cucumber plants, the interaction between lamtor leaf extract and pruning resulted in plant length 79.33, fruit weight 284.83 g, fruit length 30 cm and fruit diameter of 4.48 cm. Recommendation: for cucumber cultivation, it is better to use POC of lamtor leaf extract 500 cc of lamtoro leaf extract liter of water-1 plot-1 and pruning of two leaves and two branches on internodes 6-12 plants. There needs to be further research on the use of POC concentrations of lamtoro leaf extract with higher concentrations to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers

    Efficacy of Avanafil 15 Minutes after Dosing in Men with Erectile Dysfunction: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study

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    Purpose: We examined the therapeutic effects of avanafil 15 minutes after dosing in men with mild to severe erectile dysfunction. Materials and Methods: This randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, 12-week study (4-week run-in and 8-week treatment) randomized 145 men to placebo, 147 to avanafil 100 mg and 148 to avanafil 200 mg on demand. The primary efficacy variable was the per subject proportion of sexual attempts during the treatment period in which subjects achieved erection sufficient for vaginal penetration within approximately 15 minutes after dosing as measured by a stopwatch. The attempt had to enable successful completion of sexual intercourse according to SEP question 3. Results: Significantly greater mean per subject percentages of successful intercourse attempts within approximately 15 minutes after dosing were observed for avanafil 100 mg (mean 25.9%, LS mean ± SE 24.7% ± 2.9%) and 200 mg (mean 29.1%, LS mean 28.2% ± 2.9%) vs placebo (mean 14.9%, LS mean 13.8% ± 2.9%, p= 0.001 and \u3c0.001, respectively). After treatment we noted a statistically significant difference between avanafil and placebo in the average per subject proportion of successful intercourse attempts according to SEP question 3 as early as 10 minutes in the 200 mg group and 12 minutes in the 100 mg group. Treatment emergent adverse events included headache, upper respiratory tract infection andnasal congestion, and most such events were mild or moderate in severity. Conclusions: Avanafil was efficacious within approximately 15 minutes of dosing compared to placebo. Astatistically significant treatment difference in the percentage of successful sexual attempts was demonstrated as early as 10 minutes after treatment. © 2015 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc