20 research outputs found

    Additional file 1 of Intrinsically Bayesian robust classifier for single-cell gene expression trajectories in gene regulatory networks

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    Appendices. This additional file contains the appendices for the proofs of the lemmas 1, 2, and 3. (PDF 33 kb

    Mean log-ratios of concentration of factor H over the concentration of factor D for each diagnostic category, subtracted from the mean log-ratio in the healthy (ND) category.

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    <p>A value of zero indicates that the levels of both factors were present in the same equilibrium as in healthy control subjects. Negative values indicate reduced AP regulation and favorable formation of (C3aBb) C3 convertase, whereas positive values indicate the opposite. The standard deviation bars give the interval <i>(mean + err, mean –err)</i>, where <i>err</i> is the usual standard error of difference between sample means, except in the baseline (ND) category, where <i>err</i> is the standard error of the sample mean for that category.</p

    Levels of AP factors; plotted values are nonlog for ease of comprehension.

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    <p>(A) Plasma levels of factor D and (B) factor H in dengue-infected individuals and healthy subjects. (C) Paired comparisons of the factor D levels during the acute and convalescent phases in DHF patients. The mean levels of factor D on DF patients was 555+246 and 704+278 during acute and convalescence phases respectively (D) Paired comparisons of factor H levels during the acute and convalescent phases in DF patients. The mean levels of factor H on DHF patients was 138+49 and 210+83 during acute and convalescence phases respectively All complement proteins were measured by ELISA. Values shown are means and standard deviations. The p-values of two-tailed t-tests on the log-transformed data are indicated above each analysis</p

    Levels of C4a; plotted values are nonlog for ease of comprehension.

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    <p>Plasma levels of C4a in dengue-infected individuals during the acute phase and in healthy subjects. C4a levels were measured by cytometric bead assay. Values shown are means and standard deviations. The p-values of two-tailed t-tests on the log-transformed data are indicated above each analysis.</p

    Levels of different components of the complement system in plasma samples collected from dengue-infected patients with different clinical manifestations and at different stages of infection.

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    <p><b>Values shown are means and standard deviations.</b></p><p>DF – dengue fever; DHF – dengue hemorrhagic fever; Acute – acute phase; Con – convalescent phase; CRP – C-reactive protein; CIC-C1q – IgG immunocomplex; CFD – factor D; CFH – factor H; HC – healthy control; ND – non-determined. * Indicate the significant (p≤0.05) differences between dengue patients with health controls.</p

    Clinical and demographic profiles of patients infected with dengue virus (P) and of healthy controls (HC).

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    <p>DF – dengue fever; DHF – dengue hemorrhagic fever; Prim – primary infection; Sec – secondary infection; SD – standard deviation. Note: the platelet count is the one obtained at the day of the sample used in the complement factor measurements. It is not the lowest level found in the patient.</p

    Levels of factors of the CP and LP; plotted values are nonlog for ease of comprehension.

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    <p>(A) Plasma levels of C1q, (B) MBL oligomer, (C) C-reactive protein, and (D) immunocomplex-CIC-C1q in dengue-infected individuals at different stages of infection (acute and convalescent) and in healthy subjects. All complement proteins were measured by ELISA. Values shown are means and standard deviations. The p-values of two-tailed t-tests on the log-transformed data are indicated above each analysis.</p

    Correlation between levels of factor H and C3.

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    <p>Analysis of correlation was carried out between log-transformed levels of factor H and C3 dengue-infected patients during the acute phase.</p

    Levels of complement factor 3 (C3); plotted values are nonlog for ease of comprehension.

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    <p>(A) Plasma C3 levels in dengue-infected individuals during the acute phase (3–8 days after the onset of symptoms) and in healthy subjects. (B) Paired C3 levels of DHF patients during the acute and convalescent phases of dengue infection. The mean of C3 levels for acute and convalescence were 1.0+0.5 and 1.4+0.3 respectively. The C3 levels were measured by ELISA. Values shown are means and standard deviations. The p-values of two-tailed t-tests on the log-transformed data are indicated above each analysis.</p