31 research outputs found

    Class action law suit filed by international workers against Wal-Mart, Dismissed

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    Workers in China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Swaziland, and Nicaragua filed a suit against Wal-Mart for its failure to monitor factories. The court concluded that Wal-Mart had no legal duty under its ā€˜Standards for Suppliersā€™ or common law negligence principles to monitor its suppliers or protect plaintiffs from suppliersā€™ alleged substandard labor practices

    Sensemaking in an online community after financial loss: Enterprising Jamaican investors and the fall of a financial messiah

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    Online communities are popular sites for collective sensemaking. This study explores sensemaking in one such community following the closure of Olint Corp, a highly successful Jamaican investment club. After Olintā€™s disbanding, Jamaicans reconnected through online communities to make sense of their financial losses, to make sense of Olint ā€“ seen variously as an altruistic endeavour, a global currency trader, or Ponzi scheme ā€“ and to make sense of themselves as enterprising investors. This narrative inquiry unveils their rich, multi-voiced, fragmented storying of Olint and its founder, once praised as a ā€˜financial messiahā€™