15 research outputs found

    Interactive effects of level and instability of situational motivation for learning during class

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    本研究では、大学生を対象に、授業中の学習における状況的動機づけと深い処理方略、学業達成との関連を検討した。特に、状況的動機づけを動機づけレベルと動機づけの変動性の2側面から捉え、それらの交互作用効果について着目した。対象の授業における調査および2回のテストに参加した、2つの大学の104名の大学生のデータを分析対象とした。大学、文脈的動機づけ、1回目のテスト得点を統制して階層的重回帰分析を行った結果、深い処理方略に対して動機づけレベルと変動性との交互作用効果が見られた。単純傾斜分析の結果、動機づけの変動が大きい場合、動機づけレベルが高いほど深い処理方略を多く使用することが示された。一方で、動機づけの変動が小さい場合には、深い処理方略に対する動機づけレベルの効果は示されなかった。また、階層的重回帰分析の結果、対象の授業におけるテスト得点に対しては動機づけレベルのみが正の関連を示した。本研究は、科学研究費助成事業(若手研究 課題番号:19K14398)の助成を受けて行われた

    Relationship between motivational regulation strategies and behavioral engagement in cooperative learning : A Relative Weight Analysis

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    This study examined the relationship between motivational regulation strategies and behavioral engagement in cooperative learning using a relative weight analysis. By using relative weight analysis, the relative importance of multiple predictor variables in a regression model was clarified. A self-report questionnaire was administered twice to undergraduates who participated in a lecture including cooperative learning activities at two universities. In this study, five motivational regulation strategies were measured : active interaction, task value, enhancement of the sense of duty, self-consequating, and structuring learning activities. The results of the relative weight analysis indicated that active interaction strategies and behavioral engagement (Time 1) were more effective in behavioral engagement (Time 2) than the other four motivational regulation strategies. The effects of motivational regulation strategies on behavioral engagement in cooperative learning were discussed in light of the present findings.本研究は、科学研究費助成事業(若手研究 (B)課題番号 : 16K17320)の助成を受けて行われた

    Relationships Between Achievement Goals, Motivation Instability, and Learning Persistence in Asynchronous Distance Classes

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    This study examined the relationships between achievement goals, motivation instability, and learning persistence in asynchronous distance classes by focusing on mastery goals and performance-avoidance goals. A longitudinal online survey was conducted among university students in Japan at two time points. The first survey had 171 respondents. Out of them, 91 responded to the second survey. The data of the 91 students were analyzed. The results of partial correlation analysis indicated that mastery goals were negatively related to motivation instability and lack of persistence, while performance-avoidance goals were positively related to lack of persistence and unrelated to motivation instability. Mediation analysis indicated that the negative indirect effect of mastery goals on lack of persistence via motivation instability was found, and that the direct effect of mastery goals on lack of persistence was not found. The results highlight the vital role that mastery goals play in learning during asynchronous distance classes

    Providing and receiving of autonomy support promotes self-efficacy and value for group activities in university and the workplace

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    This study examined a path model linking the providing and receiving of autonomy support to performance in intellectual group activities, through self-efficacy, social self-efficacy, and value, by comparing university students and working adults. Participants comprised 181 university students and 295 working adults who completed an online questionnaire consisting of psychological measurements. The students included 118 women and 63 men (first-year, 40; second-year, 40; third-year, 55; fourth-year, 46). The working adults were employed full-time and included 77 women, with an average of 12.68 years of employment. The hypothesized path model showed a good enough fit in the multi-group structural equation modeling analysis. The positive paths from providing of autonomy support to self-efficacy (student, β = 0.56; adults, β = 0.31), social self-efficacy (student, β = 0.37; adults, β = 0.37), and value (student, β = 0.39; adults, β = 0.33), and those from receiving autonomy support to social self-efficacy (student, β = 0.28; adults, β = 0.22) and value (student, β = 0.32; adults, β = 0.31), were significant for both groups. Moreover, significant positive paths were found from the receiving of autonomy support to self-efficacy (β = 0.29), and from values to performance levels (β = 0.18) in working adults. Positive paths from self-efficacy (student, β = 0.40; adults, β = 0.58) and social self-efficacy (β = 0.40) to performance levels were significant for both groups, and among university students, respectively. This suggests the possibility and necessity of implementing path model-based practices in universities and workplaces


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    application/pdf本研究は、方略保有感、方略の認識と、主観的ウェルビーイング(自尊感情、学校生活満足感)との関連を 検討することを目的とした。216名の大学生に対して、質問紙調査が行われた。相関分析の結果、方略保有感 は自尊感情、学校生活満足感との正の関連がみられたが、方略の認識については関連がみられなかった。次に、 方略保有感と方略の認識のそれぞれの高低の組み合わせから4群を構成し、その4群を独立変数、自尊感情と 学校生活満足感を従属変数とした一要因分散分析を行った。その結果、方略保有感と方略の認識がともに高い 群は、高い自尊感情と学校生活満足感を示した。これらの結果から、方略保有感と方略の認識が、主観的ウェ ルビーイングに与える影響について議論された