114 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen an Eisbohrkernen von Alpengletschern

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    Cold alpine glaciers are archives of climatic Parameters. Core drilling in alpine glaciers allows to collect ice samples of ages up to 1000 years. First results from analyses of an ice core from Colle Gnifetti (Swiss Alps) show already interesting results. Frequent occurring dust bands contain mainly dust from the Sahara and are therefore characteristic for precipitations transported with subtropic air masses. An increase of the acidity of the precipitations starting at the beginning of our Century is most probably an anthropogenic effect. For the upper 10 m of the ice core, S04- and N03- concentrations have also been measured

    Late-glacial and early Holocene lake sediments, ground-water formation and climate in the Atacama Altiplano 22–24°S

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    Precipitation rates in the Atacama Altiplano 22–24°S were 400–500 mm yr−1 during late glacial and early Holocene times as opposed to 200 mm yr−1 today. This humid phase (Tauca phase) was likely due to strengthened tropical (monsoonal) circulation, which brought continental moisture to the Atacama Altiplano. The lake level of Laguna LejĂ­a (23°30â€ČS, 4350 m) at that time was up to 25 m higher than it is today. Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca data from lake sediments show that, what today is a highly saline lake was a freshwater lake at that time. Seasonally-laminated calcareous sediments were deposited between 13 500 and <10 400 yr B.P. indicating the maximum of the humid phase. Climatic changes in the past are important for current groundwater resources.14C and3H data from lake-, ground- and well water suggest that modern groundwater formation (i.e. water <40 years) in the Altiplano is very limited under current arid conditions. We conclude that significant amounts of the water resources in this area originated during the time of the late-glacial and early Holocene humid climate. Tritium data from snow samples show that the moisture in the Altiplano at 22–24°S is mainly of continental origin, whereas precipitation from the westerlies hardly contributes to the water supply in this area. This precipitation pattern matches the paleodata, and we suggest that current precipitation formation may provide an analogue framework for late-glacial circulation in this area

    Sources and distribution of trace species in Alpine precipitation inferred from two 60-year ice core paleorecords

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    International audienceThe Alps represent the largest barrier to meridional air flow in Europe, strongly influencing the weather and hence the distribution of atmospheric trace components. Here for the first time, chemical records from two ice cores retrieved from glaciers located in the northern and southern Swiss Alps were compared in conjunction with an analysis of "weather type", in order to assess geographical and seasonal trends in the deposition of trace species and to identify source regions and transport patterns. Using a correlation analysis, investigated trace species (NH4+, NO3?, SO42?, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, and Cl? were grouped into classes of different origin (anthropogenic, sea salt, or Saharan dust). Over the last 60 years, precipitation chemistry at both sites was dominated by NH4+, NO4?, and SO42?, all of anthropogenic origin and deposited mainly in summer by way of convective precipitation. The similarity of the SO42? profiles with historical records of SO4 emissions from France and Italy indicated these two countries as key source areas for the anthropogenic species. In contrast, sea salt and Saharan dust showed major differences in transport pattern and deposition across the Alps. Currently, the sea-salt constituents Na+, K+, and Cl? are transported to the northern site during advective westerly-wind situations, independent of Saharan dust events. At the southern site, sea salt and Saharan dust are deposited simultaneously, indicating a coupled transport active mainly in summer during south-westerly wind situations

    Isotope records from Mongolian and Alpine ice cores as climate indicators

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    The link between long term changes in the isotopic composition of precipitation and surface air temperature at a given location is of exceptional importance for paleoclimatic studies, as ahs been demonstrated by many recent publications based on the isotope records from polar ice cores. By means of direct comparison with instrumental data, this paper evaluates the potential of the deuterium and oxygen-18 records from two continental glaciers for monitoring climatic trends. The isotopic data presented characterize climatically contrasted enviroments. The records from the Swiss glacier show distinct seasonal variations. Oxygen-18 is fairly well correlated with the instrumental record of atmospheric temperature; the seasonal differences in deuterium excess reflect nearness to the oceanic moisture source. By contrast, the isotope data from the Mongolian site show poor correlation with atmospheric temperature. The seasonal variations in deuterium excess, with higher values during summer time, indicate that precipitation largely originates from re-evaporated continental moisture sources. In both cases however, the correlation with temperature is significantly improved by the elimination of values derived from years where major changes in seasonal distribution and/or snow loss obviously have occurred, thereby distoring the isotopic ratios for that particular year. Depending on the site selected for study, the stable isotope composition of ice cores should therefore be viewed not only as a proxy for atmospheric temperature, but also as an additional hydrometeorological parameter and source indicator for atmospheric moisture

    Influence of the Tungurahua eruption on the ice core records of Chimborazo, Ecuador

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    International audienceThe comparison of two shallow ice cores recovered in 1999 and 2000 from the same place on the Chimborazo summit glacier revealed the influence of the coincident Tungurahua volcanic eruption on their stable isotope and chemical records. The surface snow melting and water percolation induced from the ash deposition caused a preferential elution and re-localization of certain ionic species, while the stable isotope records were not affected. Additionally, the comparison of the ionic amount and some selected ion ratios preserved along the ice core column reports under which processes the chemical species are introduced in the snow pack, as snow flake condensation nuclei, by atmospheric scavenging or by dry deposition. This preliminary study is essential for the interpretation of the deep Chimborazo ice core, or for other sites where surrounding volcanic activity influences the glaciochemical records

    Glacier mass balance reconstruction by sublimation induced enrichment of chemical species on Cerro Tapado (Chilean Andes)

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    A 36 m long ice core down to bedrock from the Cerro Tapado glacier (5536 m a.s.l, 30&deg;08' S, 69&deg;55' W) was analyzed to reconstruct past climatic conditions for Northern Chile. Because of the marked seasonality in the precipitation (short wet winter and extended dry summer periods) in this region, major snow ablation and related post-depositional processes occur on the glacier surface during summer periods. They include predominantly sublimation and dry deposition. Assuming that, like measured during the field campaign, the enrichment of chloride was always related to sublimation, the chemical record along the ice core may be applied to reconstruct the history of such secondary processes linked to the past climatic conditions over northern Chile. For the time period 1962&ndash;1999, a mean annual net accumulation of 316 mm water equivalent (weq) and 327 mm weq loss by sublimation was deduced by this method. This corresponds to an initial total annual accumulation of 539 mm weq. The annual variability of the accumulation and sublimation is related with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI): higher net-accumulation during El-Ni&ntilde;o years and more sublimation during La Ni&ntilde;a years. The deepest part of the ice record shows a time discontinuity; with an ice body deposited under different climatic conditions: 290 mm higher precipitation but with reduced seasonal distribution (+470 mm in winter and &ndash;180 mm in summer) and &ndash;3&deg;C lower mean annual temperature. Unfortunately, its age is unknown. The comparison with regional proxy data however let us conclude that the glacier buildup did most likely occur after the dry mid-Holocene

    A 2000 Year Saharan Dust Event Proxy Record from an Ice Core in the European Alps

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    Dust events originating from the Saharan desert have far reaching environmental impacts but the causal mechanism of magnitude and occurrence of Saharan dust events (SDEs) during the pre‐instrumental era requires further research, particularly as a potential analog for future climate. Using an ultra‐high resolution glacio‐chemical record from the 2013 Colle Gnifetti (CG) ice core drilled in the Swiss‐Italian Alps we reconstructed a 2000 year‐long summer Saharan dust record. We analyzed both modern (1780‐2006) and pre‐modern Common Era (C.E.) major and trace element records to determine air mass source regions to the Colle Gnifetti glacier and assess similarities to modern and reconstructed climate trends in the Northern Hemisphere. This new pSDE (proxy SDE) reconstruction, produced using measurements from a novel, continuous ultra‐high‐resolution (120‐Όm) ice core analysis method (laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometer or LA‐ICP‐MS) is comprised of 316,000 data points per element covering the period 1 to 1820 C.E. We found that the CG ice core captures an anomalous increase in Saharan dust transport during the onset of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (870‐1000 C.E.) and records other prominent shorter events (C.E., 140‐170, 370‐450, 1320‐1370, and 1910‐2000), offering a framework for new insights into the implications of Saharan dust variability
