145 research outputs found

    On the Subspace of Image Gradient Orientations

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    We introduce the notion of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of image gradient orientations. As image data is typically noisy, but noise is substantially different from Gaussian, traditional PCA of pixel intensities very often fails to estimate reliably the low-dimensional subspace of a given data population. We show that replacing intensities with gradient orientations and the â„“2\ell_2 norm with a cosine-based distance measure offers, to some extend, a remedy to this problem. Our scheme requires the eigen-decomposition of a covariance matrix and is as computationally efficient as standard â„“2\ell_2 PCA. We demonstrate some of its favorable properties on robust subspace estimation

    Combining Residual Networks with LSTMs for Lipreading

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    We propose an end-to-end deep learning architecture for word-level visual speech recognition. The system is a combination of spatiotemporal convolutional, residual and bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory networks. We train and evaluate it on the Lipreading In-The-Wild benchmark, a challenging database of 500-size target-words consisting of 1.28sec video excerpts from BBC TV broadcasts. The proposed network attains word accuracy equal to 83.0, yielding 6.8 absolute improvement over the current state-of-the-art, without using information about word boundaries during training or testing.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 201

    Project-out cascaded regression with an application to face alignment

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    Cascaded regression approaches have been recently shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance for many computer vision tasks. Beyond its connection to boosting, cascaded regression has been interpreted as a learning-based approach to iterative optimization methods like the Newton’s method. However, in prior work, the connection to optimization theory is limited only in learning a mapping from image features to problem parameters. In this paper, we consider the problem of facial deformable model fitting using cascaded regression and make the following contributions: (a) We propose regression to learn a sequence of averaged Jacobian and Hessian matrices from data, and from them descent directions in a fashion inspired by Gauss-Newton optimization. (b) We show that the optimization problem in hand has structure and devise a learning strategy for a cascaded regression approach that takes the problem structure into account. By doing so, the proposed method learns and employs a sequence of averaged Jacobians and descent directions in a subspace orthogonal to the facial appearance variation; hence, we call it Project-Out Cascaded Regression (PO-CR). (c) Based on the principles of PO-CR, we built a face alignment system that produces remarkably accurate results on the challenging iBUG data set outperforming previously proposed systems by a large margin. Code for our system is available from http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/yzt/

    Convolutional aggregation of local evidence for large pose face alignment

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    Methods for unconstrained face alignment must satisfy two requirements: they must not rely on accurate initialisation/face detection and they should perform equally well for the whole spectrum of facial poses. To the best of our knowledge, there are no methods meeting these requirements to satisfactory extent, and in this paper, we propose Convolutional Aggregation of Local Evidence (CALE), a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture particularly designed for addressing both of them. In particular, to remove the requirement for accurate face detection, our system firstly performs facial part detection, providing confidence scores for the location of each of the facial landmarks (local evidence). Next, these score maps along with early CNN features are aggregated by our system through joint regression in order to refine the landmarks’ location. Besides playing the role of a graphical model, CNN regression is a key feature of our system, guiding the network to rely on context for predicting the location of occluded landmarks, typically encountered in very large poses. The whole system is trained end-to-end with intermediate supervision. When applied to AFLW-PIFA, the most challenging human face alignment test set to date, our method provides more than 50% gain in localisation accuracy when compared to other recently published methods for large pose face alignment. Going beyond human faces, we also demonstrate that CALE is effective in dealing with very large changes in shape and appearance, typically encountered in animal faces

    Optimization problems for fast AAM fitting in-the-wild

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    We describe a very simple framework for deriving the most-well known optimization problems in Active Appearance Models (AAMs), and most importantly for providing efficient solutions. Our formulation results in two optimization problems for fast and exact AAM fitting, and one new algorithm which has the important advantage of being applicable to 3D. We show that the dominant cost for both forward and inverse algorithms is a few times mN which is the cost of projecting an image onto the appearance subspace. This makes both algorithms not only computationally realizable but also very attractive speed-wise for most current systems. Because exact AAM fitting is no longer computationally prohibitive, we trained AAMs in-the-wild with the goal of investigating whether AAMs benefit from such a training process. Our results show that although we did not use sophisticated shape priors, robust features or robust norms for improving performance, AAMs perform notably well and in some cases comparably with current state-of- the-art methods. We provide Matlab source code for training, fitting and reproducing the results presented in this paper at http://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources
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