42 research outputs found

    A peculiarity of localized mode transfiguration of a Cantor-like chiral multilayer

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    A fractal-like (Cantor-like) stratified structure of chiral and convenient isotropic layers is considered. Peculiarities of the wave localization, self-similarity, scalability and sequential splitting in the reflected field of both the co-polarized and cross-polarized components are studied. The appearing of the additional peak multiplets in stopbands is revealed, and a correlation of their properties with chirality parameter is established.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Enhancement of absorption bistability by trapping light planar metamaterial

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    We propose to achieve a strong bistable response of a thin layer of a saturable absorption medium by involving a planar metamaterial specially designed to bear a high-Q trapped-mode resonance in the infrared region.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Частотная погрешность термоэлектрических преобразователей напряжения

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    В статті розглядається частотна похибка у значному діапазоні частот, зневаження якою при сучасних вимогах до точності є неприпустимим. Аналіз виконується для випадку компарування напруги.The paper investigates the frequency error in a big frequency range. Nowadays we cannot ignore it because of the precision requirements satisfaction. The analysis is carried out for a case of the voltage comparison.В статье рассматривается частотная погрешность в значительном диапазоне частот, пренебрежение которой при современных требованиях по точности является недопустимым. Анализ выполняется для случая компарирования напряжения

    Are anthropogenic factors affecting nesting habitat of sea turtles? The case of Kanzul beach, Riviera Maya-Tulum (Mexico)

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    Marine coast modification and human pressure affects many species, including sea turtles. In order to study nine anthropogenic impacts that might affect nesting selection of females, incubation and hatching survival of loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas), building structures were identified along a 5.2 km beach in Kanzul (Mexico). A high number of hotels and houses (88; 818 rooms), with an average density of 16.6 buildings per kilometer were found. These buildings form a barrier which prevents reaching the beach from inland, resulting in habitat fragmentation. Main pressures were detected during nesting selection (14.19% of turtle nesting attempts interrupted), and low impact were found during incubation (0.77%) and hatching (4.7%). There were three impacts defined as high: beach furniture that blocks out the movement of hatchlings or females, direct pressure by tourists, and artificial beachfront lighting that can potentially mislead hatchlings or females. High impacted areas showed lowest values in nesting selection and hatching success. Based on our results, we suggest management strategies to need to be implemented to reduce human pressure and to avoid nesting habitat loss of loggerhead and green turtle in Kanzul, Mexico