21 research outputs found

    Effect of Different Acids and Salt Application on The Microbiota of Pickled Cabbage

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    Pickles, which are known to have many nutritional and health benefits, have been used as a nutritional supplement in many cultures in recent years. Lactic acid bacteria, in its natural microbiota of pickle, which have various probiotic properties such as increased natural resistance to infectious diseases in the gastrointestinal system, prevention of various infections, and reduction in cholesterol level are effective in this. In our study, various combinations of salt, vinegar and lemon acid were made to produce cabbage pickled and it was determined how it affected the natural microbiota during fermentation. When the results were evaluated in terms of the viability of lactic acid bacteria, the best results were obtained with 5.35 logarithms in the G2 produced using only 5% lemon juice from eight different groups, one of which was a control. In the G3 which was produced using 5% vinegar, this number was determined as 1.82 logarithms. At the end of fermentation, it was determined that the coliform groups in the experimental groups lost their viability. Yeasts were completed this process with an average of 1 logarithm. When all test groups were examined in terms of all microbiological results was showed that the production of 5% lemon juice G2 has optimally results in terms of growing LAB and inhibition the undesirable microbial group

    Determination of starter culture properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from cheese

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    In this study, starter properties of 83 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains which were isolated from 13 cheese samples that were produced from raw milk and were characterized by using phenotypic, API and FTIR spectroscopy methods were determined. Proteolytic activity, acidification and decarboxylase activity were analyzed as starter culture properties for 22 Lactococcus sp., 36 Enterococcus sp. and 25 Lactobacillus sp. of 83 LAB. 18 isolates could decrease pH to less than six in 6 hours, 38 isolates indicated lower than 20 µg tyrosin/ml proteolytic activity and also 42 isolates indicated no decarboxylase activity. These isolates are thought to be the appropriate starter culture for cheese industry

    Süt sektöründe toplam kalite ve İSO uygulamaları

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    Turhan, İlkay (Arel Author) --- 8. Gıda Mühendisleri Kongresi, Ankara, 7-9 Kasım 2013.

    Chemical and microbiological properties of yoghurt sold in Marmara region in Turkey

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    #nofulltext# --- Conference: DIGEST International VET Istanbul Group Congress. Saint-Petersburg-Russia, 7-9 April 2015.

    Optimization Aging Parameters of Mg Silica Aerogel Using Box-Behnken Approach

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    The main objective of the present study was to investigate the application of Box- Behnken design which is a type of optimization design of response surface methodology (RSM) to predict and optimize some aging condition of magnesium silica aerogel (MSA) for improving surface properties such as surface area, pore volume, and pore size. Brunauer- Emmett-Teller (BET), Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) techniques, tap density method and helium pycnometer were used to characterize aerogels. The operating conditions were optimized as a function of the molar ratio of Mg:Si (0.35, 0.50, and 0.65), aging time (24 h, 60 h, and 96 h) and aging temperature (50 degrees C, 70 degrees C, and 90 degrees C). Lack of fit test indicates that the quadratic regression model was significant with the high coefficients of determination values for all three properties. Optimized aging factors for synthesis MSA with high BET surface area, high BJH pore volume and average Bill pore size were found to be 0.5 Mg:Si molar ratio, 79.62 degrees C, and 61.51 h, respectively. Under these conditions, magnesium silica aerogels have great properties: 734 m(2).g(-1) BET surface area, 0.41 cm(3).g(-1) BJH pore volume and 4.91 nm BJH pore size, 0.12 g.cm(-3) density and 95 % porosity. A Box-Behnken Method is a useful tool for the optimization of parameters of nanoporous magnesium silica aerogel production

    Occurrence of aflatoxin B1, total aflatoxin and ochratoxin a in bulgur commercialized in Turkey

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    #nofulltext# --- Turhan, İlkay (Arel Author), Büyükünal, Serkan Kemal (Arel Author), Şakar, Fitnat Şule (Arel Author) --- Conference : II International VETistanbul Group Congress. DIGEST : Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 07-09 April 2015.Mycotoxins are important fungal toxic secondary metabolites with regards to food safety. They are formed during cereal growth or in post-harvest storage and they may not be completely removed during food processing operations. Mycotoxins have carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, toxicological effects on humans and animals. In this study, totally 113 bulgur samples were investigated for the levels of afl atoxin B1 (AFB1), total afl atoxin (AF Total) and ochratoxin A (OTA) by ELISA technique. AFB1 levels were between 0-1 ppb in 61 samples (53.98 %), between 1.001-1.999 ppb in 52 samples (46.02 %). AF Total levels were between 0-1 ppb in 20 samples (17.70 %), between 1.001-1.999 ppb in 46 samples (40.71 %), between 2-2.999 ppb in 39 samples (34.51 %) and between 3-3.999 ppb in 8 samples (7.08 %). OTA levels were between 0-1 ppb in 69 samples (61.06 %), between 1.001-1.999 ppb in 35 samples (30.98%), between 2-2.999 ppb in 6 samples (5.31 %) and above 3 ppb in 3 samples (2.65 %). These three bulgur samples were contaminated at levels above the legal limit (max 3 ppb) for ochratoxin