87 research outputs found

    Secrecy Sustain Broadcast Assessment for Collective Information in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing could be a mode of method that shares computing resources considerably than enclose native servers or personal devices to regulate productions. Cloud information storage has varied compensations over native info storage. Client will transmit their info on cloud and retrieve those uploaded information from anytime and anyplace with none further burden. It condenses value by assign computing and tortuous, storage resources with associate on command provisioning mechanism counting on a forfeit use business type. The User doesn’t ought to agonize concerning storage and maintenance of cloud information. because the information is keep at the isolated place however users can get the confirmation a propos keep information. thence Cloud information storage ought to have some procedure which is able to detail storage correctness and integrity of data keep on cloud. Users will resort to a third-party auditor (TPA) to ascertain the honesty of outsourced information and be agonize gratis. TPA ought to be ready to competently audit the cloud information storage exclusive of difficult the native copy of data. Specifically, our involvement during this work are often potted because the following aspects: Stimulate the Public     Auditing procedure of information storage safety in Cloud Computing and supply a privacy conserving auditing rule, i.e., our proposal supports associate exterior auditor to audit user’s outsourced info within the cloud while not learning info on the info gist. In difficult, our theme accomplish batch auditing wherever many delegated auditing trip from completely different users are often execute at the same time by the TPA

    GR-384 Benchmarking Network Service Performance Using the POWDER Wireless Testbed

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    5G RAN slicing provides a way to split network infrastructure into self-contained slices which can have various virtual network functions (VNFs) mapped onto them. Much work has gone into creating robust mapping and resource allocation algorithms in order to efficiently embed VNFs onto the available nodes in a slice. However, in order to most efficiently embed these VNFs we need to understand the resource and bandwidth needs of the services we are trying to embed. This project seeks to provide an accurate assessment of the needs of three commonly used network services. We do this by testing each network service using real world physical machines on the POWDER network testbed. We collect bandwidth and CPU usage data from each test and use it to analyze the needs of the network service when being embedded onto physical nodes during network slicing

    Modeling of Ionospheric Responses to Atmospheric Acoustic and Gravity Waves Driven by the 2015 Nepal M w 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake

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    Near- and far-field ionospheric responses to atmospheric acoustic and gravity waves (AGWs) generated by surface displacements during the 2015 Nepal 7.8 Gorkha earthquake are simulated. Realistic surface displacements driven by the earthquake are calculated in three-dimensional forward seismic waves propagation simulation, based on kinematic slip model. They are used to excite AGWs at ground level in the direct numerical simulation of three-dimensional nonlinear compressible Navier-Stokes equations with neutral atmosphere model, which is coupled with a two-dimensional nonlinear multifluid electrodynamic ionospheric model. The importance of incorporating earthquake rupture kinematics for the simulation of realistic coseismic ionospheric disturbances (CIDs) is demonstrated and the possibility of describing faulting mechanisms and surface deformations based on ionospheric observations is discussed in details. Simulation results at the near-epicentral region are comparable with total electron content (TEC) observations in periods ( 3.3 and 6-10 min for acoustic and gravity waves, respectively), propagation velocities ( 0.92 km/s for acoustic waves) and amplitudes (up to 2 TECu). Simulated far-field CIDs correspond to long-period ( 4 mHz) Rayleigh waves (RWs), propagating with the same phase velocity of 4 km/s. The characteristics of modeled RW-related ionospheric disturbances differ from previously-reported observations based on TEC data; possible reasons for these differences are discussed

    Coexistence of carcinoma and tuberculosis in one breast

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: The coexistence of breast cancer and tuberculosis is very rare. This can create a dilemma in the diagnosis and treatment as there are no pathognomonic symptoms or signs to distinguish both diseases. Case presentation: A female patient was seen in the breast clinic for a right breast lump. Clinical examination and investigation confirmed cancer and tuberculosis of the right breast. She underwent right mastectomy and axillary clearance and received chemo and radiotherapy. Unfortunately, she died of wide spread metastases. Conclusion: The simultaneous occurrence of these two major illnesses in the breast can lead to many problems regarding diagnosis and treatment. Though rare, surgeons, pathologists and radiologists should be aware of such condition. Background The coexistence of carcinoma and tuberculosis (TB) of the breast and the axillary lymph nodes is rare. The clinical situation

    Administration of Intranasal Insulin During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Improves Neurological Outcomes After Cardiac Arrest

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    INTRODUCTION: Over 325,000 people die from cardiac arrest each year. Prognosis is poor and survivors typically experience persistent neurologic deficits. Currently, neuroprotective treatments to reduce brain injury in cardiac arrest survivors are limited and ineffective. This study evaluates the potential neuroprotection induced by high dose intranasal insulin (HD-IN-I) in a rodent model of asphyxial cardiac arrest. METHODS: Male Long Evans rats were block randomized to sham-operated controls or 8-minute asphyxial cardiac arrest treated with placebo or HD-IN-I at the onset of CPR. To investigate mechanism of action, hippocampi were collected 30 minutes post-ROSC and analyzed by Western blot for phosphorylation of Akt. To assess long-term functional outcomes, neurobehavioral evaluation was conducted using neurologic function scores daily and Barnes maze, Rotarod, and passive avoidance on days 7-10 post-ROSC. Histologic quantification of surviving hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons was also conducted. RESULTS: Hippocampal phospho-Akt/total Akt ratio increased 2-fold in the placebo group and 5.7-fold in HD-IN-I group relative to shams (p \u3c 0.05). Rats treated with HD-IN-I had significantly improved performance on Rotarod, Barnes maze, and passive avoidance (p \u3c 0.05). HD-IN-I had no significant effect on ROSC rate, 10-day survival, systemic glycemic response, or on the number of surviving CA1 pyramidal neurons compared to placebo treatment. DISCUSSION: This study is the first to demonstrate that HD-IN-I administered at the onset of CPR, causes phosphorylation of brain Akt and results in significant neuroprotection. This primary work strongly suggests that intranasal insulin could be the first highly effective neuroprotective treatment for cardiac arrest patients
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