3 research outputs found

    Gambaran Perilaku Gaya Hidup Sehat Pada Remaja di Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang

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    Unhealthy lifestyles such as lack of physical activity, eating unhealthy foods, and stress in teenagers are now increasing. The presence of unhealthy behavior in teenagers can be bad for their health, one of which is the increasing of risk of non-communicable diseases. Therefore applying healthy lifestyle behaviors in teenagers is very important to prevent the occurrence of non-communicable diseases in the future.The purpose of this study was to describe healthy lifestyle behaviors in teenagres which included responsibility for health, physical activity, nutrition, spiritual growth, interpersonal relations, and stress management. This study uses descriptive method with cross sectional approach. The study population was 1.445 adolescents. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling. Total samples were 314 teenagers. Data collection used the Healthy Promotion Lifestyle Profile -II questionnaire. Data analysis used Frequency Distribution. The results showed that the majority of teenagers had fairly good healthy lifestyle behaviors of 226 people (72%), quite good on aspect of health responsibility of 214 people (62.8%), good in healthy lifestyle behavior in aspect of physical activity of 160 people (51%), quite good in the nutritional aspect of 159 people (50.6%), goodin the aspect of spiritual growth of 205 people (65.3%), good in aspect of interpersonal relations of 222 people (70.7%) , and good in the stress management aspect of 211 people (67.2%). An advice for teenagers is to use this research results as an input on healthy lifestyle behaviors that can be carried out and applied in daily lifeKey words: Behaviour, Healthy Lifestyle, TeenagerÂ

    Gambaran Perilaku Gaya Hidup Sehat Pada Remaja di Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang

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    Unhealthy lifestyles such as lack of physical activity, eating unhealthy foods, and stress in teenagers are now increasing. The presence of unhealthy behavior in teenagers can be bad for their health, one of which is the increasing of risk of non-communicable diseases. Therefore applying healthy lifestyle behaviors in teenagers is very important to prevent the occurrence of non-communicable diseases in the future.The purpose of this study was to describe healthy lifestyle behaviors in teenagres which included responsibility for health, physical activity, nutrition, spiritual growth, interpersonal relations, and stress management. This study uses descriptive method with cross sectional approach. The study population was 1.445 adolescents. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling. Total samples were 314 teenagers. Data collection used the Healthy Promotion Lifestyle Profile -II questionnaire. Data analysis used Frequency Distribution. The results showed that the majority of teenagers had fairly good healthy lifestyle behaviors of 226 people (72%), quite good on aspect of health responsibility of 214 people (62.8%), good in healthy lifestyle behavior in aspect of physical activity of 160 people (51%), quite good in the nutritional aspect of 159 people (50.6%), goodin the aspect of spiritual growth of 205 people (65.3%), good in aspect of interpersonal relations of 222 people (70.7%) , and good in the stress management aspect of 211 people (67.2%). An advice for teenagers is to use this research results as an input on healthy lifestyle behaviors that can be carried out and applied in daily lifeKey words: Behaviour, Healthy Lifestyle, Teenager


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    Gaya hidup tidak sehat seperti kurang aktifitas fisik, makan makanan yang tidak sehat, dan stress pada kelompok usia remaja saat ini mengalami peningkatan. Hadirnya perilaku tidak sehat pada remaja berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan salah satunya adalah meningkatnya resiko terjadinya penyakit tidak menular. Oleh sebab itu menerapkan perilaku gaya hidup sehat pada remaja sangat penting untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit tidak menular pada dekade mendatang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan perilaku gaya hidup sehat pada remaja yang meliputi tanggung jawab terhadap kesehatan, aktifitas fisik, nutrisi, pertumbuhan spiritual, hubungan interpersonal, dan manajemen stress. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 1.445 remaja. Teknik sampling menggunakan proporsional random sampling. Jumlah sampel 314 remaja. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Instrumen Healthy Promotion Lifestyle profile - II. Analisa data menggunakan Distribusi Frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar remaja mempunyai perilaku gaya hidup sehat cukup baik sebesar 226 orang (72%), cukup baik pada aspek tanggung jawab kesehatan sebesar 214 orang (62,8%), baik dalam perilaku gaya hidup sehat pada aspek aktifitas fisik sebesar 160 orang (51%), cukup baik pada aspek nutrisi sebesar 159 orang (50,6%), baik pada aspek pertumbuhan spiritual sebesar 205 orang (65,3%), baik pada aspek hubungan interpersonal sebesar 222 orang (70,7%), dan baik pada aspek menejemen stres sebesar 211 orang (67,2%). Saran bagi remaja hasil penelitian dapat menjadi masukan mengenai perilaku gaya hidup sehat yang dapat dilakukan dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari