890 research outputs found

    Effect of solute atoms on dislocation motion in Mg: an electronic structure perspective.

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    Solution strengthening is a well-known approach to tailoring the mechanical properties of structural alloys. Ultimately, the properties of the dislocation/solute interaction are rooted in the electronic structure of the alloy. Accordingly, we compute the electronic structure associated with, and the energy barriers to dislocation cross-slip. The energy barriers so obtained can be used in the development of multiscale models for dislocation mediated plasticity. The computed electronic structure can be used to identify substitutional solutes likely to interact strongly with the dislocation. Using the example of a-type screw dislocations in Mg, we compute accurately the Peierls barrier to prismatic plane slip and argue that Y, Ca, Ti, and Zr should interact strongly with the studied dislocation, and thereby decrease the dislocation slip anisotropy in the alloy

    X-Ray Evidence of an AGN in M82

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    An X-ray spectrum of the famous starburst galaxy M82 consists of three components: soft, medium, and hard components (Tsuru et al. 1997). The spectrum of the hard component, which is spatially unresolved, is well represented by an absorbed thermal bremsstrahlung, or an absorbed power-law model. However the origin of the hard component was unclear. Thus, we made a monitoring observation with ASCA in 1996. Although the X-ray flux of the soft and medium components remained constant, a significant time variability of the hard component was found between 3×10403\times10^{40} erg/s and 1×10411\times10^{41} erg/s at various time scales from 10 ks to a month. The temperature or photon index of the hard component also changed. We proved that the spatial position of the hard component is the center of M82. The spectrum of the variable source obtained by subtracting the spectrum of the lowest state from the highest state suggests the strong absorption of NH∼1022N_{\rm H} \sim 10^{22} cm2^2, which means the variable source is embedded in the center of M82. All these suggest that a low-luminosity AGN exists in M82.Comment: 15pages for text and tables. 13pages for figure

    The X-ray Structure of A399 and A401: A Pre-Merging Cluster Pair

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    We present {\em ASCA} results of the pair clusters A399 and A401. The region between the two clusters exhibits excess X-rays over the value expected with a simple superposition of the two clusters. We see, however, no temperature rise at the merging front; the temperature is near the average of those in the inner regions of the two clusters. These indicate that the two clusters are really interacting but it is not strong at present. The inner regions of the two clusters show no radial variations of temperature, abundance and absorption values. We set upper-limits of mass deposition rate of cooling flow to be M˙<35  M⊙yr−1\dot{M}<35\;\rm M_{\odot}yr^{-1} and M˙<59  M⊙yr−1\dot{M}<59\;\rm M_{\odot}yr^{-1} for A399 and A401, respectively. A hint of azimuthal variation of the temperature is also found.Comment: 17 pages, 13 postscript figures, 2 external tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    ASCA observations of massive medium-distant clusters of galaxies. II

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    We have selected seven medium-distant clusters of galaxies (z ~ 0.1 - 0.3) for multi-wavelength observations with the goal of investigating their dynamical state. Following Paper I (Pierre et al. 1999) which reported the ASCA results about two of them, we present here the analysis of the ASCA observations of the other five clusters; RXJ1023.8-2715 (A3444), RXJ1031.6-2607, RXJ1050.5-0236 (A1111), RXJ1203.2-2131(A1451), and RXJ1314.5-2517. Except for RXJ1031.6, whose X-ray emission turned out to be dominated by an AGN, the ASCA spectra are well fitted by a one-temperature thin thermal plasma model. We compare the temperature-luminosity relation of our clusters with that of nearby ones (z<0.1). Two clusters, RXJ1050.5 and RXJ1023.8, show larger luminosities than the bulk of clusters at similar temperatures, which suggests the presence of a cooling flow. The temperature vs. iron-abundance relationship of our sample is consistent with that of nearby clusters.Comment: 9 pages, 20 figures, A&AS in pres

    An Analysis of \pi\pi-Scattering Phase Shift and Existence of \sigma(555) particle

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    In most of the Nambu:Jona-Lasinio(NJL)-type models, realizing the hidden chiral symmetry, the existence of a scalar particle \sigma is needed with a mass m_\sigma=2 m_q, as a partner of the Nambu-Goldstone boson \pi. However, the results of many analyses on \pi\pi phase-shift thus far made have been negative for its existence. In this paper we re-analyze the phase-shift, applying a new method, the interfering amplitude method, which treats the T-matrix directly and describes multi-resonances in conformity with the unitarity. As a result, the existence of \sigma has been strongly suggested from the behavior of the \pi\pi-->\pi\pi phase shift between the \pi\pi- and the KK- thresholds, with mass = 553.3 +- 0.5_{st} MeV and width= 242.6 +- 1.2_{st} MeV. The most crucial point in our analysis is the introduction of a negative background phase, possibly reflecting a ``repulsive core" in \pi\pi interactions. The properties of f_0(980) are also investigated from data including those over the KK threshold. Its mass is obtained as 993.2 +- 6.5_{st} +- 6.9_{sys} MeV. Its width is about a hundred MeV, although this depends largely on the treatment of the elasticity and the \pi\pi-->KK phase shift, both of which may have large experimental uncertainties.Comment: 22 pages, Latex with Prog. Theor. Phys. format PTPTEX.sty, 4 EPS figure

    X-ray Constraints on Accretion and Starburst Processes in Galactic Nuclei I. Spectral Results

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    The results of a 0.4-10.0 keV ASCA spectral analysis of a sample of low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN; M51, NGC 3147, NGC 4258), low-ionization nuclear emission line regions (LINERs; NGC 3079, NGC 3310, NGC 3998, NGC 4579, NGC 4594) and starburst galaxies (M82, NGC 253, NGC 3628 and NGC 6946) are presented. In spite of the heterogeneous optical classifications of these galaxies, the X-ray spectra are fit well by a ``canonical'' model consisting of an optically-thin Raymond-Smith plasma ``soft'' component with T ~ 7 x 10^6 K and a ``hard'' component that can be modeled by either a power-law with a photon index ~ 1.7 or a thermal bremsstrahlung with T ~ 6 x 10^7 K. The soft-component 0.4-10 keV instrinsic luminosities tend to be on the order 10^39-40 ergs/s while the hard-component luminosities tend to be on the order of 10^40-41 ergs/s. The detection of line emission is discussed. An analysis of the short-term variability properties was given in Ptak et al. (1998) and detailed interpretation of these results will be given in Paper II. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for Jan. 99 issue of ApJS. 35 pages with embedded postscript figures. 8 large tables included externally as postscript file
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