581 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical characterization of the lymphocyte and the immunoglobulin-containing cell in the epithelium and the lamina propria of normal human intestines.

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    In order to clarify difference of the mucosal immunity in various sites of normal large and small intestines, we studied the population of lymphocyte subsets and immunoglobulin (Ig)-containing cells in situ in biopsy specimens taken from various sites (ascending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum) of the large intestine and from the duodenum using an immunohistochemical method. Monoclonal antibodies against pan-T (Leu 1), cytotoxic/suppressor T (Leu2a), helper/inducer T (Leu3a), suppressor T (Leu15) and natural killer/K (Leu7) cells, and polyclonal antibodies to human IgG, IgA and IgM were used. In the duodenum, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) were more prominent than in the large intestine. Immunoelectron microscopic observation revealed that some Leu2a+ IELs possessed pseudopods extending into intestinal epithelial cells, indicating that some IELs belong to the cytotoxic T cell subset. Leu7+ IELs were scarcely observed and Leu7+/Leu1+ ratio was higher in the large intestine than in the duodenum. Furthermore, the number of Leu7+ cells were more in the distal than the proximal colon. In the lamina propria Ig-containing cells tended to be fewer in the rectum than in the duodenum and the proximal colon. Our findings may suggest the variation of local immune responses and the difference of assigned immunological functions among the various sites of the intestines.</p

    Detection of negative strand RNA of hepatitis C virus in infected liver and serum.

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    The negative strand RNA of hepatitis C virus, supposed to be a replicative intermediate of the virus appears to indicate viral replication. In this study, we detected the negative strand RNA by using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction with RNase A digestion to degrade the remaining positive strand genomic sequence of the virus after complementary DNA (cDNA) synthesis. In vitro transcribed positive-stranded mutant RNA was not detected by this method. Sample sera and liver tissues of 16 patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection (liver fibrosis, 1; chronic hepatitis, 13; liver cirrhosis, 2) were analysed for negative strand RNA of hepatitis C virus. The negative strand RNA sequence was detected in 15 (93%) of 16 liver tissues and in 11 (78%) of 14 sera. The study demonstrated that negative strand RNA of hepatitis C virus in serum and liver tissue could be specifically detected.</p

    Albumin receptors on HBsAG particles and subsequent sero-conversion designate HBeAG-positive patients among chronic active liver disease patients.

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    An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the purpose of detecting the albumin receptor on hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) particles was developed. Patient sera with moderate to high receptor values demonstrated significant correlations with serum DNA-polymerase activity (p less than 0.005), but not with HBeAg titer. Within one year of the study of 47 HBeAg-positive patients, only in the group of 12 patients with the moderately high values and 9 with low values, did 2 (16.7%) and 6 cases (66.7%) sero-convert, respectively. These results suggest that the albumin receptor might be a useful marker of HBsAg-positive patients.</p


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    An effective treatment for the advanced stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has not been established yet. We report our recent experience of one patient with pulmonary emphysema treated by dietary supplementation of n-3 fatty acid for two months. He presented improvements in clinical symptoms and pulmonary function, and suppression of leukotriene B(4) generation by peripheral leukocytes. We consequently suppose that dietary treatment with n-3 fatty acids (perilla seed oil) may offer benefits for the treatment of pulmonary emphysema by competitively inhiabiting the conversion of arachidonicacid to leukotrienes and prostanoids.今回我々は,肺気腫の症例に対してn-3系脂肪酸を強化した食事療法をおこない,臨床症状,呼吸機能検査所見ともに速やかに改善を認め,同時に白血球のロイコトリエンB4産生能が著明に減少した一例を経験したので報告する。 症例は67歳,男性。主訴は労作時呼吸困難。【第一回目入院】3カ月間入院し,薬物療法,温泉を用いた理学療法を行った。自覚症状はやや改善が見られたが,呼吸機能検査所見の改善は得られなかった。【第二回目入院】1年後に再入院。n-3系脂肪酸強化食事療法も併用した。自覚症状および,呼吸機能検査上,FVC,FEV1.0,PEFなどに改善を認めた。n-3系脂肪酸はアラキドン酸代謝を通してロイコトリエン合成に関与すると推定されるが,経渦中に白血球のLTB4産生能の減少を認めた。この症例は肺気腫に対するn-3系脂肪酸強化食 事療法の有用性が示唆され,病態を考える上でも興味深いと考えられた

    Rat liver nodules induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene lose an ability to take up indocyanine green in the process of hepatocarcinogenesis.

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    Indocyanine green (ICG) was injected into rat liver nodules induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) via portal vein. The relationship between ICG staining and cell atypism of liver nodules was examined by means of histology and DNA flow cytometry. After 2-AAF administration, many small nodules appeared on the liver surface. All hyperplastic nodules were ICG stained until 10 weeks after the administration, but some nodules were not stained after 14 weeks. ICG-stained nodules histologically consisted of benign tissues and borderline lesions, and many of them showed &#34;diploidy&#34; in DNA cytometry. ICG-unstained nodules consisted of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCCs) and borderline lesions, and many of them showed &#34;aneuploidy&#34;. In this way, it has been suggested that HCC could derive from hyperplastic nodules and that they might lose an ability to take up ICG in the process of hepatocarcinogenesis. Immunohistochemical staining for glutathione-S-transferase alpha (GST-alpha), a carrier protein of ICG in hepatocytes, was well correlated with ICG staining in the nodules, suggesting that the loss of ICG uptake in HCC was partly due to the decrease of GST-alpha. Moreover, the appearance of ICG unstained and aneuploid nodules was significantly inhibited in rats which were fed on diet containing Syosaiko-to after the administration of 2-AAF. Chemopreventive effect of Syo-saiko-to on hepatocarcinogenesis was identified.</p

    Detection of HBs antigen in routine paraffin embedded liver tissue by enzyme-labelled antibody technique

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    HB surface antigen (HBs Ag) was detected using the enzyme-labelled antibody technique on routinely processed liver biopsy material fixed in Bouin's fixative and embedded in paraffin. Of 85 examined specimens, 45 cases were HBs Ag positive by both the immunofluorescent test and the enzyme labelled antibody technique. The remaining 40 cases were negative by both techniques. The specificity of HBs Ag detected by the enzyme-labelled antibody technique was confirmed by the blocking test using guinea pig specific HBs antibody. The results indicate that the enzyme-labelled antibody technique may be useful for detecting HBs Ag on routine paraffin sections.</p

    Phalloidin-induced alterations of bile canaliculi.

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    Phalloidin, a toxin from the plant Amanita phalloides, irreversibly polymerizes actin filaments and causes cholestasis. Three-dimensional structural changes induced by phalloidin in the bile canaliculi and the intra-acinar localization of these changes were studied in the rat liver by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. After 3 days of treatment, canalicular changes appeared mainly in zones 2 and 3 of Rappaport's acinus, but after 7 days of treatment changes occurred in bile canaliculi of the whole acinus. The changes in the bile canaliculi included tortuosity, saccular dilatation, loss of microvilli, bleb formation and elongation of canalicular side branches. Some side branches extended near to Disse's space, leaving only a thin cytoplasmic rim between the canalicular lumen and Disse's space. Kupffer cells were occasionally situated near such extended bile canaliculi and protruded their processes into the hepatic cord. These results suggest that bile canaliculi in zone 3 are more susceptible to phalloidin toxicity than those in zone 1 and that biliary constituents may leak from such altered bile canaliculi.</p

    Different expression of Tn and sialyl-Tn antigens between normal and diseased human gastric epithelial cells.

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    Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (T antigen) has been supposed to be a cancer-specific carbohydrate antigen. We have previously shown that one third of the Japanese population normally expressed T antigen in gastric surface epithelia and the other two thirds expressed fucosyl-T antigen. Their sialylation and blocked-synthesis were associated with diseased conditions. In the present study, we studied gastric surface epithelial expression of monosaccharide antigen Tn, i.e., a precursor of T antigen, and sialyl-Tn. Normal fundic and pyloric epithelia, respectively, expressed Tn supranucleally and cytoplasmically, but did not express sialyl-Tn. In the intestinal metaplasias and intestinal-type adenomas, goblet cells expressed sialyl-Tn in their vacuoles, and absorptive cells expressed Tn apically. In gastric-type adenomas, Tn, but not sialyl-Tn, was detected. Intestinal-type cancers expressed Tn and sialyl-Tn more often than the diffuse-type cancers. Five cancers did not express Tn, sialyl-Tn, or the T-related antigens. In these, four were diffuse-type cancers. We concluded that: a) normal gastric epithelial cells express Tn; b) metaplastic differentiation is associated with sialylation of Tn and c) expression of Tn and sialyl-Tn is depressed in the gastric cancers. </p