119 research outputs found

    Crystal Structure of the Monomeric Extracellular Domain of α9 Nicotinic Receptor Subunit in Complex With α-Conotoxin RgIA: Molecular Dynamics Insights Into RgIA Binding to α9α10 Nicotinic Receptors

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    The α9 subunit of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) exists mainly in heteropentameric assemblies with α10. Accumulating data indicate the presence of three different binding sites in α9α10 nAChRs: the α9(+)/α9(−), the α9(+)/α10(−), and the α10(+)/α9(−). The major role of the principal (+) side of the extracellular domain (ECD) of α9 subunit in binding of the antagonists methyllylcaconitine and α-bungarotoxin was shown previously by the crystal structures of the monomeric α9-ECD with these molecules. Here we present the 2.26-Å resolution crystal structure of α9-ECD in complex with α-conotoxin (α-Ctx) RgIA, a potential drug for chronic pain, the first structure reported for a complex between an nAChR domain and an α-Ctx. Superposition of this structure with those of other α-Ctxs bound to the homologous pentameric acetylcholine binding proteins revealed significant similarities in the orientation of bound conotoxins, despite the monomeric state of the α9-ECD. In addition, ligand-binding studies calculated a binding affinity of RgIA to the α9-ECD at the low micromolar range. Given the high identity between α9 and α10 ECDs, particularly at their (+) sides, the presented structure was used as template for molecular dynamics simulations of the ECDs of the human α9α10 nAChR in pentameric assemblies. Our results support a favorable binding of RgIA at α9(+)/α9(−) or α10(+)/α9(−) rather than the α9(+)/α10(−) interface, in accordance with previous mutational and functional data

    A Structural and Mutagenic Blueprint for Molecular Recognition of Strychnine and d-Tubocurarine by Different Cys-Loop Receptors

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    Cys-loop receptors (CLR) are pentameric ligand-gated ion channels that mediate fast excitatory or inhibitory transmission in the nervous system. Strychnine and d-tubocurarine (d-TC) are neurotoxins that have been highly instrumental in decades of research on glycine receptors (GlyR) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), respectively. In this study we addressed the question how the molecular recognition of strychnine and d-TC occurs with high affinity and yet low specificity towards diverse CLR family members. X-ray crystal structures of the complexes with AChBP, a well-described structural homolog of the extracellular domain of the nAChRs, revealed that strychnine and d-TC adopt multiple occupancies and different ligand orientations, stabilizing the homopentameric protein in an asymmetric state. This introduces a new level of structural diversity in CLRs. Unlike protein and peptide neurotoxins, strychnine and d-TC form a limited number of contacts in the binding pocket of AChBP, offering an explanation for their low selectivity. Based on the ligand interactions observed in strychnine- and d-TC-AChBP complexes we performed alanine-scanning mutagenesis in the binding pocket of the human α1 GlyR and α7 nAChR and showed the functional relevance of these residues in conferring high potency of strychnine and d-TC, respectively. Our results demonstrate that a limited number of ligand interactions in the binding pocket together with an energetic stabilization of the extracellular domain are key to the poor selective recognition of strychnine and d-TC by CLRs as diverse as the GlyR, nAChR, and 5-HT3R

    Novel Bradykinin-Potentiating Peptides and Three-Finger Toxins from Viper Venom: Combined NGS Venom Gland Transcriptomics and Quantitative Venom Proteomics of the Azemiops feae Viper

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    Feae’s viper Azemipos feae belongs to the Azemiopinae subfamily of the Viperidae family. The effects of Viperidae venoms are mostly coagulopathic with limited neurotoxicity manifested by phospholipases A2. From A. feae venom, we have earlier isolated azemiopsin, a novel neurotoxin inhibiting the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. To characterize other A. feae toxins, we applied label-free quantitative proteomics, which revealed 120 unique proteins, the most abundant being serine proteinases and phospholipases A2. In total, toxins representing 14 families were identified, among which bradykinin-potentiating peptides with unique amino acid sequences possessed biological activity in vivo. The proteomic analysis revealed also basal (commonly known as non-conventional) three-finger toxins belonging to the group of those possessing neurotoxic activity. This is the first indication of the presence of three-finger neurotoxins in viper venom. In parallel, the transcriptomic analysis of venom gland performed by Illumina next-generation sequencing further revealed 206 putative venom transcripts. Together, the study unveiled the venom proteome and venom gland transciptome of A. feae, which in general resemble those of other snakes from the Viperidae family. However, new toxins not found earlier in viper venom and including three-finger toxins and unusual bradykinin-potentiating peptides were discovered

    Curare alkaloids from Matis Dart Poison: Comparison with d-tubocurarine in interactions with nicotinic, 5-HT3 serotonin and GABAA receptors.

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    Several novel bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BBIQAs) have recently been isolated from a Matis tribe arrow poison and shown by two-electrode voltage-clamp to inhibit mouse muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR). Here, using radioligand assay with Aplysia californica AChBP and radioiodinated α-bungarotoxin ([125I]-αBgt), we show that BBIQA1, BBIQA2, and d-tubocurarine (d-TC) have similar affinities to nAChR orthosteric site. However, a competition with [125I]-αBgt for binding to the Torpedo californica muscle-type nAChR revealed that BBIQAs1, 2, and 3 are less potent (IC50s = 26.3, 8.75, and 17.0 μM) than d-TC (IC50 = 0.39 μM), while with α7 nAChR in GH4C1 cells, BBIQA1 was less potent that d-TC (IC50s = 162 μM and 7.77 μM, respectively), but BBIQA2 was similar (IC50 = 5.52 μM). In inhibiting the Ca2+ responses induced by acetylcholine in Neuro2a cells expressing the mouse adult α1β1εδ nAChR or human α7 nAChR, BBIQAs1 and 2 had similar potencies to d-TC (IC50s in the range 0.75-3.08 μM). Our data suggest that BBIQA1 and BBIQA2 can inhibit adult muscle α1β1εδ nAChR by both competitive and noncompetitive mechanisms. Further experiments on neuronal α3β2, α4β2, and α9α10 nAChRs, expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, showed that similar potencies for BBIQAs1, 2, and d-TC. With α3β2γ2 GABAAR currents were almost completely inhibited by d-TC at a high (100 μM) concentration, but BBIQAs1 and 2 were less potent (only 40-50% inhibition), whereas in competition with Alexa Fluor 546-α-cobratoxin for binding to α1β3γ2 GABAAR in Neuro2a cells, d-TC and these analogs had comparable affinities. Especially interesting effects of BBIQAs1 and 2 in comparison with d-TC were observed for 5-HT3AR: BBIQA1 and BBIQA2 were 5- and 87-fold less potent than d-TC (IC50 = 22.63 nM). Thus, our results reveal that these BBIQAs differ from d-TC in their potencies towards certain Cys-loop receptors, and we suggest that understanding the reasons behind this might be useful for future drug design.The work of ENS, IAI, DSK, IVS, AIG, LVS, and VIT was supported by the Russian Science Foundation Grant 16-14-00215 (http://rscf. ru/en). The work of IEK was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant 18- 04-01366 (http://www.rfbr.ru/rffi/eng). The work of SCRL was supported by a Medical Research Council Grant MR L021676 (https://mrc.ukri.org/)

    Novel long-chain neurotoxins from Bungarus candidus distinguish the two binding sites in muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

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    αδ-Bungarotoxins, a novel group of long-chain α-neurotoxins, manifest different affinity to two agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites of muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), being more active at the interface of α–δ subunits. Three isoforms (αδ-BgTx-1–3) were identified in Malayan Krait (Bungarus candidus) from Thailand by genomic DNA analysis; two of them (αδ-BgTx-1 and 2) were isolated from its venom. The toxins comprise 73 amino acid residues and 5 disulfide bridges, being homologous to α-bungarotoxin (α-BgTx), a classical blocker of muscle-type and neuronal α7, α8, and α9α10 nAChRs. The toxicity of αδ-BgTx-1 (LD50 = 0.17–0.28 µg/g mouse, i.p. injection) is essentially as high as that of α-BgTx. In the chick biventer cervicis nerve–muscle preparation, αδ-BgTx-1 completely abolished acetylcholine response, but in contrast with the block by α-BgTx, acetylcholine response was fully reversible by washing. αδ-BgTxs, similar to α-BgTx, bind with high affinity to α7 and muscle-type nAChRs. However, the major difference of αδ-BgTxs from α-BgTx and other naturally occurring α-neurotoxins is that αδ-BgTxs discriminate the two binding sites in the Torpedo californica and mouse muscle nAChRs showing up to two orders of magnitude higher affinity for the α–δ site as compared with α–ε or α–γ binding site interfaces. Molecular modeling and analysis of the literature provided possible explanations for these differences in binding mode; one of the probable reasons being the lower content of positively charged residues in αδ-BgTxs. Thus, αδ-BgTxs are new tools for studies on nAChRs

    Mitochondria Express α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors to Regulate Ca2+ Accumulation and Cytochrome c Release: Study on Isolated Mitochondria

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    Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are ligand-gated ion channels that mediate synaptic transmission in the muscle and autonomic ganglia and regulate transmitter release in the brain. The nAChRs composed of α7 subunits are also expressed in non-excitable cells to regulate cell survival and proliferation. Up to now, functional α7 nAChRs were found exclusively on the cell plasma membrane. Here we show that they are expressed in mitochondria and regulate early pro-apoptotic events like cytochrome c release. The binding of α7-specific antibody with mouse liver mitochondria was revealed by electron microscopy. Outer membranes of mitochondria from the wild-type and β2−/− but not α7−/− mice bound α7 nAChR-specific antibody and toxins: FITC-labeled α-cobratoxin or Alexa 555-labeled α-bungarotoxin. α7 nAChR agonists (1 µM acetylcholine, 10 µM choline or 30 nM PNU-282987) impaired intramitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation and significantly decreased cytochrome c release stimulated with either 90 µM CaCl2 or 0.5 mM H2O2. α7-specific antagonist methyllicaconitine (50 nM) did not affect Ca2+ accumulation in mitochondria but attenuated the effects of agonists on cytochrome c release. Inhibitor of voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) 4,4′-diisothio-cyano-2,2′-stilbene disulfonic acid (0.5 µM) decreased cytochrome c release stimulated with apoptogens similarly to α7 nAChR agonists, and VDAC was co-captured with the α7 nAChR from mitochondria outer membrane preparation in both direct and reverse sandwich ELISA. It is concluded that α7 nAChRs are expressed in mitochondria outer membrane to regulate the VDAC-mediated Ca2+ transport and mitochondrial permeability transition

    Acetylcholine and Acetylcholine Receptors: Textbook Knowledge and New Data

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    It was a pleasure to receive a proposal to organize and be a guest editor of a Special Issue of Biomolecules [...
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