14 research outputs found

    Vascular cognitive impairment in the mouse reshapes visual, spatial network functional connectivity

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    Connectome analysis of neuroimaging data is a rapidly expanding field to identify disease specific biomarkers. Structural diffusion MRI connectivity has been useful in individuals with radiological features of small vessel disease, such as white matter hyperintensities. Global efficiency, a network metric calculated from the structural connectome, is an excellent predictor of cognitive decline. To dissect the biological underpinning of these changes, animal models are required. We tested whether the structural connectome is altered in a mouse model of vascular cognitive impairment. White matter damage was more pronounced by 6 compared to 3 months. Global efficiency remained intact, but the visual association cortex exhibited increased structural connectivity with other brain regions. Exploratory resting state functional MRI connectivity analysis revealed diminished default mode network activity in the model compared to shams. Further perturbations were observed in a primarily cortical hub and the retrosplenial and visual cortices, and the hippocampus were the most affected nodes. Behavioural deficits were observed in the cued water maze, supporting the suggestion that the visual and spatial memory networks are affected. We demonstrate specific circuitry is rendered vulnerable to vascular stress in the mouse, and the model will be useful to examine pathophysiological mechanisms of small vessel disease

    Intoxicação experimental por Trema micrantha (Cannabaceae) em equinos

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi confirmar a toxidez e caracterizar os aspectos clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação por Trema micrantha em equinos. Três equinos, pôneis, com idade entre 2 e 7 anos consumiram espontaneamente folhas de T. micrantha em doses únicas de 30g/kg, 25g/ kg e 20g/kg. Os três animais adoeceram e evoluíram para morte. Outro equino recebeu 15 e 25g/kg da planta com intervalo de 30 dias entre as doses e não apresentou alteração clínica. Coletas diárias de sangue foram realizadas para análises bioquímicas. Os principais sinais clínicos apresentados foram apatia, desequilíbrios, dificuldade de deglutição, decúbito esternal, decúbito lateral, movimentos de pedalagem, coma e morte. Os três equinos afetados apresentaram elevação da atividade sérica de gama-glutamil transferase, dos níveis séricos de amônia e diminuição da glicemia. Esses animais foram necropsiados e fragmentos de diversos órgãos foram coletados para análise histopatológica e imuno-histoquímica. Os principais achados patológicos foram encontrados no fígado e no encéfalo dos três animais. O fígado apresentava, macroscopicamente, acentuação do padrão lobular; enquanto que, no encéfalo havia áreas amareladas na superfície de corte, mais evidentes na substância branca do cerebelo. Microscopicamente, o fígado apresentava tumefação hepatocelular, necrose de coagulação predominantemente centrolobular e hemorragia associada. No encéfalo, havia edema perivascular generalizado e astrócitos Alzheimer tipo II na substância cinzenta. Esses astrócitos apresentaram marcação fraca ou negativa na imuno-histoquímica anti-GFAP e marcação positiva do antígeno S-100. A dose letal mínima de folhas de T. micrantha estabelecida nesse experimento foi de 20g/kg. A ampla distribuição e palatabilidade desta planta, associadas à alta sensibilidade da espécie equina, constatada nesse experimento, reforçam a importância da planta em casos acidentais de intoxicação em equinos

    The soteriology of the early English Reformers 1525-1556

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX183538 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Goaf frictional ignition and its control measures in underground coal mines

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    Goaf Frictional Ignition (GFI) poses a serious threat to the safety of underground coal mines, and has caused many underground fires and catastrophic explosions. This paper examined occurrences of GFI incidents and the underlying mechanisms of ignition source and environment. Most of these incidents were attributed to rock on rock frictional ignition. The eventuation of frictional ignition relies on the presence of hot spots with enough incendive ignition energy, which requires a minimum threshold sliding distance and sliding velocity. The incendivity of the environment can be enhanced by the presence of liquid carbon hydrogen, the increase of virgin rock temperature, and the presence of hydrocarbon gases from thermal decomposition product of coal volatile. The paper discussed the newly proposed concerns on the varying incendivity of environment; finally it summarized the GFI engineering controls and discussed their applicability

    Nitrogen Assimilation and its Regulation

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