247 research outputs found


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    The article is a kind of “project essay” or “brain storm” concerning skyscraper cities. It proposes different approaches for the study of this subject. Starting with the observation that in Danish traditional houses are lying (ligger), whereas skyscrapers are “standing” (står), different phenomenological and discursive perspectives for the study are sketched. The article also suggests that the analysis of contemporary skyscraper cities can shed new light on more traditional cities in the same way as new media illuminate the characterics of old media


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    Klaske HavikUrban Literacy. Reading andWriting ArchitectureNai010 Publishers 2014, 256 sider.Iain Borden, Murray Fraser og Barbara Penner (red.)Forty Ways To Think About Architecture.Architectural History an


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    ABSTRACTTiger Tanks, Maginot Lines and Dreams of Empire:On the Uses of History in the New Pop Cultural Darling, the Video GameThis article presents a series of perspectives on the uses of history in video games. Though historical video games are at first sight an immensely differentiated field, there are certain common characteristics through which history is communicated within these games. In the games, history is represented through symbols, simulated through rules and retold through narratives (often with an ideological touch). The central argument: If we want to map out and understand the ’historicalness’ of the games, we must be aware of the genre conventions that circumscribe them. Furthermore, the article tries to supplement the ongoing debate between ‘narratologists’ and ‘ludologists’ within digital games studies. Both seem to downplay the role of the player, reducing her to either an un-reflected reader/absorber of ideological narratives, or expecting her to be strictly interested in the ludic challenge/core of the game – thus ignoring the fictional shell. Basing its arguments on interviews with a group of players, the article proposes that when playing historical video games, the players invests their historical consciousness in the game, demanding historical accuracy and recognizability, and actively seek the historically satisfying drama – even if it sometimes means playing ‘irrationally’

    Den totale transvisualitet

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    Anmeldelse af Tore Kristensen, Anders Michelsen & Frauke Wiegand (red.): Transvisuality. The Cultural Dimension of Visuality. Volume I: Boundaries and Creative Openings / Volume II: Visual Organizations. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, 2015

    Does knee awareness differ between different knee arthroplasty prostheses?:A matched, case-control, cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Low knee awareness after Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) has become the ultimate goal in trying to achieve a natural feeling knee that meet patient expectations. To accommodate this manufacturers of TKAs have developed new prosthetic designs that potentially could give patients a more natural feeling knee during activities. The purpose af this study was to compare the Forgotten Joint Score (FJS) and Oxford Knee Score (OKS) of patients treated with a previous generation standard Cruciate Retaining (CR) TKA to the scores obtained by patients treated with a newer generation CR TKA or a mobile bearing CR TKA. METHODS: We identified all patients receiving a new generation CR TKA or mobile bearing TKA at our institution between 2010 and 2012. These were matched to a population of patients receiving a standard CR TKA regarding age, gender, year of surgery, Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) grade and pre- and postoperative knee alignment. Patients were asked to complete the FJS and OKS questionnaires. Of the 316 patients completing the survey 64 standard CR TKAs to 35 new generation CR TKAs and 121 standard CR TKAs to 68 mobile bearing TKAs were matched. The FJS and OKS scores of the three TKA designs were compared. RESULTS: When comparing the new generation CR TKAs to the standard CR TKAs we found statistically significant higher OKS and FJS scores (6 (p = 0.04) and 16 (p = 0.03) points respectively) for the new generation CR TKAs. When comparing the mobile bearing TKAs to the standard CR TKAs we found a statistically significant higher OKS score (3 points, p = 0.04), and a higher but non-significant FJS score (4 points, p = 0.48) for the mobile bearing TKAs. CONCLUSIONS: Patients receiving the new generation CR TKA obtained higher FJS and OKS scores when compared to patients receiving a standard CR TKA, indicating that the use of this newer prosthetic design facilitate less knee awareness and better function after TKA