5 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan merupakan faktor pendukung yang memegang peranan disegala sektor. Keputusan memilih oleh manusia dipengaruhi oleh strategi bauran pemasaran yang terdiri dari : produk, harga, promosi, lokasi, orang, proses dan sarana fisik. Permasalah dalam penelitian ini antara lain : sejauhmana pengaruh strategi bauran pemasaran yang terdiri dari : produk, harga, promosi, lokasi, orang, proses dan sarana fisik terhadap keputusan mahasiswa memilih Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan RS. Baptis Kediri. Yang pada akhirnya dapat dipakai sebagai dasar dalam menentukan stategi  pemasaran dalam menarik minat mahasiswa. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori tentang strategi bauran pemasaran, teori perilaku konsumen dan keputusan membeli. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini deskriptif kuantitatif yng didukung survey, bersifat eksplanatory, dimana seluruh variabel diukur dengan skala likert. Metode pengumpulan data dengan daftar pertanyaan kepada 90 responden. Metode analisis regresi berganda untuk menguji hipotesis dgunakan uji F dan uji t pada tingkat keperacayaan 95%, ὰ = 0,05. Koefisien determinasi (R2) hasil regresi adalah 46,5%, menunjukan bahwa variabel bebas (produk, harga, promosi, lokasi, orang, proses dan sarana fisik) mampu menjelaskan 46,5% terhadap variabel terikat (keputusan mahasiswa). Berdasarkan nilai standardized coefficient diketahui secara parsial bahwa variabel produk memiliki pengaruh positif (0,264) dan lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan variabel lain (harga, promosi, lokasi, orang, proses dan sarana fisik). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini secara serempak strategi bauran pemasaran yang terdiri dari produk, harga, promosi, lokasi, orang, proses dan sarana fisik berpengaruh terhadap keputusan mahasiswa memilih Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan RS Baptis Kediri


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    Job burnout is a condition that physical, emotional and mental drop caused by a very demanding job situation in the long term. This study aims to determine the job burnout relationship with the performance of nurses in providing nursing care in Inpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital. Design used in this study were Analytical Correlation. The populations were nurses who worked in Inpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital. The number of samples were 53 respondents and was taken by Accidental Sampling. Independent variable is job burnout and the dependent variable is the performance of nurses. Data was collected using questionnaires and observations, then analyse using Spearman's rho test with a significance level of ρ> 0.05. These results indicate that most respondents experienced light job burnout as many as 45 respondents (85%), and the majority of respondents have a performance in the provision of good nursing care that was 39 respondents (73.6%). The results of statistical spearman's rho tests showed ρ = 0068. The conclusion of this study is no relationship of job burnout with the performance of nurses in providing nursing care at inpatient installation Kediri Baptist Hospital

    Dukungan Sosial Keluarga pada Pasien Gangguan Ansietas Menyeluruh di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Baptis Kediri

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    Backgorund : General Anxiety Disorder is an excessive fear and internalized about some event or activity within a few days at least - 6 months period. Family social support is a condition that is useful for individuals that obtained from another person who can be trusted, so that someone will know that there are others who pay attention, respect and love him. More specifically the existence of adequate social family support proved associated with reduced mortality, easier to recover from illness, cognitive function, physical and emotional health. The lack of family social support decreases the perceived cause of healing. Method : The design in this research, is descriptive. The population was all General Anxiety Disorders patients in the Outpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital. In this study sample were taken by purposive sampling techniques, got the number of respondents as much as 54 people. The variable in this study was single variable that was the family social support of patients in the General Anxiety Disorders Outpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital. Conclusion : The results of this research indicated the families social support of General Anxiety Disorders in the Outpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital patients are from 54 people there were 47 people known to have good support (87%)

    Job Burnout (Burnout) with Performance by Nurses in Nursing Care Provision

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    Job burnout is a condition that physical, emotional and mental drop caused by a very demanding job situation in the long term. This study aims to determine the job burnout relationship with the performance of nurses in providing nursing care in Inpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital. Design used in this study were Analytical Correlation. The populations were nurses who worked in Inpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital. The number of samples were 53 respondents and was taken by Accidental Sampling. Independent variable is job burnout and the dependent variable is the performance of nurses. Data was collected using questionnaires and observations, then analyse using Spearman\u27s rho test with a significance level of ρ> 0.05. These results indicate that most respondents experienced light job burnout as many as 45 respondents (85%), and the majority of respondents have a performance in the provision of good nursing care that was 39 respondents (73.6%). The results of statistical spearman\u27s rho tests showed ρ = 0068. The conclusion of this study is no relationship of job burnout with the performance of nurses in providing nursing care at inpatient installation Kediri Baptist Hospital


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    backgorund : General Anxiety Disorder is an excessive fear and internalized about some event or activity within a few days at least - 6 months period. Family social support is a condition that is useful for individuals that obtained from another person who can be trusted, so that someone will know that there are others who pay attention, respect and love him. More specifically the existence of adequate social family support proved associated with reduced mortality, easier to recover from illness, cognitive function, physical and emotional health. The lack of family social support decreases the perceived cause of healing. Method : The design in this research, is descriptive. The population was all General Anxiety Disorders patients  in the Outpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital. In this study sample were taken by purposive sampling techniques, got the number of respondents as much as 54 people. The variable in this study was single variable that was the family social support of patients in the General Anxiety Disorders Outpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital. Conclusion : The results of this research indicated the families social support of General Anxiety Disorders in the Outpatient Installation Kediri Baptist Hospital patients are from 54 people there were 47 people known to have good support (87%)