94 research outputs found

    Immunogenicity of Three Different Influenza Vaccines against Homologous and Heterologous Strains in Nursing Home Elderly Residents

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    We studied whether MF59-adjuvanted influenza vaccine improves immunity against drifted influenza strains in institutionalised elderly with underling chronic health conditions. Sera from a randomized study, comparing MF59-adjuvanted (Sub/MF59, n = 72), virosomal (SVV, n = 39), and split (n = 88) vaccines, were retested using a hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay against homologous (Northern Hemisphere [NH] 1998/99) and drifted (NH 2006/07) strains. Corrected postvaccination HI antibody titres were significantly higher with Sub/MF59 than SVV for all strains; GMTs against homologous A/H3N2 and B and both drifted A strains were significantly higher for Sub/MF59 than split. Seroprotection rates and mean-fold titer increases were generally higher with Sub/MF59 for all A influenza strains. MF59-adjuvanted influenza vaccine induced greater and broader immune responses in elderly people with chronic conditions, than conventional virosomal and split vaccines, particularly for A/H1 and A/H3 strains, potentially giving clinical benefit in seasons where antigenic mismatch occurs

    Immunity to poliovirus among children and the elderly in north-east Italy

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    Introduction. Italy and Europe were declared polio-free in June 2002, but increasing migration, even from undeveloped countries where polio still exists, may lead to a come-back of circulating poliovirus (PV) and infection in previously polio-free areas. It is consequently advisable to continue to monitor the immunity of the population in polio-free areas. The aim of this study was to assess the current prevalence of neutralizing antibodies in recently-immunized children and in elderly people who were never vaccinated. Methods. Sera from 511 healthy subjects resident in the Veneto Region were examined to assay their antibody titer for PV 1, 2 and 3, using the microneutralization test. Data were analyzed by chi-squared test, Student?s t-test and linear regression analysis, using EPI-Info 2000 supplied by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta, GA, USA). Results. Neutralizing antibodies in group A (231 subjects aged 1-17 years) showed significantly higher geometric mean titers (GMTs) than in group B (280 subjects aged 65-100 years) for all three PV serotypes (P : 0.001). Nobody simultaneously lacked neutralizing antibodies for all three serotypes. There were no difference between the two groups in terms of male/female GMTs for the three PV. Antibodies decreased with time since vaccination, but the difference was only significant for PV 3. GMTs were lower in the elderly, with no significant difference among the three PV. Discussion. The population examined showed a good level of protection against the three PV strains: both groups A (vaccinated) and B (naturally immunized) revealed a valid immunity to poliovirus. Conclusion. Immunization programs and immunity status population screening are still advisable until polio has been worldwide eradicated

    Varicella: epidemiological aspects and vaccination coverage in the Veneto Region

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the control of many infections through national vaccination programmes, varicella is currently the most widespread preventable childhood disease in industrialized nations. In 2005 varicella vaccination was added to the Veneto Region routine immunization schedule for all children at 14 months of age and 12 year-old susceptible adolescents through an active and a free of charge offer. To evaluate parameters at the start of the programme, we conducted a study to describe the epidemiology of varicella infection and coverage rates for varicella vaccine in the Veneto Region (North-East Italy).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined incidence rates and median age of case patients in the Veneto Region for 2000-2007 period using two data sources: the mandatory notification of infections diseases and the Italian Paediatric Sentinel Surveillance System of Vaccine Preventable Diseases. Corrected coverage rates were calculated from data supplied by the Public Health and Screening Section of the Regional Department for Prevention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the Veneto Region from 2000 to 2007, a total of 99,351 varicella cases were reported through mandatory notifications, mostly in children under 15 years of age. The overall standardised annual incidence ranged from 2.0 to 3.3 per 1,000 population, with fluctuations from year to year. The analysis by geographic area showed a similar monthly incidence rate in Italy and in the Veneto Region. The vaccination average adherence rate was 8.2% in 2004 cohort, 63.5% in 2005 cohort and 86.5% in 2006 cohort. Corrected coverage rates were 8.1% in 2004 cohort, 59.9% in 2005 cohort and 70.0% in 2006 cohort, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data from passive and active surveillance systems confirm that varicella is a common disease which each year affects a large proportion of the population, mainly children. Uptake of the varicella vaccination programme was strikingly good with average coverage rates of about 70% after only 3 years. Sustained implementation of existing vaccine policies is needed to warrant any significant reduction of varicella incidence in the Veneto Region. Continued surveillance will be important to monitor the impact of the recently introduced mass vaccination policy.</p

    Fasce da proteggere.

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    L'immunizzazione annuale \ue8 tuttore il miglior mezzo preventivo contro l'influenza nella popolazione adulta a rischio elevato di complicanze. Un recente studio fornisce un'ulteriore dimostrazione dell'efficacia e della sicurezza del vaccino in generale e della maggiore immunogenicit\ue0 di quello adiuvato

    Soluzioni vaccinali in et\ue0 adulta

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    La disponibilit\ue0, a partire dalla fine degli Anni Novanta, di vaccini coniugati contro il meningococco di gruppo C ha rappresentato un fondamentale progresso nel campo della prevenzione primaria delle meningiti batteriche, patologie solitamente non frequentissime ma di notevole gravit\ue0 e di grande impatto in termini emotivi e comunicativi per la popolazione. La necessit\ue0 di allocazione razionale delle risorse disponibili rende sempre pi\uf9 evidente che, in tutti i sistemi sanitari di Paesi avanzati, le misure di prevenzione vaccinale universale sono giustificate o dalla elevata frequenza delle patologie da prevenire (cui conseguono notevoli costi diretti per il trattamento e/o costi indiretti per mancata produttivit\ue0), o dalla particolare gravit\ue0 delle stesse (con seri danni individuali per i soggetti colpiti e conseguenti grandi timori nella popolazione) [1]. Inoltre, in alcuni Paesi (particolarmente nel Regno Unito) nel recente passato si sono verificate per le patologie meningococciche entrambe le condizioni (notevole gravit\ue0 ed elevata frequenza di malattia), tanto da far diventare la prevenzione delle patologie meningococciche una vera emergenza ed una scelta prioritaria di sanit\ue0 pubblica. In questo articolo esamineremo dapprima le pi\uf9 recenti acquisizioni nello sviluppo del vaccino coniugato contro i 4 tipi principali di meningococco verso i quali \ue8 possibile approntare vaccini coniugati (A, C, Y e W-135, essendo noto che per il vaccino contro il meningococco B \ue8 necessario un diverso approccio), fa-cendo il punto successivamente sullo stato della vaccinazione meningococcica C nel nostro Paese e soprattutto evidenziando i risultati ottenuti l\ue0 dove la vaccinazione \ue8 stata applicata da tempo come misura di prevenzione universale

    Infezioni nosocomiali di origine virale.

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    Vengono presentate in sintesi talune essenziali conoscenze epidemiologiche sulle infezioni ospedaliere di origine viral