934 research outputs found

    Numerical Solution of Dynamic Equilibrium Models under Poisson Uncertainty

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    We propose a simple and powerful numerical algorithm to compute the transition process in continuous-time dynamic equilibrium models with rare events. In this paper we transform the dynamic system of stochastic differential equations into a system of functional differential equations of the retarded type. We apply the Waveform Relaxation algorithm, i.e., we provide a guess of the policy function and solve the resulting system of (deterministic) ordinary differential equations by standard techniques. For parametric restrictions, analytical solutions to the stochastic growth model and a novel solution to Lucas' endogenous growth model under Poisson uncertainty are used to compute the exact numerical error. We show how (potential) catastrophic events such as rare natural disasters substantially affect the economic decisions of households.continuous-time DSGE, Poisson uncertainty, waveform relaxation

    Mean Field Limit of a Behavioral Financial Market Model

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    In the past decade there has been a growing interest in agent-based econophysical financial market models. The goal of these models is to gain further insights into stylized facts of financial data. We derive the mean field limit of the econophysical model by Cross, Grinfeld, Lamba and Seaman (Physica A, 354) and show that the kinetic limit is a good approximation of the original model. Our kinetic model is able to replicate some of the most prominent stylized facts, namely fat-tails of asset returns, uncorrelated stock price returns and volatility clustering. Interestingly, psychological misperceptions of investors can be accounted to be the origin of the appearance of stylized facts. The mesoscopic model allows us to study the model analytically. We derive steady state solutions and entropy bounds of the deterministic skeleton. These first analytical results already guide us to explanations for the complex dynamics of the model

    Dissipation induced coherence of a two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We discuss the dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well trap subject to phase noise and particle loss. The phase coherence of a weakly-interacting condensate as well as the response to an external driving show a pronounced stochastic resonance effect: Both quantities become maximal for a finite value of the dissipation rate matching the intrinsic time scales of the system. Even stronger effects are observed when dissipation acts in concurrence with strong inter-particle interactions, restoring the purity of the condensate almost completely and increasing the phase coherence significantly.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Portfolio Optimization and Model Predictive Control: A Kinetic Approach

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    In this paper, we introduce a large system of interacting financial agents in which each agent is faced with the decision of how to allocate his capital between a risky stock or a risk-less bond. The investment decision of investors, derived through an optimization, drives the stock price. The model has been inspired by the econophysical Levy-Levy-Solomon model (Economics Letters, 45). The goal of this work is to gain insights into the stock price and wealth distribution. We especially want to discover the causes for the appearance of power-laws in financial data. We follow a kinetic approach similar to (D. Maldarella, L. Pareschi, Physica A, 391) and derive the mean field limit of our microscopic agent dynamics. The novelty in our approach is that the financial agents apply model predictive control (MPC) to approximate and solve the optimization of their utility function. Interestingly, the MPC approach gives a mathematical connection between the two opponent economic concepts of modeling financial agents to be rational or boundedly rational. Furthermore, this is to our knowledge the first kinetic portfolio model which considers a wealth and stock price distribution simultaneously. Due to our kinetic approach, we can study the wealth and price distribution on a mesoscopic level. The wealth distribution is characterized by a lognormal law. For the stock price distribution, we can either observe a lognormal behavior in the case of long-term investors or a power-law in the case of high-frequency trader. Furthermore, the stock return data exhibits a fat-tail, which is a well known characteristic of real financial data

    Beyond mean-field dynamics of small Bose-Hubbard systems based on the number-conserving phase space approach

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    The number-conserving quantum phase space description of the Bose-Hubbard model is discussed for the illustrative case of two and three modes, as well as the generalization of the two-mode case to an open quantum system. The phase-space description based on generalized SU(M) coherent states yields a Liouvillian flow in the macroscopic limit, which can be efficiently simulated using Monte Carlo methods even for large systems. We show that this description clearly goes beyond the common mean-field limit. In particular it resolves well-known problems where the common mean-field approach fails, like the description of dynamical instabilities and chaotic dynamics. Moreover, it provides a valuable tool for a semi-classical approximation of many interesting quantities, which depend on higher moments of the quantum state and are therefore not accessible within the common approach. As a prominent example, we analyse the depletion and heating of the condensate. A comparison to methods ignoring the fixed particle number shows that in this case artificial number fluctuations lead to ambiguities and large deviations even for quite simple examples.Comment: Significantly enhanced and revised version (20 pages, 20 figures

    Quantifying Optimal Growth Policy

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    The optimal mix of growth policies is determined within a comprehensive endogenous growth model. The analysis captures important elements of the tax-transfer system and accounts for transitional dynamics. Currently, for calculating corporate taxable income US firms are allowed to deduct approximately all of their capital and R&D costs from sales revenue. Our analysis suggests that this policy leads to severe underinvestment in both R&D and physical capital. We find that firms should be allowed to deduct between 2-2.5 times their R&D costs and about 1.5-1.7 times their capital costs. Implementing the optimal policy mix is likely to entail huge welfare gains.economic growth, endogenous technical change, optimal growth policy, tax-transfer system, transitional dynamics

    The Macroeconomics of TANSTAAFL

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    This paper shows that dynamic inefficiency can occur in dynamic general equilibrium models with fully optimizing, infinitely-lived households even in a situation with underinvestment. We identify necessary conditions for such a possibility and illustrate it in a standard R&D-based growth model. Calibrating the model to the US, we show that a moderate increase in the R&D subsidy indeed leads to an intertemporal free lunch (i.e., an increase in per capita consumption at all times). Hence, Milton Friedman’s conjecture There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch (TANSTAAFL) may not apply.intertemporal free lunch, dynamic inefficiency, R&D-based growth, transitional dynamics

    Quantifying Optimal Growth Policy

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    The optimal mix of growth policies is derived within a comprehensive endogenous growth model. The analysis captures important elements of the tax-transfer system and takes into account transitional dynamics. Currently, for calculating corporate taxable income US firms are allowed to deduct approximately all of their capital and R&D costs from sales revenue. Our analysis suggests that this policy leads to severe underinvestment in both R&D and physical capital. We find that firms should be allowed to deduct between 2-2.5 times their R&D costs and about 1.5-1.7 times their capital costs. Implementing the optimal policy mix is likely to entail huge welfare gains.economic growth, endogenous technical change, optimal growth policy, tax-transfer system, transitional dynamics

    Multi-Dimensional Transitional Dynamics: A Simple Numberical Procedure

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    We propose the relaxation algorithm as a simple and powerful method for simulating the transition process in growth models. This method has a number of important advantages: (1 It can easily deal with a wide range of dynamic systems including stiff differential equations and systems giving rise to a continuum of stationary equilibria. (2) The application of theprocedure is fairly user friendly. The only input required consists of the dynamic system. (3) The variant of the relaxation algorithm we propose exploits in a natural manner the infinite time horizon, which usually underlies optimal control problems in economics. As an illustrative application, we simulate the transition process of the Jones (1995) and the Lucas (1988) model.transitional dynamics, continuous time growth models, saddle-point problems, multi-dimensional stable manifolds
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