705 research outputs found

    Assessment of the efficacy of Umonium38 on multidrug-resistant nosocomial pathogens.

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    INTRODUCTION: We investigated the efficacy of a biocide Umonium38 on multidrug-resistant strains by comparison with a chloride derivative (Decs). METHODS: In vitro susceptibility tests were performed by agar diffusion disk and results were interpreted according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). In vitro antibacterial efficacy of Umonium38 and Decs over selected strains was evaluated according to European Standards protocol with or without organic substance. RESULTS: In vitro tests with Umoniumnr at 2.5% concentration demonstrated an overall drop in microbial and yeast charges after 5 min. contact without organic substance. The same results were obtained in presence of organic substance. In vitro tests with chloride derivative at 5% without organic substance also resulted in overall drop in bacterial and mycotic charges. Conversely, in presence of organic substance, the hypochlorite reduced the initial 10 UFC/ml to 10 UFC/ml for all bacterial strains with a decrease of 4 log except for Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans whose reduction was 2 and 1 log units respectively. DISCUSSION: The organic substance in water requires large use of oxidising disinfectants (chloride, ozone) implying in the need for higher-than-standard concentrations. The disinfecting effect of chloride is only visible when the "requirement" of organic substance has been met. By contrast, Umonium38 behaves like a powerful biocide even in presence of organic substance, as it is not "consumed" by possible organic residues. CONCLUSIONS: Umonium38 resulted beneficial and effective. It is to be stressed, however, that all these experiments were in vitro tests and still requires validation from a correct use of clinical practice

    Digital Innovation in Healthcare: A Device with A Method for Monitoring, Managing and Preventing the Risk of Chronic Polypathological Patients

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    New digital technologies can have a huge impact on the traditional healthcare sector, both from a clinical and economic perspective. Doctors and health specialists will increasingly need technology to improve the services they provide to their patients. Here a novel patented device for automatic processing of clinical data of chronic poly-pathological patients is presented. The invention consists of a reconfigurable equipment that allows the assessment of clinical risk severity indexes that can be customized for polypathological patients and which acts both as a decision support system for specialist doctors in the diagnosis and treatment phases, and as a monitoring system in the clinical environment

    Risk Factors Analysis of Surgical Infection Using Artificial Intelligence: A Single Center Study

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    Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) have a major role in the evolution of medical care. Despite centuries of medical progress, the management of surgical infection remains a pressing concern. Nowadays, the SSIs continue to be an important factor able to increase the hospitalization duration, cost, and risk of death, in fact, the SSIs are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in modern health care. Methods: A study based on statistical test and logistic regression for unveiling the association between SSIs and different risk factors was carried out. Successively, a predictive analysis of SSIs on the basis of risk factors was performed. Results: The obtained data demonstrated that the level of surgery contamination impacts significantly on the infection rate. In addition, data also reveals that the length of postoperative hospital stay increases the rate of surgical infections. Finally, the postoperative length of stay, surgery department and the antibiotic prophylaxis with 2 or more antibiotics are a significant predictor for the development of infection. Conclusions: The data report that the type of surgery department and antibiotic prophylaxis there are a statistically significant predictor of SSIs. Moreover, KNN model better handle the imbalanced dataset (48 infected and 3983 healthy), observing highest accuracy value

    Evaluation of immunization practices in Naples, Italy.

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    This paper reports the results of a survey on vaccination coverage among children born in January 1995 and residing at the beginning of the study (March 1998) in the city of Naples, Italy. The percentages vaccinated, at various times from birth, with oral polio vaccine (OPV), have been compared with those found in a similar survey conducted at the end of 1985 regarding the cohort of children born in June 1983. By the fourth month of life 67% of the 1995 cohort were vaccinated with the first doses of OPV, an increase of about 26% on that found in the 1983 cohort. Similar results were found with the second doses. Among the 1995 cohort 49% were vaccinated with the third dose of OPV within the thirteenth month of life; the corresponding value for the 1983 cohort was 33%. Within the twenty-fourth month of life, in the 1995 cohort, 86% completed the primary cycle of vaccination with OPV; the corresponding figure for the 1983 cohort was 65%. At the end of the third year of life 80% of the 1995 cohort received the fourth dose of OPV. A significant association has been found between socioeconomic status and coverage level

    Evaluation of the environmental monitoring’s effects on the anaesthetic gases concentrations in the operating theatres

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    In this study the microbiological, physical and chemical results of an investigation concerning the environmental conditions of operating theatres in 38 public hospitals of the Campania Government are presented. The analysis of the results has been made by considering specific standards suggested by national and international regulations. The results showed that 84% of the operating theatres presented normal microbiological values, in relation to the total bacterial load, while 16% did not. By considering the microclimatic monitoring 55% of the operating theatres showed normal values while 45% at least a microclimatic index did not. In relation to the concentrations of anaesthetics gases the survey pointed out that the nitrous oxides was within non prescribed environmental limits (50 ppm for N2O); while 15% of the halogenated was not in normal values


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    The immune status against polioviruses was investigated in a population of 545 students aged 11-20 years residing in the Neapolitan area, who had completed the vaccination cycle with four doses of OPV 5 to over 15 years before. Assuming as unprotected those individuals without detectable neutralizing antibodies at the dilution 1:2, nobody resulted without protection against all types of poliovirus; 0.7% lacked antibodies only against type 1, 0.6% only against type 3 and none against type 2. A very slight decreasing trend was observed for GMT values in function of the distance from the last dose of OPV for polio 1 and 2, but not for polio 3. As expected, GMT values for polio 2 resulted higher than those for polio 1 and both were higher than those for polio 3, when calculated by age groups as well as by distance groups. The last four Italian cases of autochthonous paralytic poliomyelitis, occurred in the period 1981/83, regarded unvaccinated children aged 6 months-2 years, residing in the same geographical area to which the study population belong. In the same area a delay of immunization practices was also ascertained in the recent past. Results of this study confirm that a priority for public health services is to devote their human and economic resources to reduce the vaccination delay more than administrate a further fifth dose of OPV at the age of twelve

    Air quality biomonitoring through Olea europaea L.: The study case of “Land of pyres”

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    The “Land of pyres”, namely “La Terra dei Fuochi”, is an area of Campania region (South-Italy), highly inhabited and comprises between the Provinces of Naples and Caserta, sadly known worldwide for the criminal activities related to the illegal waste disposal and burning. These fires, concomitantly with traffic emissions, might be the source of potential toxic element (PTE) dangerous for the human health and causing pathologies. In the framework of Correlation Health–Environment project, funded by the Campania region, eight municipalities (of area “Land of pyres”) and three remote sites have been bio-monitored using the olive (Olea europaea L.) plants as biomonitors. Leaves of olive plants were collected in each assayed municipality and the concentration of 11 metal(loid)s was evaluated by means of ICP-OES. Our findings revealed that the air of these municipalities was limitedly contaminated by PTE; in fact, only Sb, Al and Mn were detected in the olive leaves collected in some of the assayed municipalities and showed a high enrichment factors (EC) manly due, probably, to the vehicular traffic emissions. Furthermore, the concentrations of the other assayed PTEs were lower than those of Sb, Al and Mn. For these reasons we suppose that their emissions in the troposphere have been and are limited, and they mainly have a crustal origin. Even if our data are very comforting for those urban area, regarded by many as one of the most contaminated one in Italy, a great environment care, in any case, is always needed

    Molecular epidemiological investigation of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains in four Mediterranean countries with a multilocus sequence typing scheme

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    Thirty-five multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains, representative of 28 outbreaks involving 484 patients from 20 hospitals in Greece, Italy, Lebanon and Turkey from 1999 to 2009, were analysed by multilocus sequence typing. Sequence type (ST)2, ST1, ST25, ST78 and ST20 caused 12, four, three, three and two outbreaks involving 227, 93, 62, 62 and 31 patients, respectively. The genes bla oxa-58, bla oxa-23 and bla oxa-72 were found in 27, two and one carbapenem-resistant strain, respectively. In conclusion, A. baumannii outbreaks were caused by the spread of a few strains

    Implementation and validation of a new method to model voluntary departures from emergency departments

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    In the literature, several organizational solutions have been proposed for determining the probability of voluntary patient discharge from the emergency department. Here, the issue of self-discharge is analyzed by Markov theory-based modeling, an innovative approach diffusely applied in the healthcare field in recent years. The aim of this work is to propose a new method for calculating the rate of voluntary discharge by defining a generic model to describe the process of first aid using a “behavioral” Markov chain model, a new approach that takes into account the satisfaction of the patient. The proposed model is then implemented in MATLAB and validated with a real case study from the hospital “A. Cardarelli” of Naples. It is found that most of the risk of self-discharge occurs during the wait time before the patient is seen and during the wait time for the final report; usually, once the analysis is requested, the patient, although not very satisfied, is willing to wait longer for the results. The model allows the description of the first aid process from the perspective of the patient. The presented model is generic and can be adapted to each hospital facility by changing only the transition probabilities between states

    [A cohort study on mortality and morbidity in the area of Taranto, Southern Italy].

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    Introduction: the area of Taranto has been investigated in several environmental and epidemiological studies due to the presence of many industrial plants and shipyards. Results from many studies showed excesses of mortality and cancer incidence for the entire city of Taranto, but there are no studies for different geographical areas of the city that take into account the important confounding effect of socioeconomic position. Objective: to assess mortality and hospitalization rates of residents in Taranto, Statte and Massafra through a cohort study, with a particular focus on residents in the districts closest to the industrial complex, taking into account the socioeconomic position. Methods: a cohort of residents during the period 1998-2010 was enrolled. Individual follow-up for assessment of vital status at 31.01.2010 was performed using municipality data. The census-tract socioeconomic position level and the district of residence were assigned to each participant, on the basis of the geocoded addresses at the beginning of the follow-up. Standardized cause specific mortality/morbidity rates, adjusted for age, were calculated by gender and districts of residence. Mortality and morbidity Hazard Ratios (HR, CI95%) were calculated by districts and socioeconomic position using Cox models. All models were adjusted for age and calendar period, and were done separately for men and women. Results: 321.356 people were enrolled in the cohort (48.9% males). Mortality/morbidity risks for natural cause, cancers, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases were found to be higher in low socioeconomic position groups compared to high ones. The analyses by districts have shown several excess mortality/morbidity risks for residents in Tamburi (Tamburi, Isola, Porta Napoli and Lido Azzurro), Borgo, Paolo VI and the municipality of Statte. Conclusions: The results of this study showed a significant relationship between socioeconomic position and health status of people resident in Taranto. People living in the districts closest to the industrial zone have higher mortality/morbidity levels compared to the rest of the area also taking into account the socioeconomic position
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