110 research outputs found

    Analyse de ressources comme moyen de développement professionnel des enseignants

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    International audienceNotre contribution explore l'implication des enseignants dans l'analyse de ressources de géométrie dynamique (GD) à l'aide d'un questionnaire comme un moyen de leur développement professionnel visant l'intégration de la GD. Ce questionnaire, élaboré dans le cadre du projet européen Intergeo, a pour but de permettre l'évaluation de la qualité des ressources déposées sur la plateforme i2geo par ses utilisateurs. Dans cette contribution, nous présentons deux expérimentations d'utilisation du questionnaire par des enseignants et nous en tirons des conclusions sur le potentiel de cet outil dans le développement de compétences professionnelles nécessaires pour un usage efficace de la GD en classe

    An Analysis of Interactive Learning Environments for Arithmetic and Algebra Through an Integrative Perspective

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    International audienceThe analysis presented in this article tries to obtain a global view of the field of interactive learning environments (ILE) dedicated to arithmetic and algebra. As preliminaries, a brief overview of evaluation methods focusing on educational software is given and a short description of ten ILEs concerned by the study is provided as a kind of a state-of-the-art. Then the methodology of ILEs analysis developed in the TELMA project is explained consisting in the design and the refinement of an analysis grid and its use on the ten ILEs is mentioned. Next, a first level analysis of results leading to a compiled, analytic and synthetic view of the ILEs available and/or missing functionalities is given. A second level of the analysis is also proposed, with two concise representations of the ILEs, composed of graphical representations of the previous results, leading to a 3D map of ILEs dedicated to arithmetic and algebra. This map provides, as promised, a global view of the field and permits to define five sorts of ILEs according to two criteria: the first one is teacher-oriented and concerns usages enabled by the ILE; the second one is student-oriented and concerns control provided by the ILE to accomplish such usages

    An Analysis of Interactive Learning Environments for Arithmetic and Algebra Through an Integrative Perspective

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    International audienceThe analysis presented in this article tries to obtain a global view of the field of interactive learning environments (ILE) dedicated to arithmetic and algebra. As preliminaries, a brief overview of evaluation methods focusing on educational software is given and a short description of ten ILEs concerned by the study is provided as a kind of a state-of-the-art. Then the methodology of ILEs analysis developed in the TELMA project is explained consisting in the design and the refinement of an analysis grid and its use on the ten ILEs is mentioned. Next, a first level analysis of results leading to a compiled, analytic and synthetic view of the ILEs available and/or missing functionalities is given. A second level of the analysis is also proposed, with two concise representations of the ILEs, composed of graphical representations of the previous results, leading to a 3D map of ILEs dedicated to arithmetic and algebra. This map provides, as promised, a global view of the field and permits to define five sorts of ILEs according to two criteria: the first one is teacher-oriented and concerns usages enabled by the ILE; the second one is student-oriented and concerns control provided by the ILE to accomplish such usages

    Ressources et développement professionnel des enseignants: Compte-rendu du Groupe de Travail n°6

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    International audienceCompte-rendu du groupe de travail n°6 "ressources et développement professionnel des enseignants

    Analyse d'EIAH en arithmétique et en algèbre : Conception, utilisation et exploitation d'un questionnaire d'analyse d'EIAH en mathématiques à la recherche d'une classification du domaine

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    International audienceUne méthodologie de conception, d'utilisation et d'analyse synthétique des résultats obtenus après enquête sur des EIAH en arithmétique et algèbre est exposée dans cet article. Issu d'un effort interne et disciplinaire d'un ensemble d'équipes de recherche appartenant à un même projet européen, ce travail a renouvelé les genres " état de l'art " et " analyse " en introduisant des grilles d'observation concertées et structurées permettant une collecte des informations collaborative. Suite à un travail de lecture croisée, de fusion de publication et de communication de ces documents, la base d'informations obtenue a rendu possible une action d'analyse et la mise en place d'outils de synthèse qui ont finalement abouti à la constitution d'un panorama 3D des EIAH en arithmétique et en algèbre, peuplé des EIAH étudiés, menant à une classification possible des EIAH de mathématiques potentiellement applicable aux EIAH en général

    Introduction to the papers of TWG15: Teaching mathematics with resources and technology

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    International audienceThe technology working group continues to increase in size since its inclusion at the first CERME congress in 1999. During CERME 9, for the first time the group was divided from the beginning, giving birth to two separate groups: TWG15 focusing on issues related to the teaching mathematics and teacher education and professional development, and TWG16 focusing on students’ learning with technologies and software and task design issues (see Weigand, Lokar, Robutti, & Sinclair, 2015). TWG15 builds on the legacy of the group work at previous conferences. A number of important issues related to technologies and resources and their use by teachers and teacher educators emerged from the group discussions, such as the need to elaborate specific methodologies for analysing and evaluating the efficiency of teacher education programs, or the construction of models that facilitate analyses of the evolution of teachers’ practices related to their ICT use. The research presented in the group contributions tended to be: local, focusing on a particular aspect of teaching mathematics; short-term; and often conducted in controlled laboratory conditions, which prevented general conclusions being drawn about the benefits of ICT in mathematics education. The group concluded that it was necessary not only to learn more about “real” uses of ICT in classrooms and beyond, but also to understand why ICT is not used and to conduct long-term studies with “ordinary” teachers in “ordinary” classes in order to explore the impact of the ICT on students’ learning and on teachers’ practices (Trgalová, Maracci, Psycharis, & Weigand, 2013)


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    International audienceThe poster presents the I2Geo platform developed within the Intergeo project whose ambition was to develop a Pan-European math teacher community enabled to share resources and practices in using dynamic geometry (DG). We present the main tools and services i2geo offers to stimulate the use of DG in mathematics classes

    Uses of Technology in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education

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    Mathematics Education; Educational Technology; Teaching and Teacher Educatio


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    Apresentamos uma análise sobre o trabalho documental de um estudante-estagiário da licenciatura em matemática e de um professor-supervisor de estágio, no processo de preparação eimplementação de uma aula sobre equação do 1º grau, no Ensino Médio da Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Tomamos como principal suporte teórico a Abordagem Documental do Didático (GUEUDET; TROUCHE, 2010), na qual a construção de um documento se faz a partir de um conjunto de recursos por apropriação e transformação pelo professor. Desta forma, em um período de dois meses, em uma escola pública da rede estadual de Pernambuco, ocorreu o acompanhamento do estágio do estudante, organizado em três momentos: antes, durante e depois de sua aula; pelos quais,buscamos levantar e analisar a utilização dos recursos em jogo do professor-supervisor e do estagiário para o ensino de equação do 1º grau. Os resultados do estudo apontam perspectivas teóricometodológicas para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas no campo da formação inicial docente, em particular, nas disciplinas do estágio supervisionado, pelo viés da investigação reflexiva, acerca do uso de recursos, a exemplo de balança virtual, sites, ficha de exercícios