107 research outputs found

    Les techniques de contrôle des passes à poissons

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    Behaviour and passage of European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) at a small hydropower plant during their downstream migration

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    Between 2004 and 2007, 116 downstream migrant silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) were monitored at a hydropower plant on the Gave de Pau river in South-West France using radio and PIT telemetry. The objectives of the study were: (i) to determine the environmental conditions when eels arrived and passed the facility; (ii) to determine the rate of eel escapement (passage other than via the turbines); (iii) to describe the behaviour of eels faced with the intake structure and the permeability of the intake trashracks for the different sizes of eel; and (iv) to determine whether surface bypasses originally designed for salmon could be effective for eels. Five types of behaviour of silver eels in the forebay and at the plant intakes were identified. The study showed the key factor influencing both eel behaviour and the route taken through the plant was variation in river discharge. Escapement rate was related to eel length and the spill flow to river flow ratio, which could be described by a logistic regression model. The surface bypasses originally designed for salmon were found to aid downstream eel migration significantly. At velocities < 0.40 m·s−1, no eels, even the largest, for which the racks are a physical barrier, were found impinged on the trashracks

    Abscess Formation Following Spilled Gallstones During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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    A review of the English literature concerning spilled gallstones during laparoscopic cholecystectomy is compared with one institution's experience of four cases during 1,726 laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed over a four-year period. Strategies regarding management and treatment are discussed

    Aspiration d'organismes aux prises d'eau des centrales

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    Des organismes aquatiques sont aspirés aux prises d'eau des centrales thermiques, principalement sur les sites en bord de mer et en estuaire. Cet article présente les études réalisées et en cours à la Direction des Etudes et Recherches d'EDF en vue de prévenir les risques de colmatage des prises d'eau et de minimiser l'impact des captures de poissons et crustacés sur les populations exploitées par la pêche

    Petits aménagements hydroélectriques et libre circulation des poissons migrateurs

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    En décembre dernier, François Fièvre s'est rendu  pour l'équipe Mame au colloque «L’Art et la Mesure, Histoire de l’art et approches quantitatives Sources, outils, méthodes » (Colloque international Ecole normale supérieure, 3-5 décembre 2008 45 rue d’Ulm, Paris Salle Dussane. Organisé par Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel). Il en a fait le compte-rendu ci-dessous, prélude à une réflexion collective sur notre base de données consacrée aux livres pour la jeunesse de la maison Mame: “Organisé sur trois jo..
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