68 research outputs found

    Izvodljivost i ehokardiografske karakteristike trominutnog dobutamin stres testa kod zdravih pasa

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    Introduction. Dobutamine stress test (DST) is used as a method of functional cardiac examination in human medicine due to dobutamine's effect, which is similar to moderate physical exercise. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and echocardiographic characteristics of a conventional DST in dogs. Materials and Methods. Ten clinically healthy German Shepherd dogs were submitted to a conventional 3-minute stage DST protocol (the initial dose 7.5 μg/kg/min was increased at 3-minute intervals by 5 μg/kg/min until a maximum dosage of 42.5 μg/kg/ min; the maximum DST duration was 24 minutes), which is used in human medicine. Dobutamine action was monitored by noninvasive diagnostic methods (simultaneously lead II electrocardiography and transthoracic echocardiography). Left ventricular echocardiographic parameters were measured at baseline and at the peak of DST. Results and Conclusions. The duration of conventional DST in dogs was 19.4±4.06 minutes. During the DST, sinus tachycardia was registered with no abnormalities of cardiac rhythm. The adverse effects registered in this study were excitement, panting and weakness. Interventricular septum thickness in systole (P=0.0093) and diastole (P=0.0080) increased significantly at the peak of DST. The left ventricular endsystolic dimension (P=0.0077) and the diastolic wall stress index (P=0.0125) decreased significantly at the peak of DST. A 3-minute stage with increased doses of dobutamine is a feasible method for the DST in dogs. The registered changes could be explained by the dobutamine effects through β1 adrenergic receptors. This pharmacological stress test induces significant changes in left ventricular echocardiographic parameters in healthy adult dogs. Dogs exhibit transient signs like sinus tachycardia, excitement, panting and weakness during DST. Additional research on DST should evaluate the diagnostic value of this protocol in dogs suffering from cardiac disease.Uvod. Dobutamin stres test se koristi kao metod funkcionalnog ispitivanja srca u medicini zbog efekata dobutamina koji su slični onima koje izaziva umerena fzička aktivnost. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da proceni izvodljivost i ehokardiografske karakteristike konvencionalnog DST kod pasa. Materijal i metode. Deset klinički zdravih nemačkih ovčara je podvrgnuto konvencionalnom DST protokolu sa trominutnim intervalom aplikacije dobutamina (inicijalna doza od 7.5 μg/kg/min je povećavana svaka 3 minuta za 5 μg/kg/min do maksimalne doze od 42.5 μg/kg/min; maksimalno trajanje DST je bilo 24 minuta), a koji se koristi u medicini. Delovanje dobutamina je praćeno neinvazivnim dijagnostičkim metodima (simultano elektrokardiografjom i ehokardiografjom). Ehokardiografski parametri leve komore su mereni pre i na vrhuncu DST. Rezultati i zaključak. Trajanje konvencionalnog DST kod pasa je bilo 19.4±4.06 minuta. Tokom DST registrovana je tahikardija bez poremećaja srčanog ritma. Neželjeni efekti DST u ovom ispitivanju su bili uzbuđenje, dahtanje i slabost. Debljina međukomornog septuma u sistoli (P=0.0093) i dijastoli (P=0.0080) se značajno povećala na vrhuncu DST. Dimenzija leve komore na kraju sistole (P=0.0077) i indeks dijastolnog stresa zida leve komore (P=0.0125) su se značajno smanjili na vrhuncu DST. Trominutni interval sa povećanjem doze dobutamina je izvodljiv DST protokol kod pasa. Registrovane promene mogu da se objasne delovanju dobutamina preko β1 adrenergičkih receptora. Ovaj farmakološki stres test izaziva značajne promene ehokardiografskih parametara leve komore kod odraslih zdravih pasa. Psi ispoljavaju prolazne znake sinusne tahikardije, uzbuđenja, dahtanja i slabosti tokom DST. Dodatna ispitivanja DST treba da procene dijagnostički značaj ovog protokola kod pasa koji pate od srčanih oboljenja

    Uporedno ispitivanje koncentracije pojedinih frakcija serumskih proteina i imunoglobulina klase G u krvnom serumu kobila i novorođene ždrebadi jugoslovenskog kasača

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    The comparison of some serum protein concentrations was performed on 12 Yugoslav Trotter mares and their newborn foals. The mares included in the evaluation were divided into two groups of 6 each. The mares in the first group were vaccinated against equine herpes virus 1 and 4, in the 5th, 7th and 9th month of pregnancy, while mares in the second group were not vaccinated at all. Pregnant mares were clinically observed during the last stage of pregnancy and blood for biochemical evaluations was sampled immediately after foaling. Foals were clinically observed for seven days after birth and blood samples were collected immediately after foaling (before nursing), and 24, 48, 72 and 168 hours after birth. Foals included in the evaluation were divided into two groups according to the group allocation of the respective mares. All mares gave birth to normal foals in expected terms. Biochemical examination revealed slightly lower total gammaglobulin and IgG values in tested mares compared to the values obtained in other horse breeds. The antibody titres against equine herpes virus-1 reached the level that provides sufficient protection in vaccinated mares. Gammaglobulin and traces of IgG were present in the blood serum of foals tested immediately after birth and before nursing. A significant increase of IgG and gammaglobulin concentration was revealed in all foals after the first 24 hours of life. The observed first day increase of concentration was followed by stagnation of gammaglobulin and IgG levels in all foals. Total protein values showed a significant increase 24 hours after the first intake of colostrum in all foals. Immunoglobulin G concentration established by semiquantitative test was considered low positive in 16.67% and in 33.34% of foals from vaccinated and unvaccinated mares, respectively. Turbidimetric analyses of the same samples revealed sufficient Ig transfer, i.e. Ig concentration over 8 g/L. Comparison of the results obtained by the two methods indicates that semi-quantitative field test results were clinically valid. There were no antibodies against EHV 1 in foals immediately after birth and before the first colostrum intake, and a highly significant increase of serum antibody level was recordered 24 hours after the onset of nursing in foals born from vaccinated mothers.Ispitivanja su sprovedena na 12 kobila rase jugoslovenski kasač i njihovih 12 ždrebadi. Prva grupa od šest kobila je trokratno vakcinisana protiv EHV-1/4 tokom graviditeta, dok je druga grupa bila nevakcinisana. Od svih kobila su neposredno posle ždrebljenja uzeti uzorci krvi za biohemijski pregled. Novorođ ena ždrebad su klinički opservirana tokom prvih 7 dana života, uz uzimanje uzoraka krvi pre uzimanja kolostruma, zatim nakon 24, 48, 72 i 168 časova. Kod svih kobila su utvrđene nešto niže vrednosti gama globulina i IgG od vrednosti koje su zabeležene kod drugih rasa, pri čemu su vrednosti titra antitela na EHV-1 kod vakcinisanih kobila bile na nivou koji pruža zadovoljavajuću zaštitu, za razliku od nevakcinisanih kobila koje su bile ili seronegativne ili imale minimalan titar anti EHV-1 antitela. Kod većine ždrebadi je neposredno posle rođenja a pre prvog napoja u krvnom serumu ustanovljeno prisustvo gama globulina i IgG u tragovima, pri čemu je statistički značajno povećanje i gama globulina i IgG ustanovljeno posle prvih 24 časa. Primenom semikvantitativnog testa za određivanje IgG kod 25% ždrebadi utvrđene su niže vrednosti IgG (slabo pozitivne - što ukazuje na vrednosti od 5-8 g/L), iako je koncentracija IgG utvrđena imunoturbidimetrijom i kod njih bila veća od 8 g/L. Pre prvog unosa kolostruma u serumu ždrebadi nema antitela protiv EHV-1

    Ethiopathogenesis, diagnostics and therapy of foal neonatal septicemia

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    Sepsis is very frequent cause of neonatal foal deaths. It is systemic inflammation developing after infective agents break into in the foal circulation with progressive disturbance of health not responding to intensive therapy. Systemic inflammatory response and development of the shock in first phase of the sepsis development lead to massive organ damages and progression of organ dysfunction syndrome further promoting loss of homeostatic mechanisms and death of foal. During the period of three decades high mortality rate of newborn foals have been reported. Among most frequent causes of foal deaths beside EHV1 infection, bacterial sepsis mostly accompanied with insufficient colostral immunity transfer was documented. Fast development of the non-specific symptoms and shock in foals are often misleading diagnostics thus prolonging the onset of specific therapy. Therefore the effective clinical procedures, beside close observation of newborn foals, depend upon fast recognition of mechanisms of infection and shock development. Since time-consuming procedure is necessary for identification of the causative infective agent and the evaluation of its susceptibility on antibiotics, the therapy if symptomatic and include intravenous administration of fluids in aim to correct glycaemia and acid-base disturbance, antibiotic and antiendotoxic treatment, and substitutive treatment of immunoglobulin deficiency in all cases of passive immune transfer failure involved in sepsis development.

    Neuroendokrini aspekt srčane insuficijencije kod pasa, mačaka i konja

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    Heart failure is a clinical syndrome caused by a heart disease that results in systolic and/or dyastolic cardiac dysfunction severe enough to overwhelm the cardiovascular system's compensatory mechanisms. Compensation for cardiac failure include activation of the sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system, vasopressin, natriuretic peptides, endothelins. There is a real possibility that measurement of plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides will prove useful in the diagnosis and clinical assessment of patients in veterinary cardiology.Srčana insuficijencija predstavlja klinički sindrom prouzrokovan srčanim oboljenjem, koji dovodi do sistolne i/ili dijastolne srčane disfunkcije, koja prevazilazi efekte kompenzatornih mehanizama kardiovaskularnog sistema. Kompenzatorni mehanizmi se ostvaruju preko dominacije simpatikusa, renin-angio-tenzin-aldosteron sistema, vazopresina, natrijumuretskih hormona, endotelina. U veterinarskoj kardiologiji pasa, mačaka i konja postoji opravdano interesovanje za natrijumuretične peptide kao biomarkere srčane insuficijencije

    Uspešnost terapije fibrilacije pretkomora kod pasa i mačaka

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    Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common arrhythmias seen in dogs and cats. There is no coordinated atrial contraction in this disorder and the ventricular myocardium is activated at very fast rate and at irregular intervals. The two forms of atrial fibrillation are primary and secondary. Successful treatment of this arrhythmia depend on aim of therapy. The aim of therapy for primary atrial fibrillation is conversion to sinus rhythm. Patients with secondary atrial fibrillation are treated medically to slow the ventricular rate. Successful treatment of this arrhythmia depend also on adequate therapy of heart failure, autonomic nervous system tone and blood serum concentration of potassium.Fibrilacija pretkomora je najčešće dijagnostikovana aritmija u kliničkoj praksi pasa i mačaka. Kod fibrilacije pretkomora ne postoji normalna koordinirana električna aktivnost pretkomora, a depolarizacije na nivou komora su veoma brze i iregularnog ritma. Fibrilacija pretkomora se javlja u dve forme: primarna i sekundarna. Uspešnost terapije atrijalne fibrilacije zavisi od postavljanog cilja. Cilj kod primarne atrijalne fibrilacije je konverzija u sinusni ritam srca, a kod sekundarne atrijalne fibrilacije je da se ventrikularni ritam uspori. Uspešnosti terapije ove aritmije doprinosi adekvatni tretman srčane insuficijencije, tonus autonomnog nervnog sistema i koncentracija kalijuma u serumu

    Metabolički sindrom konja - etiopatogeneza, dijagnostika i terapija

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    Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a term adopted in 2002 in aim to define the complex pathology involving obesity, insulin resistance and laminitis in horses and ponies. The EMS was terminologically derived upon similar condition in humans. The metabolic disturbance in equines is developed sequentially to the primary chronic overfeeding, i.e. intake of surplus food to individual needs combined with insufficient activity of animal. The syndrome has been reported more frequently in ponies than in other breeds although genetic background of EMS has not been confirmed. The characteristic symptoms include regional collection of adipose tissue under the skin often distributed regionally i.e. in crest (neck from pool to withers), behind the shoulders, at the dock of the tail and in prepuce in males or in the udder in mares; as well as impaired locomotion and/or lameness in all four limbs and cycling disturbance in mares.Metabolički sindrom konja (MSK) je termin koji je prvi put predložen 2002. godine, za opisivanje sindroma koji uključuje gojaznost, rezistenciju na insulin i laminitis kod ponija i konja, po ugledu na metabolički sindrom kod ljudi. Prvenstveno se javlja kao posledica hroničnog, neodmerenog prehranjivanja (unošenja većih količina hrane u odnosu na potrebe organizma) i nekretanja. Češće se zapaža kod ponija, iako se ne može sa sigurnošću govoriti o genetskoj uslovljenosti. Karakteriše se regionalnim nagomilavanjem potkožnog masnog tkiva u predelu vrata, od potiljka do grebena, iza ramenog zgloba, u korenu repa i u regiji prepucijuma i vimena, gojaznošću, otežanim kretanjem ili hramanjem na sva četiri ekstremiteta i poremećajem estralnog ciklusa kod kobila

    Uloga različitih preparata gvožđa u sprečavanju trkačke anemije konja

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    The hypothesis that a high hematocrit value and high hemoglobin concentration are the most important conditions which have to be fulfilled in order to achieve top racing results has resulted in a massive use of iron preparations in healthy horses. This specially implies in racing horses during intensive training aiming at the prevention of the so-called racing anemia. By studying the effects of the most commonly used iron preparations in Serbia and Montenegro (Fedex®, as the representative of dextrane iron preparations; Hippirion® as a well known representative of iron complexed to saccharate and Hemo® 15 which is a representative of complex iron preparations which contain other hemantics) the expected changes in erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit value were recorded. However, the recorded changes in hematological values did differ between used iron preparations. The best effects were exhibited by Hemo®15, the application of which resulted in a prompt and significant increase in erythrocyte count, MCH, MCHC and hemoglobin concentration.Hipoteza da je za postizanje vrhunskih rezultata na trkama najvažniji preduslov visoka koncentracija hemoglobina i vrednost hematokrita, dovela je do masovne primene različitih preparata za podsticanje hematopoeze kod zdravih konja. Ovo se pre svega odnosi na konje u treningu, u cilju preveniranja takozvanih trkačkih anemija. U ovom radu su spitivanjem uticaja tri najčešće korišćena preparata gvožđa kod trkačkih konja u našoj zemlji (Fedex kao predstavnik dekstranskih preparata gvožđa, Hippiron kao najpoznatiji predstavnik gvožđa u kompleksu sa saharatom i Hemo 15 koji je predstavnik kompleksnih preparata koji uz gvožđe sadrže i druge hematinike) utvrđene očekivane promene u broju eritrocita, koncentraciji hemoglobina i hematokritskoj vrednosti. Primena sva tri preparata gvožđa dovela je do povećanja vrednosti svih ispitivanih hematoloških parametara kod trkačkih konja. Najbolji efekat ispoljio je preparat Hemo 15 čija je primena dovela do najvećeg povećanja broja eritrocita, MCH, MCHC i koncentracije hemoglobina, a i sam efekat je nastajao najbrže

    Mogućnosti primene farmakološkog stres testa u funkcionalnom ispitivanju srca kod pasa

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    Systolic and diastolic heart functions, evaluated using echocardiography, do not reflect the functional capacity of the patient and they cannot explain the occurrence of symptoms during a certain degree of activity. Evaluation of the functional capacity is an integral part of cardiological examinations in human medicine. Functional examinations of the heart can be carried out using the body burden test or pharmacologically. Investigations carried out so far into canine cardiology have not contributed to the clinical implementation of functional heart examinations in dogs. Pharmacological stress testing is an optimal way to perform a functional heart examination in dogs. Since it reflects the effects of moderate physical activity, dobutamine has been recommended as the medicine of choice for provoking a pharmacological stress test. This work presents a review of the results of the most important investigations, as well as our own investigations, of the application of the dobutamine stress test (DST) in dogs, and the problems in investigations so far have been considered and future directions for DST investigations pointed out. .Sistolna i dijastolna srčana funkcija, procenjene ehokardiografski, ne odražavaju funkcionalni kapacitet pacijenta, niti mogu da objasne pojavu simptoma pri određenom stepenu aktivnosti. Procena funkcionalnog kapaciteta je sastavni deo kardioloških pregleda u humanoj medicini. Funkcionalno ispitivanje srca može da se sprovede testom opterećenja ili farmakološki. Dosadašnja istraživanja u kardiologiji pasa nisu doprinela kliničkoj upotrebi funkcionalnog ispitivanja srca kod pasa. Farmakološki stres test je optimalan način funkcionalnog ispitivanja srca kod pasa. Budući da podražava efekte umerene fizičke aktivnosti, dobutamin je predložen kao lek izbora za izazivanje farmakološkog stres testa. U ovom radu su dati pregledi rezultata najznačajnijih istraživanja, kao i naših istraživanja primene dobutamin stres testa (DST) kod pasa, sagledani su nedostatci dosadašnjih istraživanja i ukazano je na buduće pravce istraživanja DST

    Fenotipska varijabilnost i povezanost osnovnih pokazatelja telesne razvijenosti podmlatka balkanskog magarca

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    Balkan donkey is native breed of donkeys evolutively adapted to modest breeding conditions and different climatic systems including harsh and severe climate of Serbian mountains. Unfortunately, the purposes for breeding small donkeys have been lost during the 20th century so the population is regressing. There has been no selective breeding of the autochthonous donkeys in Serbia therefore the data on breed characteristics are recent and few. The monitoring of morphological characteristics of autochthonous Balkan donkey population in Serbia have been performed in aim to characterize the population and to define the importance of autochthonous donkeys as national genetic resource . The morphometric parameters evaluated i.e. height at withers (HWi) body length (BLe), thorax girth (TGi), cannon perimeter (CPe) and body weight (BW) in young Balkan donkeys bred in traditional conditions were used for establishment of the following body indexes: Index of Body Frame (IBF), Index of Body Compactness (BCI), Index of Conformation (CoI) and Dactyl-costal Index (DCI) reflecting body development and conformational relations in Balkan donkey population in Serbia.Balkanski magarac je autohtona rasa koja je evolutivno adaptirana na skromne uslove držanja i različita klimatska područja uključujući i surovu planinsku klimu Srbije. Kako su magarci izgubili namenu tokom dvadesetog veka, populacija ovih životinja u Srbiji se smanjuje. Kako autohtoni magarci do skora nisu bili podvrgnuti planskom selekcijskom postupku, podaci o osobinama ovih životinja su oskudni. U želji da se opišu osobine populacije balkanskog magarca u Srbiji, te da se definiše značaj ove rase za očuvanje nacionalnih genetičkih resursa, u poslednjih nekoliko godina se sakupljaju podaci o osnovnim morfološkim odlikama ove rase. U radu je prikazana varijabilnost osnovnih morfometrijskih parametara: visina u grebenu, dužina tela, obim grudi, obim prednje cevanice i telesna masa mladih magaraca oba pola. Utvrđene morfometrijske karakteristike su korišćene za izračunavanje indeksa formata, indeksa zbijenosti trupa, indeksa masivnosti i indeksa koščatosti koji odslikavaju telesni razvoj i morfološke odnose u populaciji balkanskog magarca u Srbiji

    Effect of zeolite on health condition of canines

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    The paper shows the results of investigations of elementary hematological and biochemical blood parameters of German Shepherd dogs administered zeolite through feed daily for a period of 50 days. No undesired effects were established during the period of observation, and in fact there was a full normalization of the condition of the dogs that previously exhibited transitory symptoms of gastrointestinal tract disorders. No significant digressions were observed in the examined biochemical parameters of blood, either, that could indicate any harmful effects of zeolite, with the exception of the tendency toward a reduction in the concentrations of phosphorus and calcium, which was not manifest clinically as well during this period