11 research outputs found

    ヨーロッパにおけるフットボールの発祥の由来について : ハイナー・ギルマイスターの学説を手掛かりとして

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    It is commonly thought that the origin of football in Europe was derived from "Folk-Football", which still exist here and there within Britain. But Heiner Gillmeister claimed that Europian football was invented in medieval France and by the lower social classes who had adopted certain principles of "pas d\u27arms", which has been identified as having served as the chief model for football. His theory may be considerably bold and some do not accept his theory with good grace. But we do not have arguments and facts to completely dismiss his theory nor another strong theory of the origine of Europian football to replace Gillmeister\u27s theory. We should not be permited an intellectual neglect of his theory when we think about the origine of ball-games in medieval Europe, whethere we rate his theory accurate or not

    「ナンバ」考 : 歩き方にみる日本的特性

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    It is often said that before the Meiji era, Japanese walking form was of "Namba" style. "Namba" waking style is the movement of swinging left leg and left arm at the same time. There are some theories why Japanese walking form was "Namba" style. Most accepted theory for it is that Japanese had been agricultural people, therefore "Namba" walking style has its roots in the style of ploughing paddy field. In this reserch,however, there was no literary evidense which supported that Japanese were walking using the "Namba" style. In pictorial evidence many Japanese people, samurai and marchant and farmer, were using same waking style. Therefore pictorial evidence goes against the theory of "Namba" walking style being rooted in the style of ploughing paddy field


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    A study was conducted to clarify eating behaviors related closely to accumulation of body fat and the relation between eating behaviors and body fat. Thirty collegiate oarsmen were investigated with a questionnaire. The percent body fat was measured by the bioelectrical impedance meter. As a result, it was revealed that relatively many athletes had eating behaviors considered as a problem and then recognized themselves to be the constitution that was easy to grow fat. It was found that athletes who hoped to reduce weight were concerned about eating behaviors more intense than that who felt just good on body image. The mean percent body fat of high score group on body image scale was significantly higher than that of low score group. Athletes individually had the specific characteristic of eating behaviors and body image. These results suggested that it is necessary for them to educate just about nutrition and dietary as to individual necessity in order to solve each of their problems in eating behaviors and body fat

    2. RPE数理モデルを用いたボート選手のトレーニングデザイン : エリートボート選手のケーススタディ(保健体育審議会答申を踏まえたボート競技国際競争向上への体育系大学としての寄与,<特集>研究計画に基づく研究費-平成14年度~平成16年度-)

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    We investigated whether the RPE mathematical model, which can easily be applied to routine training, is useful in preparing, implementing, analyzing and assessing a year-long training program for an elite Japanese rower and in evaluating his condition based on conventional physiological parameters. The data used for analysis was the training program for three main boat races held in 2002. In the result, 1) monotony increased to the twice or more just before each competition involved in rise of heart rate; the peaking program was monotonous, and efficacy of the training, therefore, decreased, and 2) in performance, on the day of prediction calculated by the mathematical model and the actual day of each race, it differed at the maximum on the 14th; reliability of the performance value from the mathematical model was confirmed by that from two time-point measurement of the rowing ergometer test. The findings of the present study suggest that year-long program design utilizing the RPE mathematical model can simulate performance fluctuations in terms of exertion, duration and frequency. It is therefore possible that overtraining can be prevented and periodization used to maximize performance at a particular competition. Furthermore, so as to maximize performance at a particular competition, it is necessary not only to utilize the RPE mathematical model, but also to combine objective and subjective parameters such as morning pulse rate, CPS, TQR and monotony. Program design accounting for these parameters should prove useful in the routine training of top athletes

    6. アドベンチャー・アプローチによるチームビルディングの実践(保健体育審議会答申を踏まえたボート競技国際競争向上への体育系大学としての寄与,<特集>研究計画に基づく研究費-平成14年度~平成16年度-)

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect about the team building which is based on the adventure program. This program operates on the individual directly, but it just still started in our country. In the first part of this paper I introduce the practiced program. Second, the effect of the program is verified. Though this program is one of the experiential leaning methods, the most characteristic point is verification of Full Value Commitment (engagement of consideration each other) and Challenge By Choice (Assurance that participant can decide method of participation) at start. These are useful to secure the safety of mind when the program is carried out. The setting of the aim is to make groups in which members can demonstrate 100% performance. The measurement of the effect is evaluated by the degree of achievement to their aim. Each team member answered the questionnaire, which was composed of particular abut setting of the goal at 3 occasions: pre intervention (pre), post intervention (post1), and two week before the target competition (post2). The results of an analysis of variance yield significant effects showing that this score of the members increased at postl and post2. In addition, the participant reported that improvement that is they can declare their opinions. This means the growth of the group was promoted. The process of team development was discussed for the future direction of facilitation strategy


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    The Department of Sport Intelligence & Mass Media (hereinafter referred to as "the Dept of SIM") was established at Sendai University in this academic year. This report is an attitude survey of its new students, which was done in May. The research showed as followed; 1 . Most students had higher interest in the activity of the Dept of SIM\u27s educational program. 2 . Most students had interest in the extracurricular activities of the Dept of SIM\u27s educational program. 3 . Most students had clear career plans of their own


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    The purporse of the this paper was to make clear the participants of the folk-games in Britain. I could collect 47 towns or regions where I have found recorded the participant of the folk-games. I explored these collected instances in folkroric aspect: who regulate and manage games, what people participate in them, the games were played by children or adults, how are the sides chosen, or played between two communties or two divisions of a community ? and so on. I impressed on geoglaphical variety in participating of folk-games. In general the age grope and social class of the participants was almost alike evrywhere. But communal pressure to participate and way of chosesides was variety in local tradition. One of the most striking feature of them is the composition of the groups of opposing players: parish against parish, one side of a community against another, town against country and once, most curiously, unmarried against marrid women. Bachelors against married men, for example, was only recorded from some parishes in Scotland, the north country and Cornwall. The way of female participate of the game also was variety. Although the largest role that women could hope for in games was that of spectator, women was the only person who could play game in Invaresk and Kirkwall