23 research outputs found
New Pellet Feeds for Rabbits with a High Content of Nutrients and With the Addition of Dietary Supplements
This research presented the pellet feed production line. Three pellet feed formulasfor young stock rabbits (28-135 days old) were developed with the addition of experimental dietary supplements grouped into the following protein green complexes (PGC):PGC-92-1including thе following supplements- dried herbal pulp from red clover, herbal alfalfa meal, and Sporotherminprobiotic; PGC-92-2 including the following supplements - protein feed concentrate from wheat stillage filtrate (syrup), herbal alfalfa meal, and Sporothermin probiotic; PGC-92-3 including the following supplements – PGC from red clover, herbal alfalfa meal,andSporothermin probiotic. These were compared with feed formulated without dietary supplements (PGC-92 (Control)). The nutritional value of the concentrate feeds met the requirements assigned for this group of animals. The storage of the formulatedconcentrate feeds took place in industrial conditions (the floor store) in paper bags of 30 kg per group at the temperature of 18-20 ∘C and the relative humidity of 65-70%. Due to itsmoisture content exceeding the standard requirements, the check concentrate feed (Control) revealed a higher content of fungal and bacterial microflora. The fat acidityvalue and the total acidity increased, which indicated the instability of this batch of concentrate feed during storage. The experimental batches of concentrate feed had a stablequality and retained good quality throughout the testing period. The testing of the effects of the studied complexes in fattening young stock rabbits was carried out on the premises of the Lipetsk Rabbit LLC industrial complex with 2000 rabbits. The use ofall-in-onepellet feedsformulated with the addition ofdietary supplements made it possible to increase the slaughter yield by 3.62%, 4.45% and 3.96%, while reducing feed intake per 1 kg of slaughter mass by 0.72 ECU, 0.38 ECU and 0.88 ECU. There was an increase in profit of 17725.25rubles, 16114.38 rubles and 14168.55 rubles, and an increase in the level of profitability by 45.93%, 41.26% and 31.24%, which resulted from a highersafety andgrowth performance of the raised rabbits.
Keywords: concentrate feeds, pellet feeds, dietary supplements, protein green complex, feed for rabbits, growth performanc
Knight's orders and medicine
The article deals with the problem of the formation and development of healing art and its specific features in the knights' orders of St. John and St. Lazarus.В статье рассмотрена проблема становления и развития врачевания и его специфика в духовно-рыцарских орденах Святого Иоанна и Святого Лазаря
The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the practice of a dentist
The results of a survey of dentists on the use of medicines from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are analyzedПроанализированы результаты анкетирования врачей стоматологов по вопросам применения лекарственных средств из группы нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов
Preparedness of teachers to provide first aid to children with dental injuries
The purpose is to study is to identify the level of knowledge and practical skills of teachers of educational institutions in the city of Yekaterinburg in the issue of providing first aid to children with dental trauma.Цель исследования – выявление уровня знаний и практических умений учителей образовательных учреждений города Екатеринбурга в вопросе оказания первой помощи детям при травме зубов
Cysts of the maxillofacial region, tactics of observation and treatment in children
The purpose of the study is to study the prevalence, as well as to determine the order of observation and treatment of types of cysts aged 0 to 18 years.Цель исследования – изучение распространенности, а также определение порядка наблюдения и лечения разновидностей кист в возрасте от 0 до 18 лет
Immunomodulating effects of antitumor drugs Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors and the possibility of their use in allergic and infectious diseases
Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors represent a class of drugs that have demonstrated their efficacy and safety in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas who were considered refractory to any previously used type of therapy. BTK plays a key role in all stages of B lymphocyte development, but in recent years, there have been data indicating that BTK is also involved in the activation of myeloid cells.The aim of this study is to analyze and systematize all published materials on the immunomodulatory effects of BTK inhibitors (ibrutinib, acalabrutinib, etc.).A systematic review of the scientific literature was performed using a step-by-step search process in electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and Scopus). The following keywords were used in the database search: “CLL”, “BTK”, “ibrutinib”, “COVID-19”, “allergy”, “inflammation.” The search for studies was conducted from the time of the first BTK inhibitor drug (ibrutinib) appearance in 2009 until December 2022.The results of the study on the influence of BTK inhibitors on the functional state of B and T lymphocytes, neutrophils, and monocytes/macrophages are presented. The immunomodulatory effects of ibrutinib on adaptive and innate immune system cells, including CD4+ and CD8+T lymphocytes and NK cells, are described. Since BTK inhibitors alter the functional activity of phagocytic cells and the ratio of T cell populations, there is a suggestion about the possibility of using these drugs for the treatment of other nosological forms, not only B cell malignancies, which is currently being studied in clinical trials. Data on the use of BTK inhibitors to combat hyperacute inflammation and to suppress allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, are summarized. In addition, the expediency of short-term use of BTK inhibitors to reduce the risk of side effects during oral immunotherapy and for desensitization to drugs is discussed.The presented data indicate that BTK inhibitors are promising drugs with immunomodulatory effects. However, BTK inhibitors need to increase selectivity to reduce off-target effects on other kinases
Literature review: oral manifestations of tuberculosis
Tuberculosis continues to be a major public health threat in Russia today, which makes the theme of this research relevant. Tuberculosis has manifestations in the body as a whole as well as in any organ system, oral manifestations being no exception. Although oral manifestation of the disease is rare, a careful differential diagnosis is of paramount importance for a correct diagnosis. Dentists should recognize oral lesions in order to provide the appropriate treatment aiming at anti-inflammatory therapy, implementation of infection prevention, control measures and maintaining oral hygiene.Высокая распространенность туберкулеза в РФ определяет актуальность данной темы сегодня. Туберкулез имеет проявления как со стороны всех систем организма в целом, так и в отдельных органах, органы полости рта не является тому исключением. Проявления туберкулеза в полости рта встречаются довольно редко, в связи с чем, должна проводиться тщательная дифференциальная диагностика. В случае выявления поражений в ротовой полости врачу-стоматологу предстоит выбор тактики лечения пациента, основы которой направлены на проведение противовоспалительной терапии, мероприятий связанных с повышение общей резистентности организма, а также поддержание гигиены полости рт
Oral manifestations of postcovid syndrome
The purpose is to study the subjective manifestations of COVID-19 and postcovid syndrome in the oral cavity.Цель исследования – является изучение субъективных проявлений COVID-19 и постковидного синдрома в полости рта
Literature review: organization of medical assistance to victims in forest fires
Forest fires are a common occurrence in Russia today and it makes the theme of this research work relevant. The problem of providing medical care to forest fire victims is poorly studied within the scientific literature. According to statistics the number of forest fires is increasing every year, covering larger areas. Thus the theme is devoted to the incidents of forest fires in Moscow region in 2010. Forest fires have a serious impact on both the environment and humans. They cause carbon dioxide poisoning, fire traumas and hyperemia, which require medical aid in order to prevent serious consequences, especially a lethal outcomeВысокая распространенность лесных пожаров в Российской Федерации определяет актуальность данной темы сегодня. Проблема оказания медицинской помощи пострадавшим при природных пожарах мало освещена в научной литературе, однако статистические данные указывают на то, что с каждым годом количество и площадь лесных пожаров, к сожалению, увеличивается, названная тема будет освящена на примере природных пожаров в Московской области в 2010. Лесные пожары не проходят без последствий, как для человека, так и для экологии в целом. При лесных пожарах у пострадавших возникают отравление угарным газом, ожоги, перегревание организма, при которых необходимо своевременное оказание медицинской помощи, для предотвращения серьезных последствий, которые могут быть вплоть до летального исход
Microhardness of single crystals La3Ga5SiO14, La3Ta0.5Ga5.5O14, Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 family of lantanum gallium silicate of trigonal symmetry class of 32 space group P321 has been researched by Knoop method. Anisotropy of microhardness determined by the ability to bring the material under the indenter, which determines the value of microhardness on different planes and in different crystallographic directions in the plane. The technique of measuring the microhardness by Knupp method for semi−automatic hardness tester Tukon 2100B for single crystals of langasite family. Anisotropy of the I group of microhardness (microhardness polar dependence on indentor position relatively crystallography directions in the plane of measurement) on the crystallography planes (112−0), (011−0), (0001) has been founded. Anisotropy of microhardness in fragile crystals of langasite family determined by the possibility of mass transfer under the indenter due to the movement of interstitial atoms and vacancies of oxygen and gallium. Measurements have shown that microhardness on all investigated planes of CTGS single crystals, as base, and the prismatic lower than the respective planes of LGS and LGT single crystals; wherein in CTGS single crystals there is no anisotropy of microhardness microhardness as I, and II type. Polar dependence of the mechanical properties of langasite and langatate single crystals should be taken into account in the surface treatment technology and manufacturing techniques of piezo− and acoustoelements. Исследована микротвердость по методу Кнуппа монокристаллов La3Ga5SiO14 (ЛГС), La3Ta0,5Ga5,5O14 (ЛГТ), Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (КТГС) семейства лантан−галлиевого силиката тригонального класса симметрии 32 пространственной группы Р321. Анизотропия микротвердости обусловлена возможностью выноса материала под индентором, что и определяет значение микротвердости на разных плоскостях и в разных кристаллографических направлениях на плоскости. Разработана методика измерения микротвердости по методу Кнуппа на полуавтоматическом микротвердомере Tukon 2100B для монокристаллов семейства лангасита. Обнаружена анизотропия микротвердости I рода (полярная зависимость микротвердости от положения индентора относительно кристаллографических направлений в плоскости измерения) на кристаллографических плоскостях (112−0), (011−0), (0001). Анизотропия микротвердости в хрупких кристаллах семейства лангасита определяется возможностью массопереноса под индентором за счет перемещения межузельных атомов и вакансий кислорода и галлия. Показано, что микротвердость на всех исследованных плоскостях монокристаллов КТГС (как на базисных, так и на призматических) ниже, чем на соответствующих плоскостях монокристаллов ЛГС и ЛГТ. При этом в монокристаллах КТГС отсутствует анизотропия микротвердости как I, так и II рода. Полярную зависимость механических свойств монокристаллов лангасита и лангатата необходимо учитывать в технологии обработки поверхности и в технологии изготовления пьезо− и акустоэлементов.