134 research outputs found

    Efficiency, profitability and carbon footprint of different management programs under no-till to control herbicide resistant Papaver rhoeas

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    The present work examines the effects of different integrated weed management (IWM) programs on multiple herbicide-resistant Papaver rhoeas populations in terms of effectiveness, profitability and carbon footprint. With this aim a trial was established in a winter cereal field under no-till in North-Eastern Spain during three consecutive seasons. Four IWM programs with different intensification levels, from less (crop rotation, mechanical control, and no herbicides) to more intense (wheat monoculture with high chemical inputs), were established. The different strategies integrated in the four programs were efficient in managing the weed after three years, with increased effectiveness after management program intensification. Whereas low input program (which includes fallow season) represented less economic cost than the other programs, on average, no differences were observed on carbon foot print, considered as kg CO2eq kg−1 product, between the different programs, except in the crop rotation program due to the low pea yield obtained. The results from this study show that in the search for a balance between crop profitability and reduction of the carbon footprint while controlling an herbicide resistant population is challenging, and particularly under notill. In this scenario the short term priority should be to reduce the presence of multiple herbicide resistant biotypes integrating the different available chemical, cultural, and physical strategies.This work has been supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with project AGL2014-52465-C4-2-R. Dr. J. Torra obtained a Ramon y Cajal contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RYC2018-023866-I). Mr. F. Valencia-Gredilla obtained a PhD grant from the University of Lleida

    Molecular mechanisms of herbicide resistance in weeds

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    Herbicides have become one of the most widespread weed-control tools in the world since their advent in the mid-20th century [1]. Nowadays, they are still being used in most conventional cropping systems in modern agriculture [2]. Unfortunately, the persistent use of herbicides is being threatened by the spread of herbicide resistance, a fast evolutionary process that took place a few years after their arrival into modern agriculture [2,3]. To safeguard their future use in agriculture, there is great interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms conferring resistance or predisposing weeds toward evolving herbicide resistance. Herbicide resistance is governed by target-site resistance (TSR) and non-target-site resistance (NTSR) mechanisms [4]. TSR-based resistance is caused by any gene alteration able to change the interaction with the encoded target protein/enzyme so that the herbicide is not able to sufficiently interfere with it to cause plant death. TSR mechanisms are usually better understood because there is a single well-known target gene, and therefore, they are monogenic [5]. On the other hand, NTSR mechanisms are those not involving the target protein and can decrease the herbicide arriving at the site of action (SoA) into an insufficient amount, so plants can survive; more rarely, any mechanism protecting plants from herbicide damage is also referred as NTSR [5]. NTSR mechanisms are rarely fully understood since they can be quantitative in nature and controlled by several genes (with each gene providing some level of resistance); in other words, NTSR-based resistance can be polygenic [4]. The increase in multiple herbicide resistance to different SoAs, mainly through enhanced metabolism, is of great concern [2]. Multiple herbicide resistance reflects an evolutionary process by which populations or plants can accumulate different resistance mechanisms (TSR and/or NTSR), conferring resistance to several SoAs [6]. Sadly, this process usually occurs because resistance to one SoA provokes switching to another SoA rather than reducing herbicide-selection pressure [7]. Among NTSR mechanisms, enhanced metabolism is the most threatening because, as a generalist mechanism, it can confer cross-resistance to dissimilar herbicide chemistries, even to those never used before [4]. Conversely, TSR is governed by specialist mechanisms, always specific to a single SoA [5]. This Special Issue was focused on the new well-characterized cases of herbicide resistance, both for TSR and/or NTSR (if a molecular basis is reported), as well as studies that identify new gene alterations conferring TSR or the genetic basis involved in NTSR. Both TSR and NTSR can also be divided into different mechanisms depending on their nature. Point mutations, altered expression, or codon deletion of the target-site gene are among the most reported types of TSR mechanisms [5]. NTSR mechanisms usually involve altered patterns of herbicide absorption, translocation, or metabolism. Herbicide-metabolism-based resistances are complex and often involve genes that are members of large gene families, including cytochromes P450 (P450) and Glutathione-S-transferases (GST) [4]. Therefore, this editorial focuses on the nature of the resistance mechanisms of the two major types, TSR and NTSR, described in each of the contributions to this Special Issue.Joel Torra acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (grant Ramon y Cajal RYC2018-023866-I)

    Rigput brome (Bromus diandrus Roth.) management in a no tilled field in Spain

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    The adoption of no-till (NT) in the semi-arid region of Mediterranean Spain has promoted a weed vegetation change, where rigput brome (Bromus diandrus Roth) represents a main concern. In order to avoid complete reliance on herbicides, the combination of several control methods, without excluding chemical ones, can contribute to an integrated weed management (IWM) system for this species. In this field study, 12 three-year management programs were chosen, in which alternative non-chemical methods¿delay of sowing, crop rotation, sowing density and pattern, stubble removal¿are combined with chemical methods to manage B. diandrus in winter cereals under NT. Moreover, their effects on weed control and crop productivity were analyzed from the point of view of the efficiency of the control methods, based on a previously developed emergence model for B. diandrus. All management programs were effective in reducing the weed infestation, despite the different initial weed density between blocks. For high weed density levels (60-500 plants m2), two years of specific managements resulted in 99% reduction of its population. For even higher density levels, three years were needed to assure this reduction level. Both the emergence of the weed and the crop yields are mainly driven by the seasonal climatic conditions in this semi-arid area. For this reason, among the non-chemical methods, only crop rotation and sowing delay contributed to an effective weed population decrease as well as an increase in the economic income of the yield. The other alternative methods did not significantly contribute to controlling the weed. This work demonstrates that mid-term management programs combining chemical with non-chemical methods can effectively keep B. diandrus under control with economic gains compared to traditional field management methods in semi-arid regions.This research was funded by Bayer CropScience, grant number C14045, and the Economy Ministry of Spain, grant number AGL2014-52465-C4-2-R

    Spatial and temporal stability of weed patches in cereal fields under direct drilling and harrow tillage

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    The adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) techniques by farmers is changing the dynamics of weed communities in cereal fields and so potentially their spatial distribution. These changes can challenge the use of site-specific weed control, which is based on the accurate location of weed patches for spraying. We studied the effect of two types of CA (direct drilling and harrow-tilled to 20 cm) on weed patches in a three-year survey in four direct-drilled and three harrow-tilled commercial fields in Catalonia (North-eastern Spain). The area of the ground covered by weeds (hereafter called “weed cover”) was estimated at 96 to 122 points measured in each year in each field, in 50 cm × 50 cm quadrats placed in a 10 m × 10 m grid in spring. Bromus diandrus, Lolium rigidum, and Papaver rhoeas were the main weed species. The weed cover and degree of aggregation for all species varied both between and within fields, regardless of the kind of tillage. Under both forms of soil management all three were aggregated in elongated patterns in the direction of traffic. Bromus was generally more aggregated than Lolium, and both were more aggregated than Papaver. Patches were stable over time for only two harrow-tilled fields with Lolium and one direct-drilled field with Bromus, but not in the other fields. Spatial stability of the weeds was more pronounced in the direction of traffic. Herbicide applications, crop rotation, and traffic seem to affect weed populations strongly within fields, regardless of the soil management. We conclude that site-specific herbicides can be applied to control these species because they are aggregated, although the patches would have to be identified afresh in each season.This research was funded by the Spanish National Program (project: AGL2010-22084-C02-0). A.E.M. was funded by the Institute Strategic Programme (ISP) grants, “Soils to Nutrition” (S2N) grant number BBS/E/C/000I0330, and the joint Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) ISP grant “Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Systems” (ASSIST) grant number BBS/E/C/000I0100, using facilities funded by the BBSRC