42 research outputs found

    Tempus CaSA Project – A Sustainable Tool for Knowledge and Innovation Transfer in Animal Sciences

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    Although regulated by law and other policies knowledge transfer in animal sciences (zootechnics) is rather limited after students’ graduation from the Faculty of Agriculture. There is a lack of courses for professional development of teachers from agricultural middle schools, including those teaching subjects in animal sciences. There is as well a need of permanent improvement and upgrading of courses and trainings created for advisors in agricultural advisory services. The TEMPUS CaSA project objective is to contribute to the improvement of agricultural education to meet the needs of Serbian society. CaSA foresees: upgrading quality and availability of vocational agricultural education by strengthening professional and pedagogical competences of educators (University teachers, secondary school teachers, advisors) and creation of the repository for courses and additional contents important for agricultural education. Improvement of agricultural education will be achieved by introducing trainings in active teaching learning (ATL), communication skills, e-learning, together with newest knowledge emerging from research activities incorporated in vocational courses. Creation of the National Repository for Agricultural Education (NaRA), will enable networking of all stakeholders in agricultural education and assure sustainability. In addition, among 13 project partners, the Ministry of education is a compulsory partner for Structural Measures TEMPUS projects. This is important for recognition of the National repository by relevant state authorities. Online courses and teaching material, live stream trainings, results from the research projects, and different data bases will be available in NaRA after project life-time

    Raspodela prašine u vazduhu staja za držanje krava

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    Among others, an airborne dust particles concentration is a crucial microclimate quality parameter of each livestock building. Increasing the concentration of dust particles affects the indoor air quality and health of employed workers and breeding animals. In order to enrich the exisiting data base and improve the understanding of mechanisms of controlling the microclimate conditions in livestock buildings, the influence of operational air flow rate of under-roof axial fans on airborne dust particles distribution crossover the tied cows barn has been analysed in present study. Six different air flow rates of both installed fans have been tested: 0 m3•h-1 (only natural ventilation), 23750 m3•h-1, 30750 m3•h-1, 37300 m3•h-1, 39900 m3•h-1 and 48000 m3•h-1. Measurements have been performed at four typical height levels (0,5 m; 1,0 m; 1,5 m and 2,0 m), cross-over the three lateral and four longitudinal characteristic building sections. Consequently, 48 measuring points were appropriately selected, in order to cover the whole indoor space in adequate way. Comparative analysis of air flow velocities and dust concentrations showed that this fan setup can provide satisfactory results under adequate operational regime. Certain working regimes were recommended for use, and the first fan rate step, generating the airflow of 23750 m3•h-1, or indoor air exchange level of approximately 16 1•h-1, has been found as the most suitable.Koncentracija prašine je važan mikroklimatski parametar u svakom stočar¬skom objektu. Njeno povećanje narušava kvalitet unutrašnjeg vazduha i zdravstve¬no sta¬nje zaposlenih radnika i smeštenih životinja. Pored ostalih uticaja, strujno polje va¬zdu¬ha u provetravanom prostoru predstavlja ključni parametar za kontrolu prisustva če¬stica prašine u vazduhu objekata za držanje domaćih životinja. U cilju proširivanja postojećih baza podataka i saznanja u oblasti istraživanja mikroklime u stočarskim objektima, u ovom radu je analiziran uticaj režima rada podkrovnih aksijalnih ventilatora na raspode¬lu čestica prašine u objektu za držanje krava u vezanom sistemu. Ispitano je šest različitih radnih režima ventilacije. Pri tome je ostvaren diskretan (diskontinualan) niz kontrolisanih protoka unutrašnjeg vazduha od 0 m3•h-1 (samo prirodna ventilacija), 23750 m3•h-1, 30750 m3•h-1, 37300 m3•h-1, 39900 m3•h-1 i 48000 m3•h-1 kroz radna kola svakog od dva instalirana ventilatora. To praktično znači da je celokupna zapremina unutrašnjeg vazduha eksperi¬mentalnog obje¬kta proticala približno 0; 16; 20; 25; 26,5; 32 puta u toku svakog sata kada je ventilacioni sistem bio aktivan. Merenja su izvedena na 4 karakte¬ristične visine (0,5 m; 1,0 m; 1,5 m i 2,0 m), u tri poprečna preseka i četiri podužna preseka objekta. Tako je dobijeno karakterističnih 48 mernih tačaka, čime je adekvatno pokriven ceo unutrašnji prostor staje. Komparativna analiza brzina strujanja vazduha i koncentracija prašine pokazala je da ova konfiguracija ventilatora može ostvariti zadovoljavajuće rezultate pri odgovarajućem režimu rada. Evidentirani su prihvatljivi ventilacioni režimi, a posebno je izdvojen treći ogledni režim, protoka vazduha 23750 m3•h-1 (približno 16 zapremina objekta na čas) je izdvojen kao najpovoljniji

    Numeričko predviđanje strujnog polja pri pridodnoj ventilaciji stočarskih objekata

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    This paper deals with three dimensional flow fields of livestock buildings prediction by numerical simulations and computational fluid dynamics - CFD. Flow field investigation is based on analysis of all relevant parameters that influences on temperature and flow field inside and outside of object, taking in account local meteorological conditions and terrain configuration. Based on results it is possible to design improved models in early stages of architectural design or later, and improvement of object energy efficiency.U radu je dat metod predviđanja trodimenzionalnog strujnog polja u stočarskim objektima primenom numeričkih simulacija i kompjuterske dinamike fluida - CFD. Ispitivanje strujnog polja sprovodi se na osnovu analize svih relevantnih faktora koji utiču na strujnu sliku unutar i oko objekta uzimajući u obzir lokalne meteorološke podatke, merodavne prepreke strujanju iz pojedinih pravaca. Na osnovu dobijene strujne slike, moguće je definisanje unapređenih modela objekta u cilju unapređenja energetske efikasnosti objekta ili arhitektonskog korigovanja objekta u ranim fazama projektovanja

    Uticaj različitih režima rada krovnih ventilatora na raspored koncentracija prašine u objektu za vezano držanje krava

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    Analysis of roof cooling fans function in several working regimes is presented. The main goal of the research was to define the influence of fan working regime on airborn dust particles concentration. Dust concentration is significant microclimate parameter in the livestock building. Increased dust concentration affects the animal and workers health. During the different fan speeds, the measurements were conducted in characteristic building sections. There were 48 measuring points selected, in 4 hight levels, which totally covered the room. Comparative analysis of air flow velocities and dust concentrations showed that this fan setup may give satisfactory results. Certain working regimes were recommended for use, and the third speed step was emphasized.U radu je prikazana analiza rada krovnih ventilatora u više režima rada, sa ciljem da se utvrdi uticaj intenziteta rada ventilatora na koncentraciju pojedinih frakcija prašine. Koncentracija prašine je bitan pokazatelj kvaliteta mikroklime u proizvodnim objektima. Prisustvo povećanih vrednost koncentracije prašine nepovoljno se odražava na zdravlje životinja ali i zaposlenih. Ispitivan je uticaj ventilatora pri različitim režimima rada (različitim brzinama rotora), pri čemu su merenja vršena u karakterisitčnim zonama objekta. Merenje temperature i relativne vlažnosti vazduha je izvršeno u 48 mernih tačaka, na 4 nivoa merenja, čime je objekat u potpunosti pokriven. Analiza rezultata merenja je otkrila kakvi su efekti rada ventilatora u pojedinim zonama objekta. Uporednom analizom sa brzinama strujanja vazduha u pojedinim režimima rada ventilatora, izveden je zaključak da ovakva postavka ventilatora može imati zadovoljavajuće efekte. Preporuka je da se koriste određeni režimi rada, prevashodno treći stepen brzine rotora

    Predlog poboljšanja ambijentalnih uslova u objektima za tov svinja na farmi „Vizelj“

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    State of ambient conditions in the finishing pigs fattening unit is analyzed in the paper. Efficiency and productivity of this pig production phase significantly influence the production results of the whole pig farm. Based on the present conditions analysis, this paper should suggest improvements of microclimate conditions in the researched confinements. Existing ambient conditions was monitored in 3 measurement points, disposed in the zones of the fans operation and between them. Measurement results showed the critical zone with the very low ventilation effect. Over the whole room, increased values of airborn pollutants were noticed. According to the results analysis, possible procedures for improvements were considered. Suggested solution includes installation of additional equipment and minor constructional adaptations. Combined effects of the existing and the additional equipment, along with its possibilities for fine regulation, should significantly improve the existing conditions.u radu je analizirano stanje ambijentalnih uslova u objektu za tov svinja. Karakteristično za ove objekte je da se u njima nalaze životinje u završnoj, finalnoj fazi lanca proizvodnje svinjskog mesa. Od produktivnosti i ekonomske efikasnosti ove faze proizvodnje, često zavisi uspeh poslovanja cele farme svinja. Cilj rada je da na osnovu detaljne analize postojećeg stanja mikroklime u objektu, a u skladu sa dimenzijama, brojnim stanjem životinja u objektu i rasporeda i efikasnosti postojeće opreme, razmotre potencijalna rešenja poboljšanja stanja mikroklime u objektu. Postojeće stanje ambijenta snimano je u tri merne tačke, raspoređene po objektu tako da se obuhvate zone uticaja ventilatora, ali i zone u kojima je efekat rada ventilatora slabije izražen. Rezultati merenja ukazuju na postojanje problematične zone u objektu u kojoj je efekat provetravanja slab. Međutim, u celom objektu su uočene povećane vrednosti pojedinih zagađivača stajskog vazduha. Na osnovu analize rezultata merenja razmotreni su i potencijalni načini za poboljšanje stanja ambijenta. Predloženo rešenje podrazumeva ugradnju dodatne opreme i manje adaptacije objekta. Kombinovanjem pozitivnih strana postojeće opreme, sa prednostima dodatne opreme uz široke mogućnosti regulacije, može se očekivati značajan efekat poboljšanja stanja mikroklime u posmatranom objektu

    Promene temperature i vlažnosti vazduha u objektu za vezano držanje krava pri višestepenom režimu rada krovnih ventilatora

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    U radu je prikazana analiza rada krovnih ventilatora u više režima rada. Cilj je da se utvrdi efekat rada ventilatora na temperaturu i vlažnost vazduha. Temperatura i vlažnost vazduha predstavljaju dva veoma važna činioca mikroklime objekta, čije vrednosti treba da se kreću u optimalnim granicama. Ispitivan je uticaj ventilatora pri različitim režimima rada (različitim brzinama rotora), pri čemu su merenja vršena u karakterisitčnim zonama objekta. Merenje temperature i relativne vlažnosti vazduha je izvršeno u 48 mernih tačaka, na 4 nivoa merenja, čime je objekat u potpunosti pokriven. Analiza rezultata merenja je otkrila kakvi su efekti rada ventilatora u pojedinim zonama objekta, kao i potencijalne probleme primene ovakvog sistema ventilacije. Zaključak je da ovakva postavka ventilatora ne daje u potpunosti zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Preporuka je da se donekle izmeni postavka ventilatora, kao i da se razmotri mogućnost ugradnje još jednog ventilatora, uz manju adaptaciju objekta

    Mogućnosti poboljšanja efekata rada ventilacionog sistema u odeljenjima prasilište i odgajalište na farmi svinja “Farkaždin”

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    Analysis of ventilation systems efficiency in farrowing room and nursery is presented in this paper. Those rooms are selected because of the most sensitive categories in pig production cycle. From this reason, these farm confinements should be carefully analyzed and, if possible, additionally equipped and specially adopted. Based on the present conditions analysis, this paper should suggest improvements of microclimate conditions in the researched confinements. Existing microclimate conditions are monitored in the piglets breath zone, in 12 measuring points, and the zones that are in front and between the fans, as well. Results of the existing conditions analysis emphasized the inefficiency of the present ventilation systems. Especially low effect is achieved in removal of harmful gasses and airborn dust particles. Along with the defined problems, possible solutions are suggested. The solutions included installation of additional ventilation equipment. Combined effects of the existing and the additional equipment, along with its possibilities for fine regulation, should significantly improve the existing conditions.U radu je prikazana analiza rada ventilacionih sistema u odeljenjima prasilišta i odgajališta. Ova odeljenja karakteristična su po tome što se u njima drže najosetljivije kategorije u svinjarskoj proizvodnji. Upravo stoga, ovim odeljenjima treba posvetiti pažnju, i ukoliko postoje mogućnosti i opravdanost uvođenja dodatnih uređaja i adaptacije objekata, iste treba razmotriti i uvesti u praksu. Cilj rada je da se na osnovu analize postojećeg stanja, veličine odeljenja i rasporeda bokseva, kao i rasporeda i broja ventilatora, formira predlog poboljšanja mikroklimatskih parametara u odeljenjima. Postojeće stanje mikroklime snimano je u zoni disanja životinja, u 12 mernih tačaka, pri čemu se vodilo računa da se obuhvati zona uticaja ventilatora, kao i delovi odeljenja gde je njihov efekat manje izražen. Analiza postojećeg stanja mikroklime otkrila je da su efekti rada postojećih sistema ventilacije nedovoljni. Pogotovo je slab efekat iznošenja gasovitih produkata i čestica prašine. Uz analizu, na osnovu uočenih problema, dati su i predlozi za prevazilaženje postojećih problema. Predložena rešenja podrazumevaju ugradnju dodatne ventilacione opreme. Kombinovanjem efekata rada postojeće opreme, sa dodatnom opremom, a pogotovo širokim mogućnostima njene regulacije, može se očekivati značajno poboljšanje postojećeg stanja

    Ocena kvaliteta rada mikser distributer prikolice jf-stoll u pripremi tmr obroka za muzne krave

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    Quality of TMR feed homogenization and distribution is analyzed in this paper. TMR feed mixture for lactating cows feeding was prepared in vertical mixer distribution trailer JF- Stoll VM 8 1S. The mixture was consisted of components that are defined for dairy cows in the first lactation phase, with the milk production of about 40 l/day. Physical and chemical parameters are analyzed according to the regulations of quality and other requirements for animal feeds (Official Journal of SRJ nr. 20/00 38/01), such as contents of moisture, ash, fats, cellulose, proteins and non nitrogen extractive matter. For sampling and analysis are applied standard and non standard methods.U radu je analiziran kvalitet homogenizacije i distribucije TMR obroka za muzne krave koji je formiran u vertikalnoj mikser distributer prikolici JF-Stoll VM 8 1S. TMR obrok je sastavljen po recepturi za grla u muži u prvoj fazi laktacije sa proizvodnjom mleka od oko 40 l/dan. Analizirani su fizičko hemijski sastojci u skladu sa pravilnikom o kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za hranu za životinje (sl. list SRJ br.20/00 38/01), kao što su sadržaj vlage, sadržaj pepela, sadržaj masti, sadržaj celuloze, sadržaj proteina, sadržaj bezazotnih ekstraktivnih materija. Za uzorkovanje i nalalizu su primenjene standardne i nestandardne metode

    Uređaji za obogaćivanje vode kiseonikom na toplovodnim ribnjacima

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    Successful and high yield warm water fish production (mostly carp) is mainly limited by the content of dissolved oxygen in the water. Oxygen content in fish pond water varies according to daily and seasonal fluctuations, depending on different factors. Less of oxygen influences the fish health status and yield. From those reasons is very important to monitor the oxygen content continuously and to apply appropriate methods of oxygen content increment when necessary. One of those methods for maintaining the optimal oxygen content is applying of modern devices - aerators. Water aeration is process of forced, mechanical mixing of water and air, which increasing the oxygen content in the water. Aeration can be applied by different methods, but originally this means application of specially designed devices for water aeration.U proizvodnji toplovodnih vrsta riba (pre svega šarana), sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u vodi je jedan od glavnih ograničavajućih faktora uspešnog gajenja i povećanja prinosa. Sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u ribnjačkoj vodi je podložan kako dnevnim tako i sezonalnim fluktuacijama, i zavisi od više raznovrsnih faktora. Nedostatak kiseonika utiče preko hemizma vode na zdravlje gajene ribe i mogućnost prirasta. Iz ovih razloga je u savremenom ribarstvu neophodno redovno pratiti sadržaj rastvorenog kiseonika u vodi, te u slučaju pada vrednosti ispod optimalnih, tj. minimalnih vrednosti, reagovati nekim od metoda za povećanje sadržaja O2 u vodi. Jedan od načina održavanja poželjnih vrednosti rastvorenog kiseonika (RK) je primena savremenih uređaja - Aeratora. Aeracija vode u širem smislu označava postupak prinudnog, mehanizovanog pospešivanja mešanja vode sa atmosferskim vazduhom, sa primarnim ciljem obogaćenja vode kiseonikom. Aeracija se može vršiti uz pomoć različitih metoda, ali se pod aeracijom u užem smislu smatra upotreba specijalnih za ovu svrhu, i primenu na toplovodnim ribnjacima, konstruisanih uređaja

    Agriculture Biomass: its potential in Slovakia and Serbia

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    The natural resources (oil, coal, natural gas) are insufficient to satisfy the needs of the people for electric and heating energy because sources of fossil fuels are limited. Emission of large quantities of carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere, in the course of combustion processes of solid and liquid fuels have been disrupting the environment. The future lies in the renewable energy sources (RES) surrounding us. The rapid rise of crude oil prices in the early 70-ies of 20th Century focused global attention to the need for efficient use and finding new sources of energy. In addition, energy consumption is growing dramatically in developed countries. EIA expects that demand for energy will grow by 56% between 2010 and 2040 (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). In order to overcome the problems caused by the constant rise in the global population, rapid exploitation of many natural resources, increase of pollution and climate change, the World and Europe must radically change their approach to the production, processing, consumption, storage, recycling and disposal of biological wastes. European 2020 strategy indicates bioeconomy as a key element for sustainable and "green" development in the region (European Commission, 2012). Bioeconomy includes sustainable production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, biofuels, bioenergy and bioproducts (eg. bioplastics, biopesticides, etc.). It includes agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and paper production, as well as part of the chemical, biotechnological and energy industries. Agriculture is a major consumer but also can become energy producer. Bearing in mind the amount of biomass produced, and the possibilities for its utilization, the negligible amount of biomass that is currently used as an energy source. An important feature is that biomass combustion is not an increased content of CO2 in the atmosphere, as the ecological point of view is very important. The necessity of integrated approach to the biomass policy is given special importance. Biomass is preferred to other sources of renewable energy, due to the increase in the alternative sources of income it provides to the farmers, and the development of the regional economic structures. It is expected that throughout Europe a new “energy producing” division of agriculture is about to unfold, which, in close cooperation with the energy producing and service providing sections of the national economy, may greatly contribute to the reduction of the energy shortage, while finding new sources of income. Usage of biomass, which is mostly the agricultural waste, would reduce demand of the country for import of fuels, would promote environment protection, and the economy would prosper, which would contribute to the sustainable development of society. At this study the sources of biomass and its potential will be described, as well as energy from agricultural biomass, with special emphasis on the situation and potential of Slovakia and Serbia in biomass. The possibilities of the use of alternative renewable energy sources were considered, such as biodiesel, biogas and bioethanol. Also the opportunities for development and implementation of the second, third and fourth generation biofuels are listed. The study included both positive and negative impacts of the production and use of renewable energy from agricultural biomass (biofuels) compared to the fossil fuels