155 research outputs found

    Fauna noćnih leptira (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) Parka prirode Medvednica

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    The paper gives the first overview of the moth fauna of Medvednica Nature Park, one that is based on the literature data and recent surveys carried out in the period from 2015 to 2019. The literature overview confirms the presence of 69 moth species recorded within the borders of the Nature Park. The survey recorded a total of 437 moth species in the area, 388 of them for the first time. In all, 455 species are now confirmed for Medvednica Nature Park. One Tortricidae species, Phtheochroa annae, is new for the fauna of Croatia. The area of Medvednica Nature Park can be now considered as one of the best explored Nature parks in Croatia, with the first checklist of its moth fauna. In most of the visited sites across Medvednica, habitat conditions are still favorable for the short-term survival of most species, but the overgrowing of meadows and forest edges, as well as intensive mowing of meadows, may dramatically worsen this situation during the next decades. Further moth surveys in this protected area would therefore be advisable.Prilog prikazuje prve rezultate istraživanja noćnih leptira Parka prirode Medvednica, temeljene na literaturnim podacima i recentnim istraživanjima provedenim između 2015. i 2019. godine. Pregledom literature potvrđena je prisutnost 69 vrsta zabilježenih unutar granica Parka prirode. U našim istraživanjima zabilježili smo 437 vrsta noćnih leptira, od kojih 388 prvi put na tom području. Ukupan broj vrsta noćnih leptira Parka prirode Medvednica sada sadrži 455 vrsta. Jedna vrsta iz porodice Tortricidae, Phtheochroa annae, nova je za faunu Hrvatske. Nakon ovog istraživanja noćnih leptira područje Parka prirode Medvednica može se smatrati jednim od najbolje istraženih zaštićenih područja u Hrvatskoj. Na većini posjećenih područja diljem Medvednice stanišni uvjeti povoljni su za kratkoročni opstanak većine vrsta, ali zarastanje livada i rubova šume, kao i intenzivna košnja vršnih livada, mogli bi u idućim desetljećima dramatično pogoršati ovu situaciju. Radi toga preporučujemo nastavak istraživanja noćnih leptira ovog vrijednog područja i u budućnosti

    On the occurrence of Charaxes jasius (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Istria, Croatia

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    Further additions to the grass moth (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) fauna of Croatia

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    Six species of grass moths (Crambidae) were recorded for the first time in Croatia. Chilo luteellus, Chilo pulverosellus and Thopeutis galleriellus were recorded in the Neretva River delta, showing the importance and great biodiversity of this Ramsar site, one of the largest Mediterranean wetlands. Euchromius rayatellus was recorded near Žmanska Lakes, a wetland area on Island Dugi otok. Two montane species were also recorded for the first time in the country, Catoptria combinella from Mt. Risnjak and Udea cyanalis from four montane areas across Croatia. The known range of occurrence of each of the recorded species in the Balkan peninsula is accordingly expanded. The discovery of these species shows the need for additional Microlepidoptera surveys in the country. With these records, the fauna of Crambidae of Croatia has now risen to 218 species. This number is however probably far from final and new surveys are expected to reveal additional species for the fauna of Croatia

    Mediteranski okaš, Kirinia roxelana (Cramer, 1777) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), ponovno pronađen u Hrvatskoj nakon više od stoljeća

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    During a field trip to southern Dalmatia, a single specimen of Kirinia roxelana was observed north of the village of Osojnik, near Dubrovnik. This is the second record of this species in Croatia, and the first accurate record after the species was mentioned for Pelješac peninsula 120 years ago. The closest known records of the species originate from Bosnia and Herzegovina, where it is also local and rare.Tijekom terenskih istraživanja u južnoj Dalmaciji, jedan primjerak vrste Kirinia roxelana opažen je sjeverno od sela Osojnik kraj Dubrovnika. To je drugi nalaz ove vrste u Hrvatskoj i ujedno prvi recentni nalaz nakon povijesnog nalaza na Pelješcu prije 120 godina. Najbliži nalazi ove vrste su u Bosni i Hercegovini, no i tamo je vrlo lokalno prisutna i rijetka

    First record of a mountain geometrid species Psodos quadrifaria (Sulzer, 1776) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in Croatia

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    The first finding of a mountain geometrid Psodos quadrifaria (Sulzer, 1776) in the fauna of Croatia is described. Many specimens of this diurnal moth were observed and collected in June 2009 on the Snježnik Mountain, Gorski Kotar, Croatia. This record fills the gap in the known distribution of the species between the Alps in Slovenia and the mountains in AlbaniaV članku je opisana prva najdba gorskega pedica Psodos quadrifaria (Sulzer, 1776) na območju Hrvaške. Veliko osebkov tega podnevi aktivnega pedica smo opazovali in ujeli v juniju 2009 na gori Snježnik v Gorskem Kotarju na Hrvaškem. Ta podatek zapolnjuje vrzel v znani razširjenosti vrste med slovenskimi Alpami in gorovjem v Albanij

    Thiodia torridana (Lederer, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) nova vrsta u fauni Hrvatske

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    On June 12th, 2015 one specimen of Thiodia torridana (Lederer, 1859) was collected at Kozja Draga, Lika region, Croatia. This species is known from most countries in Europe, but records from the Balkans are missing. This is the first record of this species for the Croatian fauna and the closest records are from Slovenia and Hungary.Dana 12. lipnja 2015. jedan primjerak vrste Thiodia torridana (Lederer, 1859) sakupljen je na lokalitetu Kozja Draga (Lika, Hrvatska). Ova vrsta poznata je iz većine država Europe, no podatci iz država Balkana nedostaju. Ovo je prvi nalaz te vrste za faunu Hrvatske, dok su najbliži poznati nalazi iz Slovenije i Mađarske

    Prvi nalaz vrste Trox perrisii Fairmaire, 1868. u Hrvatskoj

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    A single specimen of Trox perrisii was collected from Mt. Ivanščica, northwestern Croatia. This is the first record of this species in Croatia, and it fills the distribution gap between Slovenia and Hungary. An updated checklist of the Trogidae family of Croatia is provided, consisting of ten species.Jedna jedinka vrste Trox perrisii skupljena je u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj na planini Ivanščici. Ovo je prvi nalaz ove vrste za Hrvatsku pa popunjava prazninu u distribuciji između Slovenije i Mađarske. Priložen je i nadopunjeni popis vrsta iz porodice Trogidae koje dolaze u Hrvatskoj, a sastoji se od 10 vrsta

    Pseudozarba bipartita (Herrich-Schäffer, 1850) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), novi rod i vrsta za faunu Hrvatske

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    During a survey of the moths of Lastovo Islands Nature Park, four specimens of the owlet moth Pseudozarba bipartita were observed and collected in Prgovo Polje on Lastovo island. This is the first report of the species P. bipartita in Croatia and the north-westernmost record in the Balkan Peninsula. The closest known populations are from Albania and Macedonia.Tijekom istraživanja noćnih leptira Parka prirode Lastovsko otočje, opažene su i sakupljene četiri jedinke sovice Pseudozarba bipartita na lokaciji Prgovo Polje, Lastovo. Ovo je prvi nalaz P. bipartita u Hrvatskoj i najsjeverozapadniji nalaz na Balkanskom poluotoku. Najbliže znane populacije su u Albaniji i Makedoniji

    Prvi nalaz ambrozijine sovice Acontia candefacta u Hrvatskoj

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    During faunistic surveys of the moths of northern Croatia, six specimens of the olive-shaded birddropping moth, Acontia candefacta, were recorded. Five specimens were attracted to light traps at the sandy area of Kloštarski pijesci near Đurđevac, while a single specimen was recorded on the southern slopes of Medvednica Nature Park near Zagreb. This species was deliberately introduced from Canada to Russia in 1969 in order to control the spread of the invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., and has so far spread across eastern and parts of central Europe, including Serbia and Hungary. With this survey A. candefacta has for the first time been recorded in Croatia, which confirmed the further spread of this species toward western Europe.Tijekom faunističkih istraživanja noćnih leptira sjeverne Hrvatske zabilježeno je šest primjeraka ambrozijine sovice, Acontia candefacta. Pet primjeraka privučeno je svjetlosnim zamkama na pješčanom području Kloštarskih pijesaka kod Đurđevca, dok je jedan primjerak zabilježen na južnim padinama Parka prirode Medvednica kod Zagreba. Ova vrsta namjerno je uvedena iz Kanade u Rusiju 1969. godine radi kontrole širenja invazivne biljke Ambrosia artemisiifolia, a dosad se proširila na dijelove istočne i središnje Europe, uključujući Srbiju i Mađarsku. Ovim je istraživanjem A. candefacta po prvi puta zabilježena na području Hrvatske, čime je potvrđeno daljnje širenje vrste prema zapadu Europ