63 research outputs found

    Morphological integration of the kinetic skull in Natrix snakes

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    Morphological integration, the covariation among phenotypic traits generated by common development and function, has been in the scope of evolutionary research for decades. As a morphological structure with complex development and various functions, the cranial skeleton represents a particularly interesting model for studies on morphological integration. However, most of the empirical investigations were done on akinetic and compact cranial skeletons of mammals. Here, we explore the pattern of integration in the extremely kinetic cranial skeleton of two closely related snake species, Natrix natrix and N. tessellata (Natricinae, Colubridae). In snakes, elements of jaws and palates on the left and right side are not spatially connected or firmly fused, allowing independent motion. Spatial independence of skeletal elements on the left and right side and their functional interconnections with extreme kinetic abilities, provide unique feeding performance in this group of tetrapods. By comparing patterns of symmetric and asymmetric components of variation we analysed cavariation patterns between kinetic and akinetic cranial elements. We tested whether the functionally and spatially connected bones are more integrated than disconnected ones and we examine impact of development and function on the morphological integration. We also explored whether and how allometry affects morphological integration in the snake's skull. Using micro-CT scanning 3D geometric morphometrics we showed strong covariation between the braincase and elements of the feeding apparatus, and that spatially disconnected elements are not more integrated than the connected ones. We also showed that function is the main factor that generates the pattern of morphological integration, because the signal of developmental integration is very weak and probably masked by strong functional integration of skeletal elements. Allometry has a significant impact on the morphological integration, by increasing integration of the skull, particularly integration of the lower jaw bones (compound and dentary), prefrontal, palatine and quadrate with the other skeletal elements. Ā© 2017 The Zoological Society of London.Journal of Zoology (2017)Pre-prin

    Atypical pyoderma gangrenosum in a patient with osteomyelofibrosis

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    Background. Atypical forms of pyoderma gangrenosum generally appear on the upper extremities; most frequently they are associated with myeloproliferative disorders, including osteomyelofibrosis. A response to systemic steroids is more pronounced than in classical form. Sometimes it may be the first sign of an underlying malignancy. Case report. We reported a patient with atypical pyoderma gangrenosum developed during the course of a myeloid malignancy - osteomyelofibrosis. The lesions occurred after a minor trauma. Painful blistering plaques, with an elevated, bluish-gray border were located on the dorsal aspect of hands. No skin malignancy was found. The lesions resolved rapidly to systemic steroids. Conclusion. Considering the unusual clinical presentation which makes the diagnosis difficult, as well as the fact that atypical forms of pyoderma gangrenosum can be the first sign of malignancies, especially myeloproliferative ones, recognizing this entity enables timely guiding future investigations toward their prompt detection

    Quality and autochthonous microbiota of dry-cured sheep ham from western Balkans

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    Dry-cured sheep ham is a traditional product of Western Balkans. It is prepared by dry curing specially treated whole sheep carcasses which are smoked for a short time and spontaneously fermented in air under uncontrolled conditions. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) play a key role in defining the quality and organoleptic characteristics of dry-cured sheep ham. The aim of this research was to investigate the chemical parameters of drycured sheep ham quality as well as the isolation and preliminary categorization of LAB. To this end, samples of dry-cured sheep ham were obtained from nine sheep of average age of about five years, from three households from the geographical area Sjenica (Western Serbia). Physicochemical analysis has determined the content of water, protein, fat, mineral matter, water activity and pH values in the product. Phenotypic characterization of LAB isolated from dry-cured sheep ham was based on the general morphology of the cell, physiological tests and sugar fermentation patterns of LAB isolates. 124 isolates of LAB were preliminary identified as Lactobacillus curvatus , Lactobacillus sakei and Enterococcus faecium . Chemical analysis confirmed a harmonious relationship between the quality parameters of dry-cured sheep ham.Author's versio

    First record of the four-lined snake Elaphe quatuorlineata (LacĆ©pĆØde, 1789) in Serbia

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    This paper presents the first record of four-lined snake Elaphe quatuorlineata in Serbia. In Serbia and Montenegro, according to the literature data, this species was found only in Mediterranean and submediterranean Montenegro. We present here data about founding site and suggest conservation measures for this species in Serbia

    Determination of nickel content in the semimembranosus muscle of pigs produced in Vojvodina

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    The content of nickel was investigated in the M. semimembranosus of sixty-nine pigs from ten different genetic lines produced in Vojvodina. Nickel was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after mineralization by dry ashing. The difference in the nickel content in the analyzed muscle tissues among different genetic lines of pigs was not significant (P > 0.05). Nickel levels ranged from 12.93 to 80.18 Ī¼g/100 g, with a general average of 32.41 Ī¼g/100 g. The average level of nickel was found to be higher than the levels observed in pork in some developed countries

    Amphibians in Serbia: Distribution and diversity patterns

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    Considering the need for an up-to-date overview of the distribution and diversity of amphibians of Serbia, we mapped the species distributions upon current, mostly unpublished, faunistic data. Also, we compared batrachofaunas of Serbia and other Balkan countries in terms of species number and zoogeographic batrachofaunistic elements. With its 21 native species (8 urodeles and 13 anurans), Serbia appears to be the second most diverse country in the Balkans. We found three main centres of species richness in Panonnian and Peripannonian Serbia (with 15-17 species per 50 x 50 km square) which signals urgency for their protection. Serbian batrachofauna is most similar to that of the eastern Balkan countries (Bulgaria and Romania). Zoogeographic analysis showed that amphibian fauna of Serbia consists of six chorotypes, with the central-European and southern-European as the most dominant ones.S obzirom na potrebu za najnovijim pregledom distribucije i diverziteta vodozemaca Srbije, u ovom radu prikazane su distribucije vrsta dobijene na osnovu postojećih i velikog broja do sada neobjavljenih faunističkih podataka. Dodatno, poređena je batrahofaunu Srbije i ostalih balkanskih zemalja u odnosu na broj vrsta i zoogeografskih batrahofaunističkih elemenata. Sa 21 autohtonom vrstom (8 vrsta repatih vodozemaca i 13 vrsta bezrepih vodozemaca), Srbija je druga zemlja Balkana po diverzitetu vodozemaca. Utvrđeno je postojanje tri glavna centra diverziteta u Panonskoj i Peripanonskoj Srbiji (sa 15-17 vrsta u okviru 50 Ɨ 50 km2) Å”to ukazuje na hitnost uvođenja mera zaÅ”tite ovih centara. Batrahofauna Srbije je najsličnija istočnim balkanskim zemljama (Bugarska i Rumunija). Zoogeografska analiza pokazala je da se fauna vodozemaca Srbije sastoji od Å”est horotipova, sa centralnoevropskim i južnoevropskim kao dominantnim horotipovima.Projekat ministarstva br. 17304

    Morphological analyses allow to separate Branchipus species (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) from different geographic regions

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    In Serbia, Branchipus Schaeffer, 1766 is especially common in the Pannonian lowlands, where Branchipus schaefferi and Branchipus serbicus were previously reported. In the southern parts of the country, at the foothills of the Stara Planina Mountains, a Branchipus intermedius population is reported to occur. We used multivariate analysis to assess the degree of morphological variability between Branchipus populations currently ascribed to different species. Morphometric characters contributed the most to the morphological differentiation. Populations were better defined on the basis of male morphometric characters. Our results indicate that individuals from the southeastern, mountainous part of the country had the highest level of differentiation. We confirmed that this population belongs to B. intermedius. The individuals of the presumed species B. serbicus exhibited a fairly lower level of morphological differentiation in the present study, and grouped together with other lowland Serbian populations ascribed to B. schaefferi. According to this study, B. serbicus is a junior synonym of B. schaefferi.This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Hydrobiologia. The final authenticated version is available online at: [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-017-3286-0

    The herpetological collection of the Institute for biological research ā€œSiniÅ”a Stankovićā€, University of Belgrade

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja popis vrsta gmizavaca deponovanih u herpetoloÅ”koj zbirci Instituta za BioloÅ”ka Istraživanja 'SiniÅ”a Stanković', Univerziteta u Beogradu. Zbirka se sastoji od 8213 primeraka 65 vrsta gmizavaca sakupljenih iz 23 zemlje. Najveći deo zbirke sadrži materijal sa teritorije bivÅ”e Jugoslavije. Vrste zastupljene u zbirci klasifikovane su u okviru 19 porodica (tri u okviru Testudines, osam u okviru Lacertilia i osam u okviru Serpentes). Po broju primeraka, najzastupljenije su porodice Lacertidae (6043 - 73,6 %), Colubridae (612 - 7,5 %) i Viperidae (530 - 6,5 %), dok su porodice Cheloniidae, Chamaeleonidae, Phrynosomatidae, Erycidae i Elapidae zastupljene sa po jednim ili dva primerka. Primerci svih vrsta gmizavaca koji žive u Srbiji postoje u zbirci, kao i većina vrsta karakterističnih za Balkansko poluostrvo. Specifičan značaj zbirke ogleda se u velikim populacionim uzorcima nekoliko vrsta. Osim istorijskog značaja, posebna vrednost herpetoloÅ”ke zbirke ogleda se u tome Å”to deponovan materijal omogućava studije sistematike, distribucije, ekologije, morfologije, konzervacione biologije kao i različitih evolucionih i biogeografskih fenomena (npr. endemizma, intraspecijskog diverziteta, hibridizacije taksona, itd)

    Species diversity and distribution of lizards in Montenegro

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    The southern part of Montenegro has been identified as an area with high diversity of herpetofauna. However, comprehensive studies of distribution and diversity patterns of reptiles on the country level are still missing. Such studies are essential in designating areas of special conservation importance and nature protection planning in a milieu of increased habitat loss and degradation due to rapid urbanization and tourism development in this small Mediterranean country. To make progress on this problem, we analyzed distribution and diversity patterns of the lizards in Montenegro using a large database consisting of literature data and our unpublished records. We found that fifteen lizard species inhabit Montenegro, and two additional species may be present. The lizards were most diverse in the Maritime biogeographic region of Montenegro, while low diversity was found predominantly along the state borders in the Mountain-valley region. The identified pattern of lizard diversity is at least partly influenced by sampling bias. The eastern mountainous subregion had a distinct species composition compared to all other parts of the country. The East-Mediterranean chorotype was the most dominant, represented by seven species. The great diversity of the lizard fauna of Montenegro can be attributed to its specific topographic position with great influence of Mediterranean climate, heterogeneity of biomes, complex geological history and diverse physiogeographic features. High lizard species richness in the Maritime region and a unique species composition in the eastern subregion of Montenegro indicate that these areas are of high conservation interest
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